Quick Start to Modern C++ for Programmers [2024 Edition]
Quick Start to Modern C++ for Programmers [2024 Edition], available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 84 lectures, based on 246 reviews, and has 1405 subscribers.
You will learn about Modern C++ Features from C++11 to C++23 No outdated C++ Coding Style The right way to code in C++ Everything from Variables to Threads This course is ideal for individuals who are Programmers who want to learn C++ after another language It is particularly useful for Programmers who want to learn C++ after another language.
Enroll now: Quick Start to Modern C++ for Programmers [2024 Edition]
Title: Quick Start to Modern C++ for Programmers [2024 Edition]
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 84
Number of Published Lectures: 84
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Modern C++ Features from C++11 to C++23
- No outdated C++ Coding Style
- The right way to code in C++
- Everything from Variables to Threads
Who Should Attend
- Programmers who want to learn C++ after another language
Target Audiences
- Programmers who want to learn C++ after another language
Course Description:
Are you already proficient in another programming language and ready to conquer C++? This course is specifically designed for you!
Skip the very basics, like how to use an if-statement, and dive straight into the powerful, unique features of C++. Tailored for experienced programmers, this course eliminates basic content and focuses on advanced techniques and modern practices.
I will show you in a quick and precise way what the difference of the C++ programming language compared to others.
What You’ll Learn:
C/C++ Fundamentals: Quickly cover core principles to set the stage.
Modern C++ Features: Deep dive into C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20, and the latest C++23 updates.
Pointers, References, and Arrays: Master advanced usage and best practices.
Standard Template Library (STL): Utilize all essential STL features and functions.
Advanced Object Orientation: Implement cutting-edge OOP techniques in C++.
Lambda Expressions and Templates: Write cleaner, more efficient code.
Smart Pointers & Constructors: Expertly use smart pointers, copy, and move constructors.
Multithreading: Leverage threads and async for high-performance concurrent programming.
Why This Course?
No Basic Chit Chat: Jump straight into advanced topics, skipping basic programming concepts.
Quick Setup: Start coding fast with simple software installation instructions.
Code Access: All video code provided for hands-on learning and practice.
Continuously Updated: Always stay ahead with the latest C++ advancements.
Unlock the full potential of C++ and elevate your programming skills. Enroll now to advance your career with expert C++ knowledge!
See you in class!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Windows: Compiler Installation (1)
Lecture 3: Windows: Compiler Installation (2)
Lecture 4: Linux: Compiler Installation (1)
Lecture 5: Linux: Compiler Installation (2)
Lecture 6: Mac: Compiler Installation
Lecture 7: Course Manual
Lecture 8: Course Materials
Lecture 9: Visual Studio Code Setup
Lecture 10: C/C++ Runner
Chapter 2: Basics
Lecture 1: Integers, Floats and Chars
Lecture 2: Bool, If, Ternary
Lecture 3: For, While Loop and Increment
Lecture 4: Functions
Lecture 5: Headers and Include Guards
Lecture 6: Debugging, Debug vs. Release
Lecture 7: Enum, Enum Class and Switch
Lecture 8: Structs, Designated Init and Casting
Lecture 9: Auto and Uniform Initilization
Lecture 10: Const and Constexpr
Lecture 11: Local Static Variables
Lecture 12: Namespaces
Lecture 13: Global Static and Anonymous Namespaces
Lecture 14: Coding Exercises How-To
Lecture 15: Coding Exercise 2
Chapter 3: Memory
Lecture 1: C Arrays and std::array
Lecture 2: Characters, C-Strings and std::string
Lecture 3: Call by Value vs. Call by Reference
Lecture 4: Pointer
Lecture 5: New/Delete and Nullptr
Lecture 6: RValue and LValue
Lecture 7: Coding Exercise 3
Chapter 4: STL Container
Lecture 1: Template Functions
Lecture 2: std::vector and ranged for
Lecture 3: std::span
Lecture 4: std::pair, std::tuple and Structured Binding
Lecture 5: std::map
Lecture 6: Typedef and Using
Lecture 7: Iterator
Lecture 8: Inserter
Lecture 9: Coding Exercise 4
Chapter 5: Strings and Files
Lecture 1: std::string
Lecture 2: std::string_view and Small String Optimization
Lecture 3: Input and Output Files
Lecture 4: std::filesystem
Lecture 5: Coding Exercise 5
Chapter 6: Lambdas and more STD Features
Lecture 1: std::random
Lecture 2: std::chrono
Lecture 3: std::chrono::Date
Lecture 4: std::numeric_limits
Lecture 5: Lambda Function
Lecture 6: std::generate and Local Static Variables
Lecture 7: std::transform, std::accumulate
Lecture 8: std::remove, std::sort, std::replace
Lecture 9: std::min, std::max, std::equal, std::any, std::all, std::none
Lecture 10: std::function
Lecture 11: Coding Exercise 6
Chapter 7: Classes and Inheritance
Lecture 1: Classes
Lecture 2: Inheritance and Abstract Class
Lecture 3: Polymorphism
Lecture 4: Class Templates
Lecture 5: Operator Overload
Lecture 6: Copy and Move
Chapter 8: Templates, Traits and Concepts
Lecture 1: Template Specalization
Lecture 2: Type Traits
Lecture 3: Concepts
Lecture 4: Variadics and Fold Expressions
Lecture 5: Coding Exercise 8
Chapter 9: Modern STD Features
Lecture 1: std::optional
Lecture 2: std::variant
Lecture 3: std::any
Lecture 4: Attributes
Lecture 5: std::ranges
Lecture 6: std::format
Lecture 7: std::unique_ptr
Lecture 8: std::shared_ptr
Lecture 9: std::weak_ptr
Lecture 10: std::exception
Chapter 10: Threads and Async
Lecture 1: std::thread
Lecture 2: std::mutex
Lecture 3: std::async
Chapter 11: More to C++20, C++23 and C++26
Lecture 1: Compiler Support
Chapter 12: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Jan Schaffranek
M.Sc in Computer Science – Machine Learning, C/C++, Python
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 69 votes
- 5 stars: 155 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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