Quantum Computing in Python using Qiskit
Quantum Computing in Python using Qiskit, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 102 lectures, 21 quizzes, based on 173 reviews, and has 3537 subscribers.
You will learn about Qiskit Quantum Computing Quantum Information Python Quantum Mechanics Quantum Protocols Quantum Algorithms Quantum Machine Learning This course is ideal for individuals who are Curious about Quantum Computing It is particularly useful for Curious about Quantum Computing.
Enroll now: Quantum Computing in Python using Qiskit
Title: Quantum Computing in Python using Qiskit
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 102
Number of Quizzes: 21
Number of Published Lectures: 102
Number of Published Quizzes: 21
Number of Curriculum Items: 123
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 123
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Qiskit
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Information
- Python
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Protocols
- Quantum Algorithms
- Quantum Machine Learning
Who Should Attend
- Curious about Quantum Computing
Target Audiences
- Curious about Quantum Computing
This course is constructed for students interested in Quantum Computing. Whether you are new to quantum computers or someone already familiar with the subject, this is a course for you. Each section of the course has a τheoretical part and a Coding part so that you can become a master in Quantum Computing. I have constructed this course in a way that you will use as little as possible maths while at the same time you will explore every possible aspect of Quantum programming using Qiskit.
Use this course to get ahead of the technology and be useful for the future.Companies like IBM, Microsoft, D-Wave, Google, Intel, Toshiba, Xanadu, Rigetti Computing, Zapata Computing are engaged in the development of quantum computing and are looking for people to work in this field.
Learn Quantum Computing and you will be one step ahead.
Quantum Computers will change our lives and unsolvable problems will be solved. Quantum Computers will offer new drugs, better AI, new encryption schemes and solve problems more efficiently. Industries that evolved in finance, data science, communications, chemicals, software engineering, and academics are investing large amounts of money in this field.
Seize the opportunity to be one of the first.
Τhe topics that will be covered throughout the course:
Mathematics primaries for Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing Theory
Single Qubit Quantum States and Single Qubit Quantum Gates
Multiple Qubits Quantum States and Multiple Qubit Quantum Gates
Qiskit’s Tools for Quantum Computing
Run experiments on Real Quantum Computers
IBM’s Quantum Composer
Obtain information about Backends
Visualization of Circuits and Results
Quantum Information using Qiskit
Quantum Communication Protocols
Quantum Teleportation
SuperDense Coding
BB84 Protocol
Quantum Oracles Algorithms
Deutch-Jozsa Algorithm
Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
Simon’s Algorithm
Grover’s Algorithm
Quantum Phase Estimation
Quantum Fourier Transformation
Shor’s Algorithm
Quantum machine Learning
All the materials used in this course is completely free and downloadable. Through this course, you will solve many practical tests and coding exercises to get your Certificate of completion and become master in Quantum Computing. Training starts from Zero and ends with Hero.
Reach me on the Q&A for questions!
Enjoy Quantum Programming!
Markellos Anastasios
MSc Theoretical Physicist
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Complex Numbers
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Arithmetics with Complexs
Lecture 3: Complex Conjugate
Lecture 4: Euler's Formula
Lecture 5: notes
Chapter 2: Linear Algebra
Lecture 1: Scalars and Vectors
Lecture 2: Vectors as Matrices
Lecture 3: Matrices
Lecture 4: Matrix Multiplication
Lecture 5: Tensor Product
Lecture 6: Unitary Matrices
Lecture 7: Lecture Notes
Chapter 3: Quantum Computing Theoretical Minimum
Lecture 1: Dirac Notation
Lecture 2: Qubits
Lecture 3: Global Phase
Lecture 4: Bloch's Sphere
Lecture 5: Density Matrix
Lecture 6: Purity
Lecture 7: Fidelity
Lecture 8: Quantum Circuit Model
Lecture 9: Lecture Notes
Chapter 4: Python and Qiskit Setup
Lecture 1: Python and Qiskit Setup on Windows
Lecture 2: Python and Qiskit Setup on Linux
Chapter 5: Single Qubit Quantum Gates
Lecture 1: (Theory) Initial State
Lecture 2: (Theory)Identity gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 3: (Coding) Identity gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 4: (Theory) Pauli X gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 5: (Coding) Pauli X gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 6: (Theory) Pauli Y gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 7: (Coding ) Pauli Y gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 8: (Theory) Pauli Z gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 9: (Coding) Pauli Z gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 10: (Theory) Hadamard gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 11: (Coding) Hadamard gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 12: (Theory) Rx gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 13: (Coding) Rx gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 14: (Theory) Ry gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 15: (Coding) Ry gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 16: (Theory) Rz gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 17: (Coding) Rz gate operates in the ground state
Lecture 18: (Coding) Identity gate operates on the excited state
Lecture 19: (Coding) Pauli X gate operates on the excited state
Lecture 20: (Coding) Pauli Y gate operates in the excited state
Lecture 21: (Coding) Pauli Z gate operates in the excited state
Lecture 22: (Coding) Hadamard gate operates in the excited state
Lecture 23: (Coding) Rx gate operates in the excited state
Lecture 24: (Coding) Ry gate operates in the excited state
Lecture 25: (Coding) Rz gate operates in the excited state
Chapter 6: Single Qubit Quantum Gates Identities
Lecture 1: (Theory)Single qubit Identities
Lecture 2: (Coding)Single qubit Identities
Chapter 7: The Most Generall Single Qubit Gate
Lecture 1: Theory
Lecture 2: Coding
Chapter 8: Ramsey Interferometry
Lecture 1: Theory
Lecture 2: Coding
Chapter 9: Multiple Qubits
Lecture 1: (Theory) Multiple Qubits Part I
Lecture 2: (Theory) Multiple Qubits Part II
Lecture 3: (Theory) Two Qubits Quantum Gates
Lecture 4: (Coding) Two Qubits Quantum Gates
Lecture 5: Two Qubits Quantum Gates
Lecture 6: (Theory) Bell States
Lecture 7: (Coding) Bell States
Lecture 8: (Coding) Reduced Density Matrix
Lecture 9: (Theory) Toffoli Gate
Lecture 10: (Coding) Toffoli Gate
Chapter 10: Qiskit's Tools
Lecture 1: (Coding) Beautiful Circuits
Lecture 2: (Coding) Beautiful Results
Lecture 3: (Coding)Arbitrary State Initialization
Lecture 4: (Coding)Arbitrary Gate Initialization
Lecture 5: (Coding)Inverse and Transform Circuit to Gate
Anastasios Markellos
Theoretical Physicist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 26 votes
- 4 stars: 45 votes
- 5 stars: 91 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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