Raspberry Pi: Make a Workbench Computer
Raspberry Pi: Make a Workbench Computer, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 107 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 296 reviews, and has 5326 subscribers.
You will learn about Create graphical applications on the Raspberry Pi Understand the basics of controlling mains appliances using relays Learn how to use a low-cost relay board to control large loads with your Raspberry Pi Understand how to use a relay board to control large loads with your Raspberry Pi Control DC devices Use the camera to take snapshots, interval snapshots and videos. Create a Python application that allows you to control external devices and appliances, and interact with sensors Manipulate still images and video taken by the Raspberry Pi camera Design a driver circuit for the external relays Control mains appliances safely Create an enclosure for your mains controller circuit Setup a remote working environment for your Raspberry Pi Design a printed circuit board for the relay circuit This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone familiar with the Raspberry Pi looking to expand their skills or Anyone interested in home automation or Anyone looking for a challenging project It is particularly useful for Anyone familiar with the Raspberry Pi looking to expand their skills or Anyone interested in home automation or Anyone looking for a challenging project.
Enroll now: Raspberry Pi: Make a Workbench Computer
Title: Raspberry Pi: Make a Workbench Computer
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 107
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 107
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 116
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create graphical applications on the Raspberry Pi
- Understand the basics of controlling mains appliances using relays
- Learn how to use a low-cost relay board to control large loads with your Raspberry Pi
- Understand how to use a relay board to control large loads with your Raspberry Pi
- Control DC devices
- Use the camera to take snapshots, interval snapshots and videos.
- Create a Python application that allows you to control external devices and appliances, and interact with sensors
- Manipulate still images and video taken by the Raspberry Pi camera
- Design a driver circuit for the external relays
- Control mains appliances safely
- Create an enclosure for your mains controller circuit
- Setup a remote working environment for your Raspberry Pi
- Design a printed circuit board for the relay circuit
Who Should Attend
- Anyone familiar with the Raspberry Pi looking to expand their skills
- Anyone interested in home automation
- Anyone looking for a challenging project
Target Audiences
- Anyone familiar with the Raspberry Pi looking to expand their skills
- Anyone interested in home automation
- Anyone looking for a challenging project
In this update I’ll show you how to update the bench computer so that it runs on the latest currently available version of the Raspberry Pi operating system, which is version 11, nicknamed “Bullseye”, along with the Python interpreter that comes with Bullseye, which is version 3.9.2.
The new content includes 15 new lectures (2 new hours of instruction) in two sections.
I have not changed the bench computer hardware in this update.
** UPDATED JANUARY 31, 2018 **
The latest update includes a whole new section in which you will learn how to build your Raspberry Pi Bench Computer using a low cost relay board instead of the (hard to find) Piface Relay+. You will also learn how to use a GPIO breakout board that makes it very easy to secure wires to your Raspberry Pi.
This Raspberry Pi project course will show you how to integrate a variety of components into a gadget that you can use to automate your work bench.
I call it “The Bench Computer”.
With the Bench Computer, you will be able to control any device and appliance on your electronics work bench, like turn on and off your bench lights, soldering iron and fume extractor.
The Bench Computer provides a great framework on which you can build your own home automation projects Out of the box, you will be able to control anything with a simple on/off switch, like lights, fans, heaters etc.
I have designed this course to help you get started. What you get the Bench Computer to do is entirely up to you!
Here are the main components (software and hardware) that you will learn about by taking this course:
The Raspberry Pi (I use a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for historical reasons, you can also use a Raspberry Pi 4).
The Raspberry Pi 7-inch touchscreen.
The Raspberry Pi Camera v2.
The Piface Relay+ HAT (contains the small relays used to control 12V devices) OR a Keyestudio 4 Channel Relay board.
A GPIO board breakout.
Larger external relays used for controlling mains appliances like lights and your soldering iron.
Python 3 and the Tkinter framework for building the application.
Things that you want to control, like low-power 12V LED strips and fans, and mains appliances like a soldering iron.
Scroll further down for a list of learning objectives for this course.
All code is available on Github, and is free to download and use as you wish.
A list of parts is available in the first section of the course (free to view).
In 11 hours of video content and over 70 lectures, you will learn the necessary skills for interfacing you Raspberry Pi with your workbench.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: [0005] – Watch me first! A study guide
Lecture 2: [0020a] – Required hardware, Part 1
Lecture 3: [0020b] – Required hardware, Part 2
Lecture 4: [0010] – Required software
Lecture 5: [0030] – Things to drive on your bench with the Bench Computer
Lecture 6: [0040] – Residual current device
Lecture 7: [0045] – Update 2022 briefing
Lecture 8: A list of parts
Chapter 2: Basic setup
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0050] – Setup the Raspbian operating system on an SD card
Lecture 3: [0060] – Attach the touch screen on the Raspberry Pi
Lecture 4: [0070] – Boot your Raspberry Pi for the first time
Lecture 5: [0080] – Attach the Piface Relay+ to your Raspberry Pi
Lecture 6: Conclusion
Chapter 3: More setup: enclosure and networking
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0090] – Make the enclosure for the Bench Computer
Lecture 3: [0098] – Connect a Bluetooth keyboard
Lecture 4: [0100] – Setup Wifi using a keyboard
Lecture 5: [0110] – Setup Wifi using Ethernet
Lecture 6: [0120] – SSH without password
Lecture 7: [0130] – Setup Remote Desktop
Lecture 8: Conclusion
Chapter 4: Taking photos and video with the RPi Camera
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0140] – Connect the Raspberry Pi Camera
Lecture 3: [0150] – Taking still images
Lecture 4: [0160] – Taking video
Lecture 5: [0170] – Converting H264 video to MP4
Lecture 6: [0180] – Splitting video files to smaller files
Lecture 7: Conclusion
Chapter 5: Control with the Piface Relay Plus
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0190] – What is a HAT?
Lecture 3: [0200] – The Piface Relay Plus
Lecture 4: [0210] – Piface Relay Plus software setup and demo
Lecture 5: [0220] – Piface Relay Plus blink script walkthrough
Lecture 6: [0230] – Piface Relay Plus connect and control an LED strip
Lecture 7: [0235] – Shrink tubing to protect a wire join
Lecture 8: [0240] – Piface Relay Plus Connect and Control a 12V Fan
Lecture 9: [0245] – Improving the wiring
Lecture 10: Conclusion
Chapter 6: The DHT22 for environmental monitoring
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0250] – DHT22 wiring and demo
Lecture 3: [0260] – PIGPIOD deamon
Lecture 4: [0270] – Getting the PIGPIOD to auto start
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Chapter 7: Controlling mains loads with an external relay
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0300] – Using a 5V relay with the Raspberry Pi
Lecture 3: [0310] – Calculate the relay driver circuit
Lecture 4: [0320] – Test the relay driver circuit on a breadboard
Lecture 5: [0330] – Design the relay PCB
Lecture 6: [0340] – Test the relay driver PCB
Lecture 7: Conclusion
Chapter 8: Construct the relay controller box
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0350] – Create an enclosure Part 1: Walkthrough
Lecture 3: [0351] – Create an enclosure Part 2: Testing
Lecture 4: [0352] – Create an enclosure Part 3: Tools
Lecture 5: [0353] – Create an enclosure Part 4: Demonstration
Lecture 6: [0360] – Relay box controller external wiring
Lecture 7: [0370] – Test the finished relay controller box with software
Lecture 8: Conclusion
Chapter 9: Meet Tkinter
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0380] – Introduction to Tkinter
Lecture 3: [0381] – The Tkinter Label widget
Lecture 4: [0382] – The Tkinter Event
Lecture 5: [0383 ] – The Tkinter Entry Box widget
Lecture 6: [0384] – The Tkinter Image widget
Lecture 7: [0385 ] – The Tkinter custom styling
Lecture 8: [0386 ] – The Tkinter Notebook widget
Lecture 9: [0387 ] – The Tkinter grid layout
Lecture 10: Conclusion
Chapter 10: Write the Bench Computer application
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: [0390 ] – User Interface design with a wireframe
Lecture 3: [0400 ] – Step 1: Create the skeleton application
Lecture 4: [0 410 ] – Step 2: Implement Tab 1 – The control Tab
Lecture 5: [0420] – Step 3: Implement Tab 2 – The camera Tab
Lecture 6: [0430] – Step 4: Implement Tab 3 – The environment Tab
Lecture 7: [0440] – Test the Bench Computer application
Lecture 8: Conclusion
Chapter 11: Bench Computer Mk II using the Keyestudio 4 Channel Relay (or similar)
Lecture 1: [1001] – Introduction
Lecture 2: [1010] – RPi Bench Computer Mk II demonstration
Lecture 3: [1030a] – Disassembly planning
Dr. Peter Dalmaris
Educator and Author of "Maker Education Revolution".
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 31 votes
- 4 stars: 95 votes
- 5 stars: 163 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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