React Hooks Tutorial – Master React Hooks Development
React Hooks Tutorial – Master React Hooks Development, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 115 lectures, based on 737 reviews, and has 5238 subscribers.
You will learn about Updated for 2022-2023: Learn how to code with React JS and React Hooks from an engineer with 5+ years of industry experience. How to code with React hooks: useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext, and more. An understanding of why React hooks were introduced. A knowledge of how React hooks works under the hood at the React engine and runtime layer. A grasp of how React hooks fits the mental model of React better than other patterns. How to set up data fetching with the React hooks pattern. How to build complete React applications using hooks. This course is ideal for individuals who are Those interested in the new React hooks feature. or Any current React developer or frontend and/or fullstack software engineer. or Anyone who wants to learn modern practices in web development. It is particularly useful for Those interested in the new React hooks feature. or Any current React developer or frontend and/or fullstack software engineer. or Anyone who wants to learn modern practices in web development.
Enroll now: React Hooks Tutorial – Master React Hooks Development
Title: React Hooks Tutorial – Master React Hooks Development
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 115
Number of Published Lectures: 115
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 115
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Updated for 2022-2023: Learn how to code with React JS and React Hooks from an engineer with 5+ years of industry experience.
- How to code with React hooks: useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext, and more.
- An understanding of why React hooks were introduced.
- A knowledge of how React hooks works under the hood at the React engine and runtime layer.
- A grasp of how React hooks fits the mental model of React better than other patterns.
- How to set up data fetching with the React hooks pattern.
- How to build complete React applications using hooks.
Who Should Attend
- Those interested in the new React hooks feature.
- Any current React developer or frontend and/or fullstack software engineer.
- Anyone who wants to learn modern practices in web development.
Target Audiences
- Those interested in the new React hooks feature.
- Any current React developer or frontend and/or fullstack software engineer.
- Anyone who wants to learn modern practices in web development.
You should take this course if you want to learn about React Hooks in a time-efficient and thorough way.
What are React Hooks?
React hooks are the largest update to React since its inception.
Hooks are a way for function components to “hook” into React functionality. Previously, when you wanted React components to have state or side effects, you needed to extend the base React Component class. Now, function components need only to apply a hook to gain this functionality.
Should I care about hooks?
As a web and React developer, and software engineer, you should definitely care about React hooks. This feature is the future of React.Since the feature is still so new, learning React hooks will set you apart as a web developer and engineer.
When I first started exploring hooks, I was pleasantly surprised at the simplicity of the API. I was expecting to need a huge mental shift. But as I continued to create new components with hooks, I started to see the power of the new paradigm. If anything, I find React even more elegant than I did before!
In this course, you’ll learn what hooks are, how they work, and why they’re so exciting. Here’s the course journey:
Dive into React hooks right away.You’ll gain relevant experience as soon as the first section. Time is a precious resource. And I want to make sure you feel like you’re spending your time wisely with this course. So in a matter of minutes, you will be writing React hooks code by building an application.
Build an interesting React app to explore hooks.The first project of the course is an application called Home. Home can serve as the home page of your browser. It has a bunch of useful widgets like a custom search bar, a photo gallery, a list of the latest hacker news, and more. It has a variety of use cases that will cover the essentials of React hooks.
Understand coding hurdles with hooks.When learning hooks, like any new technology, it will require a little bit of a mental shift. There’s a few coding hurdles to get through, and this course will show the right way to approach those situations.
Learn how hooks work under the hood. It’s not necessary to deep dive into the React engine to code with hooks. But it’s extremely helpful to explore how React works underneath the surface layer. So this course is going to dig deeper and give you that under the hood perspective of React with hooks.
Explore interesting cases with JavaScript and hooks. Hooks have a simple API. You call them as functions. But their behavior may not always align with your expectations as a JavaScript developer. In this course, you’ll cover a handful of interesting cases that appear when you try to jive hooks with JavaScript functionality.
Look at the big picture and answer the question of why. Why were hooks introduced to React – an already well established framework? Throughout the course, you’ll get the answer in tidbits throughout various videos. In addition, there will be a section completely devoted to answering this more thoroughly.
Build a project to master hooks. The second project in the course is an app called Reaction. This multi-user application allows people to share messages and react to them with emojis. The intent of the project is to give you the chance to both master previous material, and learn more advanced concepts with out of the box hooks.
[2023 Update]
Also,this course contains optional content in Nextjs, React 18, and In-Depth JavaScript. Continue your learning React journey beyond hooks, here in this course!
Nextjs and React 18 are the modern ways to make a React application. In this course, you will also build a production-level Nextjs and React 18 project.During the Nextjs and React 18 project section, you will:
Go more into depth with server and client components.
Learn Nextjs server actions.
Explore the React 18 useTransition hook.
Expand upon Nextjs fundamentals, and create a shared layout structure.
Create dynamic segments with Nextjs and learn generateStaticParams.
Explore React Suspense and React lazy.
Dive deeper into advanced Nextjs hooks like useSelectedLayoutSegments, and useSearchParams.
Explore the React 18 useDeferredValue hook.
Learn how to deploy a Nextjs application.
Then follow with a bounty of In-Depth JavaScript content. During the In-Depth JavaScript section, you will find videos on:
* The Console, Operators, and Variables, Arrays, Objects.
* Functions – Declarations vs. Expressions, and Arrow Functions
* Methods and the `this` Keyword
* Callbacks
* A Dynamic Language and Types – “Almost Everything is an Object”
* Equality and Type Coercion
* Let, Const, Mutability, Var, and Scope
* Interview Question | Scope and Hoisting
* Template Literals and Ternary Operators
* The Property Shorthand and Destructuring Assignment
* JSON parse, JSON stringify, Custom and Lodash CloneDeep
* Closures
* Function Factories, and Higher Order Functions
* Prototypes and the Prototype-Based Inheritance, Object Prototype, __proto__, and the prototype chain
* Asynchronous Code with SetTimeout
* Fetch and Promise from Scratch
* JavaScript Engine and Runtime
* Await and Async
In summary, you should take this course if you want to learn React Hooks in a time-efficient way, while building relevant and engaging projects. Again, even if you only complete the preview content, you’ll walk away with a lot of valuable lessons learned.
See you there!
Promo music provided by Ben Sound.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: What You’ll Get From this Course
Lecture 2: React Core Concepts Review
Lecture 3: Required: Software Installations and Course Repo
Lecture 4: Optional For Windows: Install Windows Subsystem for Linux and VSCode
Chapter 2: Project One – Dive into Hooks Development
Lecture 1: Project One Preview
Lecture 2: Set Up Project One | Revised
Lecture 3: First Hook: UseState | Revised
Lecture 4: UseEffect
Lecture 5: Challenge and Code: Stories Component with UseEffect | Revised
Lecture 6: Build a Custom Hook: useFetch
Lecture 7: [Optional] Function Keyword vs Arrow Functions
Lecture 8: Section Summary and Section Code
Chapter 3: Hooks Under the Hood
Lecture 1: Section Preview – Hooks Under the Hood
Lecture 2: The React Runtime and How React Applies Hooks
Lecture 3: UseState Under the Hood
Lecture 4: Tasks Component Part 1: Multiple useState hooks
Lecture 5: Tasks Component Part 2
Lecture 6: The Order of UseState
Lecture 7: Local Storage for Tasks
Lecture 8: Section Summary and Section Code
Chapter 4: Project One Continued – Learn More React Hooks
Lecture 1: Hooks with an Interval
Lecture 2: Effects with Cleanup
Lecture 3: Dynamic Delay and Increment
Lecture 4: Challenge and Code: Matrix Component
Lecture 5: Build a Custom Hook: useDynamicTransition
Lecture 6: Section Summary and Section Code
Chapter 5: Reflection on Hooks – the Why
Lecture 1: The Why of Hooks
Chapter 6: Project Two – Master Hooks Development
Lecture 1: Project Two Preview
Lecture 2: The Reducer Pattern Overview
Lecture 3: Set Up Reaction App
Lecture 4: Reactions Reducer State
Lecture 5: UseReducer for Tasks | Part 1
Lecture 6: UseReducer for Tasks | Part 2
Lecture 7: PublishMessage Component
Lecture 8: Challenge and Code: MessageBoard Component
Lecture 9: UseContext and a Custom Context Hook
Lecture 10: The PubSub and Reducer Architecture
Lecture 11: Explore PubNub
Lecture 12: PubSub Function and Reducer Connection
Lecture 13: Set Username
Lecture 14: CreateReaction Component
Lecture 15: Reactions Reducer flow
Lecture 16: Publish Reactions
Lecture 17: MessageReactions Component
Lecture 18: Section Summary and Section Code
Chapter 7: Next.js and React 18 Project | React 18 useTransition and useDeferredValue hooks
Lecture 1: React Fundamentals and Client vs. Server Components In Depth
Lecture 2: Start the Next.js and React Project
Lecture 3: Link to Pages with Next/Link | Grid Item
Lecture 4: Style with Tailwind CSS
Lecture 5: Next.js Fonts and Responsive Design
Lecture 6: Connect Page Setup
Lecture 7: Next.js Client Components
Lecture 8: Next.js Server Actions (get-followers)
Lecture 9: Mailjet API post-contact Server Action and Next.js Environment Variables
Lecture 10: React 18 useTransition and Create Contact Form
Lecture 11: Next.js Layout Structure, Loading.js, and Global Components
Lecture 12: Next.js Dynamic Segments and generateStaticParams | record/[id]
Lecture 13: Next.js generateMetadata | record/[id]/page.js
Lecture 14: React Suspense and React lazy | Embed
Lecture 15: Next.js not-found and Route Groups
Lecture 16: Nested Dynamic Segments | record/[id]/[content]
Lecture 17: Breadcrumbs Component and Next.js useSelectedLayoutSegments | nav-title
Chapter 8: Optional Reference Content: Mega JavaScript Overview
Lecture 1: Optional Mega JavaScript Overview Part 1
Lecture 2: Optional Mega JavaScript Overview Part 2
Chapter 9: Optional In-Depth JavaScript
Lecture 1: The Console, Operators, and Variables
Lecture 2: Booleans and Conditionals
Lecture 3: Syntax – Semicolons and Comments
Lecture 4: Undefined and Primitives
Lecture 5: Arrays
Lecture 6: Objects
Lecture 7: Loops and Iteration
Lecture 8: Functions – Declarations vs. Expressions
Lecture 9: Arrow Functions
Lecture 10: Methods and the `this` Keyword
Lecture 11: More on `this` and Function Expressions vs. Arrow functions
Lecture 12: Interview Question | The `this` Keyword
Lecture 13: Callbacks
Lecture 14: Interview Question | Callbacks
Lecture 15: A Dynamic Language and Types
Lecture 16: Almost Everything is an Object
Lecture 17: Equality and Type Coercion
Lecture 18: Truthy and Falsy
Lecture 19: Null vs. Undefined
Lecture 20: Explicit Type Conversion
Lecture 21: Interview Question | JavaScript Types
Lecture 22: Let, Const, and Mutability
Lecture 23: Let, Const, Var, and Scope
Lecture 24: Var and Function Hoisting
Lecture 25: Interview Question | Scope and Hoisting
Lecture 26: Template Literals and Ternary Operators
Lecture 27: The Property Shorthand and Destructuring Assignment
David Joseph Katz
Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 20 votes
- 3 stars: 68 votes
- 4 stars: 247 votes
- 5 stars: 393 votes
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