React for Beginners – From HTML CSS & JavaScript to React.js
React for Beginners – From HTML CSS & JavaScript to React.js, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 157 lectures, based on 34 reviews, and has 203 subscribers.
You will learn about React Fundamentals: learn the basic concepts of React, including components, JSX (JavaScript XML), state, props, and the component lifecycle Component-based Architecture: React is based on a component-based architecture, and students will learn how to design and create reusable components. React Router: a library that enables navigation and routing in React applications. Set up routes, handle URL parameters, and create nested routes. State Management: React provides various techniques for managing application state. Hooks: React Hooks revolutionized how developers write React components. Students will learn about different hooks, such as useState, useEffect, useContext, etc Forms and User Input: learn how to handle form submission, validation, and user input using React. Styling in React: learn various approaches to styling React components, including CSS modules, inline styles, CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components Asynchronous Data Fetching: learn data fetching data from APIs. learn techniques to handle asynchronous operations using features like the fetch API & axios. Deployment and Build Processes Tailwind CSS for React Learn Vite for Next Generation Frontend Tooling This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Web Developers: If you are new to web development or have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this course can be a great starting point for learning React. It provides a solid foundation and introduces you to the key concepts and techniques used in building React applications. or Front-end Developers: If you are already familiar with front-end development and want to expand your skills by learning React, this course can help you enhance your knowledge and enable you to build more interactive and dynamic user interfaces. or JavaScript Developers: If you have experience with JavaScript but have not yet worked with React, this course can help you dive into the world of React and learn how to leverage its features and benefits in your projects. or UI/UX Designers: If you are a UI/UX designer who wants to have a better understanding of how to implement your designs in code and create interactive prototypes, learning React can be valuable. This course will teach you the necessary skills to bring your designs to life using React. or Backend Developers: If you have experience with backend development and want to expand your skill set to include front-end development using React, this course can help you bridge that gap and understand how to integrate React components into your existing projects. or Anyone Interested in React: If you have a general interest in React and want to explore its capabilities and possibilities, this course can serve as a comprehensive introduction. It is designed to cater to individuals with varying levels of programming experience. or Who want to use simple no CSS code like Tailwind CSS It is particularly useful for Beginner Web Developers: If you are new to web development or have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this course can be a great starting point for learning React. It provides a solid foundation and introduces you to the key concepts and techniques used in building React applications. or Front-end Developers: If you are already familiar with front-end development and want to expand your skills by learning React, this course can help you enhance your knowledge and enable you to build more interactive and dynamic user interfaces. or JavaScript Developers: If you have experience with JavaScript but have not yet worked with React, this course can help you dive into the world of React and learn how to leverage its features and benefits in your projects. or UI/UX Designers: If you are a UI/UX designer who wants to have a better understanding of how to implement your designs in code and create interactive prototypes, learning React can be valuable. This course will teach you the necessary skills to bring your designs to life using React. or Backend Developers: If you have experience with backend development and want to expand your skill set to include front-end development using React, this course can help you bridge that gap and understand how to integrate React components into your existing projects. or Anyone Interested in React: If you have a general interest in React and want to explore its capabilities and possibilities, this course can serve as a comprehensive introduction. It is designed to cater to individuals with varying levels of programming experience. or Who want to use simple no CSS code like Tailwind CSS.
Enroll now: React for Beginners – From HTML CSS & JavaScript to React.js
Title: React for Beginners – From HTML CSS & JavaScript to React.js
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 157
Number of Published Lectures: 157
Number of Curriculum Items: 160
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 160
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- React Fundamentals: learn the basic concepts of React, including components, JSX (JavaScript XML), state, props, and the component lifecycle
- Component-based Architecture: React is based on a component-based architecture, and students will learn how to design and create reusable components.
- React Router: a library that enables navigation and routing in React applications. Set up routes, handle URL parameters, and create nested routes.
- State Management: React provides various techniques for managing application state.
- Hooks: React Hooks revolutionized how developers write React components. Students will learn about different hooks, such as useState, useEffect, useContext, etc
- Forms and User Input: learn how to handle form submission, validation, and user input using React.
- Styling in React: learn various approaches to styling React components, including CSS modules, inline styles, CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components
- Asynchronous Data Fetching: learn data fetching data from APIs. learn techniques to handle asynchronous operations using features like the fetch API & axios.
- Deployment and Build Processes
- Tailwind CSS for React
- Learn Vite for Next Generation Frontend Tooling
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Web Developers: If you are new to web development or have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this course can be a great starting point for learning React. It provides a solid foundation and introduces you to the key concepts and techniques used in building React applications.
- Front-end Developers: If you are already familiar with front-end development and want to expand your skills by learning React, this course can help you enhance your knowledge and enable you to build more interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
- JavaScript Developers: If you have experience with JavaScript but have not yet worked with React, this course can help you dive into the world of React and learn how to leverage its features and benefits in your projects.
- UI/UX Designers: If you are a UI/UX designer who wants to have a better understanding of how to implement your designs in code and create interactive prototypes, learning React can be valuable. This course will teach you the necessary skills to bring your designs to life using React.
- Backend Developers: If you have experience with backend development and want to expand your skill set to include front-end development using React, this course can help you bridge that gap and understand how to integrate React components into your existing projects.
- Anyone Interested in React: If you have a general interest in React and want to explore its capabilities and possibilities, this course can serve as a comprehensive introduction. It is designed to cater to individuals with varying levels of programming experience.
- Who want to use simple no CSS code like Tailwind CSS
Target Audiences
- Beginner Web Developers: If you are new to web development or have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this course can be a great starting point for learning React. It provides a solid foundation and introduces you to the key concepts and techniques used in building React applications.
- Front-end Developers: If you are already familiar with front-end development and want to expand your skills by learning React, this course can help you enhance your knowledge and enable you to build more interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
- JavaScript Developers: If you have experience with JavaScript but have not yet worked with React, this course can help you dive into the world of React and learn how to leverage its features and benefits in your projects.
- UI/UX Designers: If you are a UI/UX designer who wants to have a better understanding of how to implement your designs in code and create interactive prototypes, learning React can be valuable. This course will teach you the necessary skills to bring your designs to life using React.
- Backend Developers: If you have experience with backend development and want to expand your skill set to include front-end development using React, this course can help you bridge that gap and understand how to integrate React components into your existing projects.
- Anyone Interested in React: If you have a general interest in React and want to explore its capabilities and possibilities, this course can serve as a comprehensive introduction. It is designed to cater to individuals with varying levels of programming experience.
- Who want to use simple no CSS code like Tailwind CSS
Welcome to my comprehensive React course for beginners! If you’re someone who has experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and wants to take your web development skills to the next level, then this is the course for you.
Throughout this course, I’ll guide you through the basics of React, including how to build and structure React components, use React hooks, and create multiple projects to help you practice your newfound skills.
To start off, we’ll take a look at what React is and why it’s such an important tool in the web development industry. React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, and it’s become incredibly popular over the years due to its flexibility and ease of use. In fact, many companies, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb, use React to build their web applications.
With that in mind, we’ll dive into the basics of React, including how to set up your development environment, create a basic React component, and how to render that component to the browser. From there, we’ll explore the various React components that you can use, such as function components and class components, and how to structure your components in a way that makes sense for your application.
Next, we’ll delve into React hooks, which are functions that let you use state and other React features without writing a class. We’ll go through the various hooks, including useState, useEffect, useContext, and more, and show you how to use them in your applications to make your code more concise and easier to read.
Finally, we’ll round out the course with multiple projects that you can work on to apply your newfound knowledge. These projects will include creating a simple to-do list application, a movie search application, and a weather app. By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to build React applications and the confidence to create your own projects.
In conclusion, our React course for beginners is the perfect way to take your web development skills to the next level. With our comprehensive approach, we’ll guide you through the basics of React, teach you how to use React components and hooks, and provide you with multiple projects to practice your skills. React is an important tool in the web development industry, and with this course, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient React developer.
Here is a list of all the hooks available in React and I will be teaching in this course, along with a short description of what they do:
useState: Allows you to add state to a functional component by providing a state variable and a function to update it.
useEffect: Allows you to perform side effects (such as fetching data or updating the DOM) after a component has rendered or before it’s about to unmount.
useContext: Allows you to access data stored in a context object without having to pass props down through multiple levels of components.
useReducer: Allows you to manage complex state in a predictable way, by taking in a reducer function and an initial state value.
useCallback: Allows you to memoize a function, which can help with performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders of child components.
useMemo: Allows you to memoize a value, which can help with performance by preventing unnecessary calculations.
useRef: Allows you to create a mutable reference to a value or DOM element, which can be useful for accessing the DOM directly or persisting values across renders.
useLayoutEffect: Similar to useEffect, but runs synchronously after all DOM mutations have completed, which can be useful for manipulating the DOM directly.
useImperativeHandle: Allows you to customize the instance value that’s exposed to parent components when using ref.
useDebugValue: Allows you to add a label to a custom hook, which can be useful for debugging and tracing the flow of data in your application.
Vite development environment:Instant Server Start, Lightning Fast HMR, Rich Features, Optimized Build, Universal Plugins, Fully Typed APIs
These hooks are some of the most commonly used ones in React, and can be incredibly powerful when used correctly. By understanding how each hook works and when to use it, you can build more complex and performant applications with ease.
Dear aspiring developers,
Welcome to the extraordinary world of React.js! My name is Norbert B.M I am a self tough web developer and Today, we gather here to embark on a transformative journey that will take you from the realms of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to the captivating universe of React.
In this course, I have crafted a learning experience tailored specifically to guide you through this remarkable transition. My primary focus is to bridge the gap between your existing knowledge and the intricacies of React.js. Together, we will lay a solid foundation upon which you can build your expertise and create captivating web applications.
React.js, with its elegance and power, opens up new possibilities in the realm of web development. It empowers you to craft highly interactive, efficient, and scalable user interfaces. This revolutionary library will change the way you approach building websites, elevating your skills to new heights.
Throughout this course, we will embark on an immersive journey, gradually introducing you to React.js concepts and techniques. We will start by revisiting and reinforcing your understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring a strong footing for the adventure ahead.
As we progress, we will delve into the fundamental building blocks of React.js, such as components, states, and props. You will learn how to break down complex user interfaces into modular pieces, enabling reusability and maintainability in your codebase.
Through practical exercises and engaging projects, you will witness firsthand the transformative power of React.js. I will be by your side, offering my expertise, guidance, and support every step of the way. My real-world experiences will illuminate the path, providing valuable insights and best practices.
While this journey may present challenges, I believe in your potential to overcome them. I have carefully designed this course to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment where you can learn, explore, and grow. Together, we will unravel the mysteries of React.js, unlocking the doors to a world of endless possibilities.
So, my fellow learners, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Are you prepared to witness your skills evolve and witness the magic of React.js unfold before your eyes? If so, then join me as we set forth on this exhilarating adventure.
Embrace the power of React.js, and let us embark on this extraordinary voyage together!
I am Norbert BM, see you in the course!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the course
Lecture 2: What is React & why learn it ?
Lecture 3: React DEMO
Lecture 4: What you need to know before React
Lecture 5: Environmental Setup for React JS
Lecture 6: Links & Resources
Chapter 2: React Basics
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Traditional HTML CSS & JS Website
Lecture 3: Adding React to your website
Lecture 4: Render a react component
Lecture 5: What is JSX
Lecture 6: JSX Dynamic Values and Variables
Lecture 7: Functions and Events in JSX
Lecture 8: Using Images
Chapter 3: Create React App
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: How to create a React Application
Lecture 3: React Structure explained
Lecture 4: How to start run and stop a react development server
Chapter 4: How to use Style in React
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Using the style attribute in React
Lecture 3: Using CSS in React
Chapter 5: React Components and Props
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: What are Components and how to create a react components
Lecture 3: What are Props
Lecture 4: Children Prop
Lecture 5: Create a reusable Card Component
Lecture 6: Using Icons in React
Lecture 7: Using Bootstrap in React
Lecture 8: Create a Button Component
Lecture 9: Function props aka event handlers
Chapter 6: Project: E-Learning Platform
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Create the App
Lecture 3: Create a Title Component
Lecture 4: Header Component with child props
Lecture 5: Button component with click event handlers
Chapter 7: React State and useState Hook
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: What is State and how to useState in React
Lecture 3: Example with useState Hook
Lecture 4: Create a Modal Comp and apply useState
Lecture 5: Extend components and state
Lecture 6: Using List in React
Lecture 7: useState on Lists
Chapter 8: Working with DATA and the React useEffect Hook
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Create a Testimonial component
Lecture 3: Working with JSON data
Lecture 4: What is useEffect and how to use it
Lecture 5: Dependency Array of useEffect
Lecture 6: Update testimonials with useEffect
Lecture 7: Add Star rating with useState and map
Chapter 9: Element Reference with React useRef Hook
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: What is useRef and how to use it
Lecture 3: Page navigation with useRef
Lecture 4: Scroll Back To Top Button with useRef
Chapter 10: Forms submissions in React
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Forms label and inputs
Lecture 3: Form group component
Lecture 4: Input values and changing values
Lecture 5: Referencing inputs with useRef
Lecture 6: Form submission and reset
Lecture 7: Simple Login and Form validation
Lecture 8: Create a Registration Form Component
Lecture 9: Simple Form registration
Chapter 11: Error handling in React
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Throw error using try catch
Lecture 3: Waiting for server response
Lecture 4: Error by data fetching
Lecture 5: Custom Error Boundaries Component
Chapter 12: Refactoring React App
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: Why should you refactor your code
Lecture 3: Refactoring the Header Component
Lecture 4: Refactored the Categories Section
Lecture 5: Refactored the Offers Section
Chapter 13: Navigating with React Router
Lecture 1: Section overview
Lecture 2: What is React Router
Lecture 3: How to install and adding a Router
Lecture 4: Create the Root Route
Lecture 5: Handling Not Found Errors
Lecture 6: Creating Routes
Lecture 7: Nested Routes, children and Outlet
Lecture 8: Client side Routing
Lecture 9: Active Link Styling
Lecture 10: The index Route
Lecture 11: Resources
Chapter 14: App Data Sharing with React useContext
Norbert B. Menyhart
"Knowledge is Power" Acquire Knowledge by Learning!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 18 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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