Qt 5 QML For Beginners: The Fundamentals
Qt 5 QML For Beginners: The Fundamentals, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 99 lectures, based on 1888 reviews, and has 7526 subscribers.
You will learn about The basics of working with the QML language Working with Qt Quick basic elements and building your own in QML Signals and slots in QML Working with input elements Working with Javascript in QML Positioning elements in QML Running your QML Apps on Android Qt Quick Controls 2 framework Working with Dialogs in QML Models,Views and Delegates Transforms,Transitions and Animations Networking : Fetching HTTP Data and JSON(REST) APIs Settings and Local Storage This course is ideal for individuals who are Designers willing to jump into Qt Quick Prototyping and UI Design or Existing Qt C++ Programmers willing to add Qt Quick to their Arsenal or Anyone willing to build Fluid and Dynamic User Interfaces capable of running on desktop, mobile and embedded devices It is particularly useful for Designers willing to jump into Qt Quick Prototyping and UI Design or Existing Qt C++ Programmers willing to add Qt Quick to their Arsenal or Anyone willing to build Fluid and Dynamic User Interfaces capable of running on desktop, mobile and embedded devices.
Enroll now: Qt 5 QML For Beginners: The Fundamentals
Title: Qt 5 QML For Beginners: The Fundamentals
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 99
Number of Published Lectures: 99
Number of Curriculum Items: 99
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 99
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The basics of working with the QML language
- Working with Qt Quick basic elements and building your own in QML
- Signals and slots in QML
- Working with input elements
- Working with Javascript in QML
- Positioning elements in QML
- Running your QML Apps on Android
- Qt Quick Controls 2 framework
- Working with Dialogs in QML
- Models,Views and Delegates
- Transforms,Transitions and Animations
- Networking : Fetching HTTP Data and JSON(REST) APIs
- Settings and Local Storage
Who Should Attend
- Designers willing to jump into Qt Quick Prototyping and UI Design
- Existing Qt C++ Programmers willing to add Qt Quick to their Arsenal
- Anyone willing to build Fluid and Dynamic User Interfaces capable of running on desktop, mobile and embedded devices
Target Audiences
- Designers willing to jump into Qt Quick Prototyping and UI Design
- Existing Qt C++ Programmers willing to add Qt Quick to their Arsenal
- Anyone willing to build Fluid and Dynamic User Interfaces capable of running on desktop, mobile and embedded devices
Important note : There is an update of this course to Qt 6. If you’re just starting out, that’s what you should take. Take this if you have a specific reason to target Qt 5.
Qt Quick (QML) is the latest and greatest technology from the Qt Framework, to build slick looking , fluid, dynamic and cross platform User Interfaces that can run mobile devices(Android,IoS, touch devices (embedded) and any major desktop platform out there(Linux,Windows,Mac). Qt Quick can be used to build stand-alone applications, but it can also be interfaced and/or extended with a C++ back end.
The main aim of this course is to help you succeed in becoming a Qt Quick/QML GUI Designer and do so in the most effective amount of time possible. The course is packed with lots of straight to the point, easy to understand demos, that are carefully designed to help you master a given Qt Quick UI development topic at hand.
The target student is anyone willing to add Qt Quick/QML UI design to their stack of skills. While Qt Quick is built on top of Qt and C++, no knowledge of Qt or C++ is required. The course will equally be useful to both designers willing to jump into Qt Quick and existing C++ developers willing to level up their skills in fluid UI design.
We start by getting your development environment set up and get you to run your first Qt Quick application. We then jump into topics like
Dissecting the QML Syntax , where we explore subjects like the QML syntax, Basic Types of QML, Properties and Handlers,Property Binding and the Qt Quick Global Object;
Qt Quick Basic Elements, and look at elements like Rectangle,Text, Image and Item;
Signals and Slots;
Working with Javascript, where we explore the javascript environment available to you in QML, where and how to type your Javascript code in QML files, functions and scope and importing external Javascript files;
User Input Elements : TextInput, TextEdit, MouseArea and drag and drop, Keys Attached Properties, KeyNavigation and FocusScope
Qt Quick Positioning and explore subjects like Anchors, Positioners, Layouts and Flow
Qt Quick on Mobile Devices : we take you on a detailed journey on how to run your Qt Quick Apps on Android and guide you on how you would do the same on IoS.
Qt Quick Controls where we explore a host of Ui Components available and ready to be consumed by your awesome apps ;
Dialogs : ColorDialog, FileDialog,FontDialog, MessageDialog and Custom Dialogs
Model , View and Delegate where we explore the pieces of the puzzle needed to take advantage of the Model View Delegate Architeture in Qt Quick
Transitions, Transforms and Animations : Oooh Animations! This is the most fun and captivating subject for me in Qt Quick. We take you on a tour of how you animate your Qt Quick Components and bring your designs to life using tricks like states and transitions.
Network : We show you how to download HTTP data using XmlHttpRequest and how to consume REST APIs in your Qt Quick apps using the same Javascript Object
Storage : We first use the Settings component from the Qt.labs module to save and load your applications settings and do the same thing using the LocalStorage module that is backed by an embedded SQLite database.
Qt is the platform of choice for thousands of software projects and some of the most successful companies on the planet. Learning Qt Quick will certainly level up your abilities in taking advantage of this rich and awesome framework. Please check out some of the preview videos and lets get you STARTED building slick and fluid User Interfaces with Qt Quick.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Important notice: PLEASE READ!
Lecture 2: Welcome
Lecture 3: Install Qt & Tools on Windows
Lecture 4: Installing Qt & Tools on Linux
Lecture 5: Running your QML Applications
Lecture 6: Join the Official Support Channels
Lecture 7: About Qt Technologies
Chapter 2: Dissecting the QML Syntax
Lecture 1: QML Syntax : An Overview
Lecture 2: Basic Types of the QML Language-Part1
Lecture 3: Basic Types of the QML Language-Part2
Lecture 4: Property Binding in QML
Lecture 5: The QtQuick Global Object
Lecture 6: Properties and Handlers
Chapter 3: Qt Quick Basic Elements
Lecture 1: A tour of Qt Quick basic Elements Part 1 : Item, Rectangle and Text
Lecture 2: A tour of Qt Quick basic Elements Part 2 : Image
Lecture 3: Building your own custom elements
Chapter 4: Signals and Slots
Lecture 1: Signals and Slots Explained
Lecture 2: Signals and Slots Demo1
Lecture 3: Signals and Slosts Demo2 ( Have two external components communicate)
Chapter 5: User Input Elements
Lecture 1: User Input Elements Overview
Lecture 2: TextInput Element
Lecture 3: TextEdit Element
Lecture 4: MouseArea , Drag and Drop
Lecture 5: Keys Attached Properties
Lecture 6: Key Navigation
Lecture 7: Focus Scope
Chapter 6: Working with Javascript
Lecture 1: How Javacript fits into QML
Lecture 2: Javascript Used in QML Code
Lecture 3: Functions and Scope
Lecture 4: Direct Import of External JS Files
Lecture 5: Indirect Import of External JS Files
Chapter 7: Qt Quick Positioning
Lecture 1: Qt Quick Positioning Offerings(Intro)
Lecture 2: Anchors Part1
Lecture 3: Anchors Part2
Lecture 4: Positioners
Lecture 5: Layouts
Lecture 6: Flow
Chapter 8: Qt and Qt Quick on Mobile Devices
Lecture 1: Qt on Multiple Platforms
Lecture 2: Android Environment Setup
Lecture 3: Running your Qt Quick App on Android
Lecture 4: Qt on IOS
Chapter 9: Qt Quick Controls
Lecture 1: Qt Quick Controls Introduction
Lecture 2: Button Control
Lecture 3: Button Control (Mobile) : Yet another Qt on Android Demo
Lecture 4: Busy Indicator Control
Lecture 5: CheckBox Control
Lecture 6: ComboBox Control
Lecture 7: Delay Button
Lecture 8: Dial Control
Lecture 9: Frame
Lecture 10: GroupBox, RadioButton and CheckBox
Lecture 11: SwipeView and PageIndicator
Lecture 12: ProgressBar
Lecture 13: RangeSlider
Lecture 14: Flickable and ScrollBar
Lecture 15: Slider
Lecture 16: Switch
Lecture 17: Page, SwipeView and TabBar
Lecture 18: Background Property of the TextArea Control
Lecture 19: TextArea
Lecture 20: TextField and Label
Lecture 21: SplitView Control
Lecture 22: Drawer Control
Lecture 23: SpinBox Control
Lecture 24: Application Window and Menus (Desktop)
Chapter 10: Dialogs
Lecture 1: Introduction to Dialogs in Qt Quick
Lecture 2: ColorDialog
Lecture 3: FileDialog
Lecture 4: FontDialog
Lecture 5: MessageDialog
Lecture 6: CustomDialogs
Lecture 7: Qt5.12 Note : Dialog Component Binding Loop Warning
Chapter 11: Models Views and Delegates
Lecture 1: Introduction to Model View Architecture
Lecture 2: ListView and ListModel
Lecture 3: Using a Direct(Inline) Models and Delegates
Lecture 4: Decorations : Headers, Footers and Highlights
Lecture 5: Decorations : Sections
Lecture 6: Repeaters
Lecture 7: Modifying your Models Dynamically
Lecture 8: GridView
Lecture 9: XMLListModel
Chapter 12: Transforms, Transitions and Animations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Transforms, Transitions and Animations
Lecture 2: Working with Transforms
Lecture 3: Working with Animations
Lecture 4: Standalone Animations
Lecture 5: Easings Explained
Lecture 6: Grouped Animations
Lecture 7: Demo : Animated Ball Bounce
Daniel Gakwaya
Software Engineer at Blikoon Technologies
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 21 votes
- 3 stars: 147 votes
- 4 stars: 712 votes
- 5 stars: 984 votes
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