React Native Complete Guide 2023: Zero to Mastery
React Native Complete Guide 2023: Zero to Mastery, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 149 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 166 reviews, and has 1179 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the Javascript and React Native basics for mobile app development on Android & iOS Learn to build both bare React Native and Expo apps, and reveal the differences between React Native CLI & Expo Learn using React Hooks & React Context (useState, useEffect, useContext, useSelector, useDispatch, etc.) Integrate Native Libraries, such as Maps, Social share, Firebase Learn how to handle REST APIs integration and find out about open source APIs Use different navigators of React Navigation, such as Stack, Tabs and Drawer navigators Integrate Firebase in your app and learn about serverless apps Handle Redux integration for global state management and API Calls Get introduced to how user authentication works in the apps Learn what is git, why people use it and learn the basic commands of git Setup basic React Native tools for the best developer experience This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Javascript/React/React Native Developers curious about mobile app development or React Native Developers who want to learn some more advanced topics, such as Firebase Integration, React Native CLI vs. Expo, etc. It is particularly useful for Beginner Javascript/React/React Native Developers curious about mobile app development or React Native Developers who want to learn some more advanced topics, such as Firebase Integration, React Native CLI vs. Expo, etc.
Enroll now: React Native Complete Guide 2023: Zero to Mastery
Title: React Native Complete Guide 2023: Zero to Mastery
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 149
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 149
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 152
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 152
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the Javascript and React Native basics for mobile app development on Android & iOS
- Learn to build both bare React Native and Expo apps, and reveal the differences between React Native CLI & Expo
- Learn using React Hooks & React Context (useState, useEffect, useContext, useSelector, useDispatch, etc.)
- Integrate Native Libraries, such as Maps, Social share, Firebase
- Learn how to handle REST APIs integration and find out about open source APIs
- Use different navigators of React Navigation, such as Stack, Tabs and Drawer navigators
- Integrate Firebase in your app and learn about serverless apps
- Handle Redux integration for global state management and API Calls
- Get introduced to how user authentication works in the apps
- Learn what is git, why people use it and learn the basic commands of git
- Setup basic React Native tools for the best developer experience
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Javascript/React/React Native Developers curious about mobile app development
- React Native Developers who want to learn some more advanced topics, such as Firebase Integration, React Native CLI vs. Expo, etc.
Target Audiences
- Beginner Javascript/React/React Native Developers curious about mobile app development
- React Native Developers who want to learn some more advanced topics, such as Firebase Integration, React Native CLI vs. Expo, etc.
Want to launch and grow your career as a mobile app developer? Learn everything you need to know about React native? This course is for you!
This course covers all the topics that you need to know to build enterprise cross-platform mobile apps for Android and iOS.
Want to learn about Navigation? Covered. Integrate Reduxand compare to React Context? Sure! Use REST APIs and even Firebase Databases? Included. Does it include User Authentication? Of course!
We’ll start by mastering the fundamentals of React, including JSX, props, state and styles. And of course, hooks will be used for the reusable functional components. Besides that, basics of class components will be presented as that is something you may encounter in legacy code. We will also learn the basics of git and the source code will be provided in git provided for each section, so you can follow the code there as well. The course will cover creating many different reusable components which will be reused in the apps included in the course, as well as you can use them for your own personal projects later.
React Native is a great choice for developing cross-platform mobile apps on Android, iOS and even Web. With single source code you are able to build mobile app for multiple platforms. And the amazing part is that it feels like a native app as it’s based on native modules. And on top of that, it brings more advantages to mobile app development which aren’t even possible in native apps like over-the-air updates, etc. This is due to the fact that it is using Javascript, which is the most popular programming language and you can achieve a lot with that – from web development to mobile and to backend.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why to Choose React Native
Lecture 3: What We Will Build
Chapter 2: React Native Tools Setup
Lecture 1: Node & NPM Install
Lecture 2: JDK & Android Studio Setup
Lecture 3: Android SDK Path
Lecture 4: Ruby Installation
Lecture 5: iOS Tools Setup
Lecture 6: Validate Setup with Test Project
Chapter 3: Travel App: Basics of React Native
Lecture 1: App Overview
Lecture 2: Project Setup
Lecture 3: Typescript vs. Javascript
Lecture 4: Running on Android
Lecture 5: Running on iOS
Lecture 6: Understanding SafeAreaView
Lecture 7: Styles Explained
Lecture 8: ESLint Setup
Lecture 9: Creating First Component
Lecture 10: Imports & Exports
Lecture 11: Component Props
Lecture 12: Component State and useState Hook Explained
Lecture 13: UseEffect Explained
Lecture 14: React.memo Explained
Chapter 4: Git Basics
Lecture 1: Initialize Git
Lecture 2: Git Committing & Pushing
Lecture 3: Exploring Remote Commits
Lecture 4: Git Branches
Chapter 5: Travel App: Build Main Screen
Lecture 1: Create Different Instances of Title
Lecture 2: Building Categories List
Lecture 3: Making Category Selectable
Lecture 4: Creating Attraction Card
Lecture 5: Use JSON Data for Lists (ScrollView)
Lecture 6: Using FlatList
Lecture 7: Filtering By Categories
Chapter 6: Travel App: Introduction to App Navigation
Lecture 1: Introduction to React Navigation
Lecture 2: Navigation Setup
Lecture 3: Hiding Navigation Header
Lecture 4: Navigating Between Screens
Lecture 5: Passing Parameters to Screens
Lecture 6: Handling Back Events
Chapter 7: Travel App: Build Detail Screens
Lecture 1: Using ImageBackground
Lecture 2: Adding Actions inside ImageBackground
Lecture 3: Building Mini Image Gallery
Lecture 4: Handling Hidden Images
Lecture 5: Adding Texts Section
Lecture 6: Creating InfoCard Component
Lecture 7: Controlling App Theme
Lecture 8: Building Gallery Screen
Chapter 8: Travel App: Native Libraries (Maps & Social Share)
Lecture 1: What are Native Libraries?
Lecture 2: Installing Maps Package
Lecture 3: Getting API Key for Google Maps
Lecture 4: Add Map to Attraction Screen
Lecture 5: Show Marker in the Map
Lecture 6: Implement Full Screen Map
Lecture 7: Checking Maps on Android
Lecture 8: Share Package Options
Lecture 9: Installing Share Package
Lecture 10: Encoding Base64 Images
Lecture 11: Extracting Image Extension
Lecture 12: App Summary: Minute of Appreciation
Chapter 9: Recipes App: Expo Basics
Lecture 1: App Overview
Lecture 2: Expo vs. React Native CLI
Lecture 3: Create Expo Project
Lecture 4: Expo Config Customization
Lecture 5: Building Splash Screen & Button
Lecture 6: Finalizing Screen Layout
Lecture 7: Integrate Navigation
Lecture 8: Fix some UI issues
Chapter 10: Recipes App: Home Screen
Lecture 1: Customizing Navigation Header
Lecture 2: Custom Back Icon
Lecture 3: Changing App Theme
Lecture 4: Building Input
Lecture 5: Making Pressable Input
Lecture 6: Reusing Components
Lecture 7: Create RecipeCard
Lecture 8: Add RecipeCard Image
Lecture 9: Add Rating
Lecture 10: Show Recipes in List
Lecture 11: Create Card Component
Chapter 11: Recipes App: REST API Integration
Lecture 1: REST APIs Explained
Lecture 2: HTTP Methods Explained
Lecture 3: Overview of the Tasty API
Lecture 4: Integrating REST APIs
Lecture 5: Using React Context
Lecture 6: Move Server Call to App.js
Lecture 7: Fetching Healthy Recipes
Elina Hovakimyan
Building cross-platform mobile apps – 30 amazing apps live!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 11 votes
- 4 stars: 51 votes
- 5 stars: 93 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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