Quantum Computing with Qiskit Ultimate Masterclass
Quantum Computing with Qiskit Ultimate Masterclass, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.11, with 268 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 272 reviews, and has 14274 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the fundamentals of mathematics and physics behind Quantum Computing Explore core concepts of Quantum Computing – Superposition, Interference and Entanglement Learn about Quantum Gates and construct Quantum Circuits with IBM Qiskit Learn Quantum Gate decomposition and Quantum Circuit Optimization of large Quantum Circuits Learn Quantum Teleportation and Superdense Coding with their implementation using IBM Qiskit Run your Quantum Programs on a real IBM Quantum Computer Learn and gain background to think and analyze about Quantum Algorithms Gain Confidence to tackle Quantum Programming Challenges organized by Quantum Computing Companies This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who are curious to know about Quantum Computing or High School students with basic background on mathematics and Python programming or University students who want to learn and apply Quantum Computing or Industry professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing or Technology enthusiasts who want to explore the world of Quantum Computing or Business professionals who want to leverage the power of quantum computing in their decision making process or Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs who want to enter into this cutting-edge field and provide services to others or Anyone who want to start their career in Quantum Computing or Machine Learning, Deep Learning or AI professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing It is particularly useful for Beginners who are curious to know about Quantum Computing or High School students with basic background on mathematics and Python programming or University students who want to learn and apply Quantum Computing or Industry professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing or Technology enthusiasts who want to explore the world of Quantum Computing or Business professionals who want to leverage the power of quantum computing in their decision making process or Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs who want to enter into this cutting-edge field and provide services to others or Anyone who want to start their career in Quantum Computing or Machine Learning, Deep Learning or AI professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing.
Enroll now: Quantum Computing with Qiskit Ultimate Masterclass
Title: Quantum Computing with Qiskit Ultimate Masterclass
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.11
Number of Lectures: 268
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 268
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 275
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 275
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the fundamentals of mathematics and physics behind Quantum Computing
- Explore core concepts of Quantum Computing – Superposition, Interference and Entanglement
- Learn about Quantum Gates and construct Quantum Circuits with IBM Qiskit
- Learn Quantum Gate decomposition and Quantum Circuit Optimization of large Quantum Circuits
- Learn Quantum Teleportation and Superdense Coding with their implementation using IBM Qiskit
- Run your Quantum Programs on a real IBM Quantum Computer
- Learn and gain background to think and analyze about Quantum Algorithms
- Gain Confidence to tackle Quantum Programming Challenges organized by Quantum Computing Companies
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who are curious to know about Quantum Computing
- High School students with basic background on mathematics and Python programming
- University students who want to learn and apply Quantum Computing
- Industry professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing
- Technology enthusiasts who want to explore the world of Quantum Computing
- Business professionals who want to leverage the power of quantum computing in their decision making process
- Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs who want to enter into this cutting-edge field and provide services to others
- Anyone who want to start their career in Quantum Computing
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning or AI professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing
Target Audiences
- Beginners who are curious to know about Quantum Computing
- High School students with basic background on mathematics and Python programming
- University students who want to learn and apply Quantum Computing
- Industry professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing
- Technology enthusiasts who want to explore the world of Quantum Computing
- Business professionals who want to leverage the power of quantum computing in their decision making process
- Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs who want to enter into this cutting-edge field and provide services to others
- Anyone who want to start their career in Quantum Computing
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning or AI professionals who want to up-skill themselves with Quantum Computing
**Please note that more lecture videos, quizzes, and LaTeX formatted clean notes are being uploaded in the course**
Fascinated by Quantum Computing and it’s science fiction like capabilities? Then you arrived at the right place, this course is designed for you!
Quantum Computing is the intersection of computer science, mathematics and quantum physics which utilizes the phenomena of quantum mechanics to perform computations which classical computers cannot perform. Quantum computers are faster than classical computers and provides significant speedup in different kinds of algorithms such as searching data elements or breaking RSA encryption systems!
It is expected that the Quantum Computing industry is going to grow at a rapid rate from around USD 500 million in 2021 to nearly USD 1800 million (1.8 billion!) by 2026. Various industries such as banking, finance, space technology, defense, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, power, transportation, logistics, academia and government are going to do well out of this cutting-edge technology.
Several countries such as USA, China, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Spain, South Korea, India and Canada are investing large amounts of finances in the field of quantum computing due to its promising potential which is also going to create more jobs in this field. There is a huge talent deficit in the field of quantum computing and therefore much efforts and investments (in billions) have been put by various industries working on quantum computing through education and research. Some of the prominent players in quantum computing includes – IBM, Microsoft, Google, Intel, D-Wave, Xanadu Quantum Technologies, Rigetti Computing, Zapata Computing, Honeywell, IonQ, Cambridge Quantum, Oxford Quantum Circuits and many more!
This is a masterclass hands-on (practical coding) and theoretical course on quantum computing which will introduce you to the fundamentals of quantum computing and you will implement several important quantum algorithms which has practical real life use cases!
Just as Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Science or Artificial Intelligence became popular a few years back due to the availability of data sets and technology (GPUs and TPUs), in a very similar manner, the field quantum computing is witnessing rapid growth and is going to have a major impact in your lives through the release of products or services by industries. This is the time to make yourself future proof and remain ahead of others!
The course has been divided into the following parts which has a coherent structure to help you navigate according to your requirements:
Part 1 – Introduction to Classical Computing
Part 2 – Mathematical Pre-requisites for Quantum Computing – Trigonometry, Complex Numbers, Linear Algebra and Probability
Part 3 – Quantum Mechanics for Quantum Computing
Part 4 – Introduction to Quantum Computing
Part 5 – Single Qubit Quantum Gates
Part 6 – Multi Qubit Quantum Gates
Part 7 – Constructing Quantum Circuits using Quantum Gates
Part 8 – Quantum Teleportation
Part 9 – Quantum Superdense Coding
Part 10 – Deutsch’s Algorithm
Part 11 – Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
Part 12 – Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
Part 13 – Simon’s Algorithm
Part 14 – Grover’s Search Algorithm
Part 15 – Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)
Part 16 – Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE)
Part 17 – Shor’s Algorithm
This course is exciting and full of practical exercises to help you reinforce the concepts which you learn in each of the topics. You will be utilizing the IBM Qiskit and Python platform to construct the quantum circuits and various algorithms.
I am feeling very exuberant about Quantum Computing as it has already started to disrupt industries and research. I can’t wait to see you inside the course! I hope to see you soon in the course!
Srinjoy Ganguly
Founder & CEO
AdroitERA (AERA)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Overview
Lecture 1: Why Learn Quantum Computing – The Motivation
Lecture 2: Applications of Quantum Computing
Lecture 3: Quantum Computing vs Classical Computing
Lecture 4: Course Introduction and Syllabus
Lecture 5: Course FAQs – Important
Chapter 2: Google Colab/ Python and IBM Qiskit Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Installing Anaconda IDE
Lecture 2: Creating an Environment with Anaconda IDE
Lecture 3: Installing IBM Qiskit on Anaconda
Chapter 3: —-Part 1 Introduction to Classical Computing—-
Lecture 1: Classical Computing Introduction
Chapter 4: Introduction to Classical Computing
Lecture 1: Introducing Classical Computing Hardware
Lecture 2: Digital Logic and Operations
Lecture 3: Introducing Classical Logic Gates
Lecture 4: Constructing Classical Circuits
Lecture 5: Complexity of Algorithms
Chapter 5: —Part 2 Mathematics for Quantum Computing—
Lecture 1: Mathematics for Quantum Computing
Chapter 6: Linear Algebra
Lecture 1: Introducing Vectors and Vector Spaces
Lecture 2: Dot Products and Inner Products
Lecture 3: Euclidean Norm
Lecture 4: Properties of Hilbert Spaces
Lecture 5: Matrices and Transformations
Lecture 6: Arithmetic of Matrices
Lecture 7: Outer Products
Lecture 8: Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors of an Operator
Lecture 9: Inverse of Matrix & Unitary Transformations
Lecture 10: Determinant, Trace & Expectation Value of an Operator
Lecture 11: Tensor Products
Lecture 12: Linear Algebra Latex Notes
Lecture 13: Linear Algebra Assignment
Chapter 7: Trigonometry & Complex Numbers
Lecture 1: 2D & 3D Cartesian Coordinate System
Lecture 2: Polar Coordinate System
Lecture 3: Complex Numbers & Complex Plane
Lecture 4: Complex Numbers & Trigonometry Assignment
Chapter 8: Probability
Lecture 1: Introduction to Probability & its Axioms
Lecture 2: Random Variables, Expectations & Variances
Lecture 3: Law of Large Numbers
Chapter 9: —Part 3 Quantum Mechanics—
Lecture 1: Overview of Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 10: Overview of Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 1: Primary Concepts of Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 2: Interference, Young's Double Slit Experiment & Wave-Particle Duality
Lecture 3: Wavefunctions and Hamiltonians
Lecture 4: The Schrodinger Equation
Lecture 5: Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 6: Quantum Mechanics Assignment
Chapter 11: —Part 4 Introduction to Quantum Computing—
Lecture 1: Introduction to Quantum Computing
Chapter 12: Introduction to Quantum Computing
Lecture 1: Quantum Bits (Qubits) – Single Qubits, Bra-Ket Notation & Superposition
Lecture 2: Visualizing Single Qubits – The Bloch Sphere & Basis States
Lecture 3: Mathematics behind Bloch Sphere
Lecture 4: Quantum Measurements
Chapter 13: —Part 5 Single Qubit Quantum Gates—
Lecture 1: Single Qubit Quantum Gates
Chapter 14: Single Qubit Quantum Logic Gates
Lecture 1: Pauli I Gate – Quantum Identity Gate
Lecture 2: Pauli X Gate – Quantum X Gate
Lecture 3: Pauli X Gate Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Lecture 4: Pauli Y Gate – Quantum Y Gate
Lecture 5: Pauli Y Gate Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Lecture 6: Pauli Z Gate – Quantum Z Gate
Lecture 7: Pauli Z Gate Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors
Lecture 8: Hadamard Gate – Quantum H Gate
Lecture 9: Quantum S & S-Dagger Gate
Lecture 10: Quantum T & T-Dagger Gate
Lecture 11: Quantum Rotation Gates – Rx, Ry and Rz Gates
Lecture 12: Universal Quantum Gates
Chapter 15: Qiskit Basics & Single Qubit Quantum Gates in Qiskit
Lecture 1: Qiskit Basics – Importing Libraries, Checking Versions and Backends
Lecture 2: Pauli X Gate in Qiskit
Lecture 3: Pauli Y & Pauli Z Gates in Qiskit
Lecture 4: S, S Dagger, T & T Dagger Gates in Qiskit
Lecture 5: Rx, Ry & Rz Rotation Gates in Qiskit
Lecture 6: Qiskit Basics & Single Qubit Quantum Logic Gates Jupyter Notebook
Chapter 16: —Part 6 Multi Qubit Quantum Gates—
Lecture 1: Multi Qubit Quantum Gates
Chapter 17: Multi Qubit Quantum Gates
Lecture 1: Quantum CX/CNOT Gate
Lecture 2: Quantum CZ or CPHASE Gate
Lecture 3: Quantum SWAP Gate
Lecture 4: The Bell States
Lecture 5: Quantum CCNOT/CCX/Toffoli Gate
Lecture 6: Quantum CSWAP/Fredkin Gate
Lecture 7: Hadamard Gate Applied to n Qubits
Chapter 18: Qiskit Multi Qubit Quantum Gates
Lecture 1: CNOT, CZ & CH Quantum Gates in Qiskit
Lecture 2: Quantum SWAP Gate in Qiskit
Lecture 3: The Bell State in Qiskit
Srinjoy Ganguly
Educator & Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 46 votes
- 4 stars: 91 votes
- 5 stars: 117 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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