React & AWS Amplify build a complete serverless app w/ CI/CD
React & AWS Amplify build a complete serverless app w/ CI/CD, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 66 lectures, based on 129 reviews, and has 1253 subscribers.
You will learn about Use and implement all of the major AWS services that are made available with Amplify How to deploy your app with AWS Amplify using CI/CD Rapidly build serverless React apps Develop a production-ready serverless backend API powered by AWS Amplify that scales to MILLIONS of requests Build realtime applications Use AWS Cognito Use AWS AppSync Use GraphQl Use DynamoDB React Hooks and React Custom Hooks This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers interested in taking their career to the next level or Developers that want to easily take advantage to AWS services or DevOps that want to learn a new and technology or React developers that want take they apps to next level It is particularly useful for Developers interested in taking their career to the next level or Developers that want to easily take advantage to AWS services or DevOps that want to learn a new and technology or React developers that want take they apps to next level.
Enroll now: React & AWS Amplify build a complete serverless app w/ CI/CD
Title: React & AWS Amplify build a complete serverless app w/ CI/CD
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Published Lectures: 66
Number of Curriculum Items: 66
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 66
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use and implement all of the major AWS services that are made available with Amplify
- How to deploy your app with AWS Amplify using CI/CD
- Rapidly build serverless React apps
- Develop a production-ready serverless backend API powered by AWS Amplify that scales to MILLIONS of requests
- Build realtime applications
- Use AWS Cognito
- Use AWS AppSync
- Use GraphQl
- Use DynamoDB
- React Hooks and React Custom Hooks
Who Should Attend
- Developers interested in taking their career to the next level
- Developers that want to easily take advantage to AWS services
- DevOps that want to learn a new and technology
- React developers that want take they apps to next level
Target Audiences
- Developers interested in taking their career to the next level
- Developers that want to easily take advantage to AWS services
- DevOps that want to learn a new and technology
- React developers that want take they apps to next level
Do you want to learn the secret of creating amazing performant apps, that scale on-demand, without expend days programing in front of the computer?
How long would take you to set up a full authentication system, with signin and signout screens, and email and/or SMS confirmation, and password reset? Would you guess a few days or hours?
With AWS Amplify you can have all that set up and working serverless in less than 10 minutes
And this course is not only the best resource you will find for Amplify but it is also the most up to date.
We will not only create a full-stack application working end to end but we will also learn along the way:
How to create a CI/CD pipeline to deploy our website on merge.
How to create a fully functional GraphQL API using AppSync with CRUD capabilities (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
How to create queries, mutations, and subscriptions in GrapQL
How to create and use an AWS S3 Bucket to serve and store images
How to verify emails and SMSs using Cognito
How to work with AWS Console
How to use Semantic UI to make a beautiful application
How to create and re-use custom hooks in React
and much, much more
Want to create breath taken applications amazingly fast, enrol now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Installing and Configuring Amplify
Lecture 1: Installing the Amplify CLI
Lecture 2: Configuring the Amplify CLI
Chapter 2: Creating our React app
Lecture 1: Creating our React app
Lecture 2: Initialising AWS Amplify
Lecture 3: Deploying our React website using AWS Amplify Console
Lecture 4: Creating a CI/CD to our React App using Amplify
Lecture 5: Testing our CI/CD pipeline for React
Chapter 3: Creating Authentication on AWS and enforcing it on our React app
Lecture 1: Creating a deploying a Authentication backend in AWS using Coginito
Lecture 2: Installing React modules and configuring AWS Amplify in React
Lecture 3: Creating the SignUp, SignIn, SignOut and Reset Password pages
Chapter 4: Creating a Graphql API using Amplify
Lecture 1: Creating the Graphql API in the backend using Amplify
Lecture 2: Creating our Graphql Model
Lecture 3: Creating our first Query and First Mutation
Lecture 4: Querying our Graphql in AppSync from our React app
Chapter 5: Making our Amplify App look amazing with Semantic-UI
Lecture 1: Adding Semantic UI React to our project and creating a new Main Header
Lecture 2: Create a Lists component to group our lists
Lecture 3: Creating Items and Items groups with Semantic-UI React
Lecture 4: Adding out page into a Container and adding Image and date to our list
Chapter 6: Creating a floating button like on Material UI
Lecture 1: Creating a floating action button in React
Chapter 7: Creating a Modal using Semantic-UI
Lecture 1: Creating a new modal using Semantic-UI
Lecture 2: Adding all the fields on our modal
Chapter 8: Managing the Modal State using React Hooks
Lecture 1: Manage the state using useReducer
Chapter 9: Creating a Graphql Mutations
Lecture 1: Graphql mutation, add a new item to AppSync
Chapter 10: Creating a Grahql Subscription
Lecture 1: Graphql subscription, subscribing to real time updates in graphql
Chapter 11: Some code Refactoring before continue
Lecture 1: Refactoring the code, moving the modal status to the reducer
Lecture 2: Cleaning up the subscription in useEffect
Chapter 12: Creating a Graphql deletion and subscription
Lecture 1: Deleting an item while calling dispatch from another component
Lecture 2: Deleting a list from Graphql
Lecture 3: Subscribing to onDelete mutation in AppSync
Chapter 13: Creating the reusable editing modal
Lecture 1: Create the Edit button, dispatch and reducer
Lecture 2: Opening the edit modal
Lecture 3: Creating a reusable modal
Chapter 14: Updating the lists and creating a Subscription to update it
Lecture 1: Updating the list
Lecture 2: Subscribing to onUpdate subscription
Lecture 3: Updating the values received on the subscription
Chapter 15: Real Time Update is already here
Lecture 1: Surprise, this app is already updating in real time
Chapter 16: Creating our S3 bucket to store our images
Lecture 1: Creating a S3 Bucket to keep our files
Lecture 2: Creating an Upload Image Component to upload images to S3 Bucket
Chapter 17: Retouching the UI and Refactoring the code
Lecture 1: Making our new component look good using useRef to hide the input
Chapter 18: Creating a Image Preview and uploading it to S3
Lecture 1: Showing an image preview before update the image
Lecture 2: Uploadind a Image to the S3 Bucket
Chapter 19: Updating our Graphql model
Lecture 1: Updating our Graphql database to have the imagekey
Chapter 20: Creating a React Custom Hook to help with S3
Lecture 1: Creating a custom Hook to upload to S3 Bucket
Lecture 2: Using our React Custom Hook in our Modal
Lecture 3: Checking the values in our DynamoDB and S3 Bucket
Chapter 21: Loading our images from S3 on AWS
Lecture 1: Loading our Image from S3
Chapter 22: Enhancing our App with a Spinning loader
Lecture 1: Adding a Spinning Loader while we load our Images
Lecture 2: Stopping the spinner loaders once the image has loaded
Chapter 23: Searchable models with Elastic Search
Lecture 1: Understand why do we need to make our model searchable
Lecture 2: Making the model searchable
Chapter 24: Updating Amplify (if you need it)
Lecture 1: Updating Amplify to the latest version
Chapter 25: More about searchable queries and elastic search
Lecture 1: Understand the searchable query and updating our lists
Chapter 26: Creating new routes for our app using react-router and react-router-dom
Lecture 1: Installing React Router Dom and creating a new Root Route
Lecture 2: Adding a new Route on the React Router Dom
Lecture 3: Creating Dynamic Routers and passing values to the new components
Lecture 4: Adding Link from React Router Dom on your lists
Chapter 27: New Header for the new route
Lecture 1: Creating a Header for the List Page
Chapter 28: Creating new list items using the GraphQl interface in AWS Amplify console
Lecture 1: Crating some list items and our search query
Chapter 29: Small Refectory
Lecture 1: Refactoring the code to include all the routers inside main
Chapter 30: Integrating our List and out List Component
Lecture 1: Passing our list details to the list item component
Lecture 2: Querying the app-sync for the list items using searchable
Chapter 31: Searchable vs No Searchable
Lecture 1: Understanding the difference between a searchable and a not searchable models
Lecture 2: Creating our searchable query
Chapter 32: Creating a custom query using GraphQl in App-Sync
Lecture 1: Creating a app-sync custom query
Lecture 2: Displaying our list items
Chapter 33: Adding authentication and authorisation the the different end point
Lecture 1: Adding auth to our GraphQl endpoints
Icaro Lavrador
React, JavaScript, Node, Swift Expert | 25+ years Experience
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 39 votes
- 5 stars: 56 votes
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