React JS – Mastering Redux
React JS – Mastering Redux, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.17, with 161 lectures, based on 2497 reviews, and has 16687 subscribers.
You will learn about Build entire ReactJS and Redux applications from scratch. Develop apps that deal with APIs and web requests. Understand how to develop Redux apps with actions, reducers, and the Redux store. Create Web Apps that use advanced redux mechanics like asynchronous actions and redux middleware. Use ES6 and advanced JavaScript techniques to more efficiently code. Use animations to create compelling User Interfaces and Experiences. Add external libraries to React projects like react-bootstrap, react-router-dom, and more. Build multi-page applications with dynamic routes and links. This course is ideal for individuals who are The perfect student knows some JS, HTML, and CSS, but hopes to learn a new web development framework to significantly boost their skills. or All levels of coding. However this won’t introduce coding from the ground up, so complete beginners might find it fast-paced. or Experienced developers and engineers will find this course perfect for brushing up on ReactJS and Redux and web development. or Anyone who wants to add ReactJS and Redux to their resume and set of skills should take this course! It is particularly useful for The perfect student knows some JS, HTML, and CSS, but hopes to learn a new web development framework to significantly boost their skills. or All levels of coding. However this won’t introduce coding from the ground up, so complete beginners might find it fast-paced. or Experienced developers and engineers will find this course perfect for brushing up on ReactJS and Redux and web development. or Anyone who wants to add ReactJS and Redux to their resume and set of skills should take this course!.
Enroll now: React JS – Mastering Redux
Title: React JS – Mastering Redux
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.17
Number of Lectures: 161
Number of Published Lectures: 161
Number of Curriculum Items: 161
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 161
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build entire ReactJS and Redux applications from scratch.
- Develop apps that deal with APIs and web requests.
- Understand how to develop Redux apps with actions, reducers, and the Redux store.
- Create Web Apps that use advanced redux mechanics like asynchronous actions and redux middleware.
- Use ES6 and advanced JavaScript techniques to more efficiently code.
- Use animations to create compelling User Interfaces and Experiences.
- Add external libraries to React projects like react-bootstrap, react-router-dom, and more.
- Build multi-page applications with dynamic routes and links.
Who Should Attend
- The perfect student knows some JS, HTML, and CSS, but hopes to learn a new web development framework to significantly boost their skills.
- All levels of coding. However this won’t introduce coding from the ground up, so complete beginners might find it fast-paced.
- Experienced developers and engineers will find this course perfect for brushing up on ReactJS and Redux and web development.
- Anyone who wants to add ReactJS and Redux to their resume and set of skills should take this course!
Target Audiences
- The perfect student knows some JS, HTML, and CSS, but hopes to learn a new web development framework to significantly boost their skills.
- All levels of coding. However this won’t introduce coding from the ground up, so complete beginners might find it fast-paced.
- Experienced developers and engineers will find this course perfect for brushing up on ReactJS and Redux and web development.
- Anyone who wants to add ReactJS and Redux to their resume and set of skills should take this course!
Updated for 2023! React, React Redux, React Hooks, In-depth JavaScript, resume-worthy projects, and more!
You will become an in-demand software engineerby taking this course on React JS and Redux. As one of the most popular pairs of frameworks, learning React and Redux is a must. Simply put, learning React will open doors and jobs for you.
This project-based course will have you coding right away. By building four carefully thought-out example applications, you will sharpen your skills in modern web development.
* First, learn the essentials of ReactJS by going through the main concepts.
* Then build your first React application to get familiar with the essentials.
* Create your first Reduxapplication to learn how to pair this elegant and complex framework with React.
* Next, build an application that uses an APIalong with routing for multiple pages.
* Finally, build an additional app that works with another API and has more advanced redux mechanics.
You’ll not only learn React and Redux, but get comfortable with popular libraries like react-bootstrap, react-router-dom,and more. Plus, you’ll find a secret recipeto Redux that boils it down tothree simple steps!
[2023 Update]
Also,this course contains optional content in Nextjs, React 18, and In-Depth JavaScript. Continue your learning React journey beyond hooks, here in this course!
Nextjs and React 18 are the modern ways to make a React application. In this course, you will also build a production-level Nextjs and React 18 project.During the Nextjs and React 18 project section, you will:
Go more into depth with server and client components.
Learn Nextjs server actions.
Explore the React 18 useTransition hook.
Expand upon Nextjs fundamentals, and create a shared layout structure.
Create dynamic segments with Nextjs and learn generateStaticParams.
Explore React Suspense and React lazy.
Dive deeper into advanced Nextjs hooks like useSelectedLayoutSegments, and useSearchParams.
Explore the React 18 useDeferredValue hook.
Learn how to deploy a Nextjs application.
Then follow with a bounty of In-Depth JavaScript content. During the In-Depth JavaScript section, you will find videos on:
* The Console, Operators, and Variables, Arrays, Objects.
* Functions – Declarations vs. Expressions, and Arrow Functions
* Methods and the `this` Keyword
* Callbacks
* A Dynamic Language and Types – “Almost Everything is an Object”
* Equality and Type Coercion
* Let, Const, Mutability, Var, and Scope
* Interview Question | Scope and Hoisting
* Template Literals and Ternary Operators
* The Property Shorthand and Destructuring Assignment
* JSON parse, JSON stringify, Custom and Lodash CloneDeep
* Closures
* Function Factories, and Higher Order Functions
* Prototypes and the Prototype-Based Inheritance, Object Prototype, __proto__, and the prototype chain
* Asynchronous Code with SetTimeout
* Fetch and Promise from Scratch
* JavaScript Engine and Runtime
* Await and Async
So what are you waiting for? Take the dive into React and Redux. Let’s get started coding!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introducing the Instructor
Lecture 2: Installing React Tools
Lecture 3: Installing a Code Editor
Lecture 4: Source Code for the Course
Lecture 5: Final Introductory Notes
Chapter 2: Understanding React
Lecture 1: React, Components, & JSX
Lecture 2: State, Props, & Lifecycle Methods
Chapter 3: Application One | AgeTeller
Lecture 1: Previewing AgeTeller
Lecture 2: Setting Up AgeTeller
Lecture 3: Creating an App Component
Lecture 4: Crafting a Form Component
Lecture 5: Implementing State
Lecture 6: Building a Stats Component
Lecture 7: Adding Styling and Animations
Lecture 8: Section Overview | AgeTeller
Chapter 4: Understanding Redux
Lecture 1: Redux – the 3 Step Recipe
Lecture 2: Section Overview | Understanding Redux
Chapter 5: Redux Application One | SuperSquad
Lecture 1: Previewing SuperSquad
Lecture 2: Setting Up SuperSquad
Lecture 3: The First Reducer
Lecture 4: The Store
Lecture 5: The First Action
Lecture 6: Adding a Second Reducer
Lecture 7: Mapping State to Props in a CharacterList
Lecture 8: Mapping Dispatch to Props
Lecture 9: Styling the App
Lecture 10: Creating a Hero List
Lecture 11: The Second Action
Lecture 12: Building a Squad Stats Component
Lecture 13: Section Overview | SuperSquad
Chapter 6: Redux Application Two | RecipeFinder
Lecture 1: Previewing RecipeFinder
Lecture 2: Setting Up RecipeFinder
Lecture 3: Creating a Form to Search Recipes
Lecture 4: Coding Break | Web Requests
Lecture 5: Accessing the API
Lecture 6: Fetching from the API
Lecture 7: Storing Recipes
Lecture 8: Building a Recipe List
Lecture 9: Making Recipe Items
Lecture 10: Storing Favorite Recipes
Lecture 11: Starring Recipe Items
Lecture 12: Building a Favorite Recipe List
Lecture 13: Routing Recipe Lists
Lecture 14: Section Overview | RecipeFinder
Chapter 7: Redux Application Three | MemeGenerator
Lecture 1: Previewing MemeGenerator
Lecture 2: Setting Up MemeGenerator
Lecture 3: Getting Access to the API
Lecture 4: Fetching Memes Asynchronously
Lecture 5: Applying Thunk Middleware
Lecture 6: Listing Memes
Lecture 7: Creating Meme Items
Lecture 8: Animating Meme Items
Lecture 9: Crafting a Custom Meme Form
Lecture 10: Reducing and Posting Personal Memes
Lecture 11: Setting Up a Post Meme Action
Lecture 12: Building a Personal Memes List
Lecture 13: Section Overview | MemeGenerator
Chapter 8: React Hooks Section 1 – Dive into Hooks Development
Lecture 1: Project One Preview
Lecture 2: Set Up Project One | Revised
Lecture 3: First Hook: useState | Revised
Lecture 4: useEffect
Lecture 5: Challenge and Code: Stories Component with UseEffect | Revised
Lecture 6: Build a Custom Hook: useFetch
Lecture 7: [Optional] Function Keyword vs Arrow Functions
Chapter 9: React Hooks Section 2 – Hooks Under the Hood
Lecture 1: Section Preview – Hooks Under the Hood
Lecture 2: The React Runtime and How React Applies Hooks
Lecture 3: UseState Under the Hood
Lecture 4: Tasks Component Part 1: Multiple useState hooks
Lecture 5: Tasks Component Part 2
Lecture 6: The Order of UseState
Lecture 7: Local Storage for Tasks
Lecture 8: Hooks with an Interval
Lecture 9: Effects with Cleanup
Lecture 10: Dynamic Delay and Increment
Lecture 11: Challenge and Code: Matrix Component
Lecture 12: Build a Custom Hook: useDynamicTransition
Chapter 10: React Hooks Section 3 – Reflection on the Why of Hooks & Project Two
Lecture 1: The Why of Hooks
Lecture 2: Project Two Preview
Lecture 3: The Reducer Pattern Overview
Lecture 4: Set Up Reaction App
Lecture 5: Reactions Reducer State
Lecture 6: UseReducer for Tasks | Part 1
Lecture 7: UseReducer for Tasks | Part 2
Lecture 8: PublishMessage Component
Lecture 9: Challenge and Code: MessageBoard Component
Lecture 10: UseContext and a Custom Context Hook
Lecture 11: The PubSub and Reducer Architecture
Lecture 12: Explore PubNub
Lecture 13: PubSub Function and Reducer Connection
Lecture 14: Set Username
David Joseph Katz
Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 29 votes
- 2 stars: 59 votes
- 3 stars: 339 votes
- 4 stars: 904 votes
- 5 stars: 1165 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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