Python+SQL+Oracle and Endless Possibilities
Python+SQL+Oracle and Endless Possibilities, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 72 lectures, based on 58 reviews, and has 392 subscribers.
You will learn about Python, SQL, PLSQL and Oracle Database cx_Oracle, tkinter, pandas and other python libraries Data Analytics using Python on Oracle Database Develop a real life application using Python on Oracle Database. Large Objects (LOB, CLOB, BLOB), Advanced Message Queues (AMQ), Type Handler. Interaction with Hadoop database through HIVE. This course is ideal for individuals who are Application Developer or Product development architect or Python Developer or Oracle Developer or Oracle EBS Professional or Data Scientist or Machine Learning Professionals or Project Manager or Business Analyst or System Architect or Solution Architect It is particularly useful for Application Developer or Product development architect or Python Developer or Oracle Developer or Oracle EBS Professional or Data Scientist or Machine Learning Professionals or Project Manager or Business Analyst or System Architect or Solution Architect.
Enroll now: Python+SQL+Oracle and Endless Possibilities
Title: Python+SQL+Oracle and Endless Possibilities
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 72
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 73
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 65
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Python, SQL, PLSQL and Oracle Database
- cx_Oracle, tkinter, pandas and other python libraries
- Data Analytics using Python on Oracle Database
- Develop a real life application using Python on Oracle Database.
- Large Objects (LOB, CLOB, BLOB), Advanced Message Queues (AMQ), Type Handler.
- Interaction with Hadoop database through HIVE.
Who Should Attend
- Application Developer
- Product development architect
- Python Developer
- Oracle Developer
- Oracle EBS Professional
- Data Scientist
- Machine Learning Professionals
- Project Manager
- Business Analyst
- System Architect
- Solution Architect
Target Audiences
- Application Developer
- Product development architect
- Python Developer
- Oracle Developer
- Oracle EBS Professional
- Data Scientist
- Machine Learning Professionals
- Project Manager
- Business Analyst
- System Architect
- Solution Architect
Welcome to the most popular Python, SQL, and Oracle database course on Udemy.
Python is among the top three programming languages. Organizations like Quora, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, Dropbox, Pinterest, Reddit, and Netflixhave most of their new code written in Python. Google has now adopted Python as its secondary coding language and has committed to using it more in its new product offerings.
Needless to say, Python programming is a secrete key to a successful future.
Why Python & SQL:
Oracle database is the most popular databasemanagement system. More and more Python applications are being developed on the Oracle database.
Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) will soon have the ability to integrate with custom-developed Python-based analytic applications.
Software Development Kit (SDK) of most of the Oracle products like Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Oracle Database Management on Cloud, etc. are available in Python.
Python-based applications can be launched on OCI under the application container.
Python can be used to expose Oracle ERP programs as a REST API for integrating with cloud applications.
While Oracle has its programming language SQLand PLSQL, its capacity is limited when it comes to developing a diverse application.
Considering the popularity of Python in Application Development, Data Analytics, and Cloud-based SaaS application development, no IT professional can afford to not learn Python and connect it with the database.
Considering the huge customer base of Oracle, professionals with knowledge of Python, SQL, Oracle are in great demand.
Don’t be left out and prepare well for these opportunities.
So, what are you waiting for?
Pay once, benefit a lifetime! This is an evolving course! Python, SQL, Oracle database, and future versions will be covered in this course. You won’t lose out on anything! Don’t lose any time, gain an edge, and start now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Architecture
Chapter 2: Development Tools
Lecture 1: IDE tools
Lecture 2: Anaconda and Jupyter Installation
Lecture 3: Google Collab
Chapter 3: Oracle Database
Lecture 1: Oracle Express Database Installation
Lecture 2: SQL Developer Download
Lecture 3: SQL Developer Connection
Lecture 4: User Creation
Chapter 4: Python Tools
Lecture 1: Python Basics
Lecture 2: Install cx_Oracle
Lecture 3: Python and cx_Oracle without Anaconda (Optional)
Chapter 5: Connecting the Database
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Standalone Connection
Lecture 3: Where is my python installed
Lecture 4: Standalone Connection with password file
Lecture 5: Connection Pool
Chapter 6: SQL & Python
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Cursor Method
Lecture 3: Table Creation
Lecture 4: Data Insertion
Lecture 5: Data Modification
Lecture 6: Data Selection
Lecture 7: Bind Variable
Lecture 8: Bind Variable (more than one variable)
Lecture 9: Bind Variable in Insert Statement
Lecture 10: Error Handling
Chapter 7: PLSQL & Python
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Call PLSQL Procedure in Python
Lecture 3: Call PLSQL Function in Python
Lecture 4: Anonymous PLSQL
Lecture 5: Error Handling- Data Integrity Error
Lecture 6: Error Handling- Overall Error codes
Chapter 8: Type Handler
Lecture 1: Output Type Handler
Chapter 9: Project #1: Large Objects (LOB)
Lecture 1: Large Objects
Lecture 2: CLOB
Lecture 3: BLOB
Chapter 10: Project #2: Advanced Messaging Queues
Lecture 1: Advanced Messaging Queuing (AMQ) Introduction
Lecture 2: Advanced Queue (AQ) in Oracle Database
Lecture 3: Create and Start Queue
Lecture 4: Enqueue Messages
Lecture 5: Dequeue Messages
Chapter 11: Project #3: Application Development
Lecture 1: Python Apps development Framework Introduction
Lecture 2: Tkinter Basics
Lecture 3: Tkinter: A Purchasing App Development
Lecture 4: Tkinter: App Demo
Lecture 5: PO Application Object Creation
Lecture 6: Tkinter: PO Enquiry Screen Development-1
Lecture 7: Tkinter: PO Enquiry Screen Development -2
Lecture 8: Tkinter: PO Header Screen Demo
Lecture 9: Tkinter: PO Header Entry Screen
Chapter 12: Report Development
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: ReportLab library
Lecture 3: PO Document Layout
Lecture 4: PO Report Prepartion
Lecture 5: PO Report Heder Development
Lecture 6: PO Report Line Development
Chapter 13: Project#4: System Integration
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Pandas Introduction
Lecture 3: Pandas Demo
Lecture 4: PO Header Staging table creation
Lecture 5: Read files of a directory
Lecture 6: Integrate file content into a database table
Chapter 14: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Congratulations!
Sanjay Singh
Data and Machine Learning Professional
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 20 votes
- 5 stars: 26 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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