React + TypeScript: Essential Training
React + TypeScript: Essential Training, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 91 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 11 reviews, and has 58 subscribers.
You will learn about Fundamentals of React with TypeScript Create modern, responsive web user-interfaces and web apps using React Managing states in React Respond or request to a back-end API in React Respond to DOM events in React Learn to use TypeScript along with a React project. Creating and managing React components Use TailwindCSS For Styling Creating real-world production ready web apps Defining data types with TypeScript Creating and interacting with forms in React Form validations in React Error handling and debugging Using third-party NPM libraries to extend the functionality of your app Persist data in browser's local storage Deploy a React app into production (Vercel) Deploy a React app into production (Self-Manged VPS server) Create Single Page Applications (SPA) in React Create App Routes Using React Router This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for beginners in front-end development who are eager to learn React as their preferred JavaScript library/framework.. or Students who wants to learn how to leverage TypeScript in their React apps. or For learners eager to quickly master the core principles of React, aiming to begin developing React applications within just a few hours of instruction. or A beginning ReactJS developer who want to utilize TypeScript to make their codebase less error prone. It is particularly useful for This course is for beginners in front-end development who are eager to learn React as their preferred JavaScript library/framework.. or Students who wants to learn how to leverage TypeScript in their React apps. or For learners eager to quickly master the core principles of React, aiming to begin developing React applications within just a few hours of instruction. or A beginning ReactJS developer who want to utilize TypeScript to make their codebase less error prone.
Enroll now: React + TypeScript: Essential Training
Title: React + TypeScript: Essential Training
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 91
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 91
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 94
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 94
Original Price: $109.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Fundamentals of React with TypeScript
- Create modern, responsive web user-interfaces and web apps using React
- Managing states in React
- Respond or request to a back-end API in React
- Respond to DOM events in React
- Learn to use TypeScript along with a React project.
- Creating and managing React components
- Use TailwindCSS For Styling
- Creating real-world production ready web apps
- Defining data types with TypeScript
- Creating and interacting with forms in React
- Form validations in React
- Error handling and debugging
- Using third-party NPM libraries to extend the functionality of your app
- Persist data in browser's local storage
- Deploy a React app into production (Vercel)
- Deploy a React app into production (Self-Manged VPS server)
- Create Single Page Applications (SPA) in React
- Create App Routes Using React Router
Who Should Attend
- This course is for beginners in front-end development who are eager to learn React as their preferred JavaScript library/framework..
- Students who wants to learn how to leverage TypeScript in their React apps.
- For learners eager to quickly master the core principles of React, aiming to begin developing React applications within just a few hours of instruction.
- A beginning ReactJS developer who want to utilize TypeScript to make their codebase less error prone.
Target Audiences
- This course is for beginners in front-end development who are eager to learn React as their preferred JavaScript library/framework..
- Students who wants to learn how to leverage TypeScript in their React apps.
- For learners eager to quickly master the core principles of React, aiming to begin developing React applications within just a few hours of instruction.
- A beginning ReactJS developer who want to utilize TypeScript to make their codebase less error prone.
ReactJS + TypeScript: Essential Training is your beginner-friendly entrance into the exciting world of web development, specifically tailored to make learning React with TypeScript approachable and fun. This course is crafted to guide beginners through the essentials of building dynamic web applications, ensuring a gentle learning curve without overwhelming technical jargon.
Starting with React, the heart of this course, you’ll dive into creating components—the fundamental elements that bring your web applications to life. We place a strong emphasis on practical skills, such as managing component states, which is crucial for creating responsive and interactive user experiences. You’ll also master the art of building forms in React, a vital skill for gathering user input and feedback.
Navigation within your application won’t be a mystery for long; with React Router, you’ll effortlessly add navigation and routing capabilities, significantly enhancing the user experience. Connecting your application to backend APIs will open up a new world of possibilities, allowing your applications to interact with external data and services.
Deploying your application might seem daunting, but we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you’re ready to launch your project with confidence. When it comes to TypeScript, we introduce its fundamentals in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner, highlighting how it can make your development process more efficient and your applications more reliable.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid foundation in React with TypeScript, equipped with the skills to embark on your development projects. ReactJS + TypeScript: Essential Training is not just a course; it’s your first step into a broader world of web development, ready to open doors to endless possibilities.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Prerequisites
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Lecture 1: What is React?
Lecture 2: Setting Up the Development Environment
Lecture 3: Creating Your First React App
Lecture 4: Overview of Project Structure
Lecture 5: React Under The Hood
Chapter 3: React Components: Essential Lessons
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Create A React Component
Lecture 3: React Fragments
Lecture 4: Displaying List of Data
Lecture 5: Conditional Rendering
Lecture 6: Handling DOM Events
Lecture 7: Working On Component State
Lecture 8: Passing Data Via Props
Lecture 9: Passing Functions Via Props
Lecture 10: The Difference Between Props and State
Lecture 11: Passing Children To A Component
Lecture 12: Introducing the React Dev Tools
Lecture 13: Optional Props and Setting Default Prop Values
Lecture 14: Exercise: Build an Alert Banner – Starting Project
Lecture 15: Exercise: Build an Alert Banner – Solution!
Chapter 4: Adding Styles To Components
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Styling with Vanilla CSS and Organizing Stylesheets
Lecture 3: Fixing Style Conflicts with CSS Modules
Lecture 4: Applying Inline CSS
Lecture 5: Styled Components in React
Lecture 6: Using CSS Frameworks
Lecture 7: React Icons and Other Assets
Lecture 8: Exercise – Styling Cards
Chapter 5: State Management
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Understanding the State Hook
Lecture 3: State Structures
Lecture 4: Pure Components
Lecture 5: React Strict Mode
Lecture 6: Working with State – Updating Objects
Lecture 7: Article: Spread Operator in JavaScript
Lecture 8: Working with State – Updating Nested Objects
Lecture 9: Working with State – Updating Arrays
Lecture 10: Working with State – Updating Array of Objects
Lecture 11: Sharing States with Other Components
Lecture 12: Extracting Interface Props
Lecture 13: Using Immer To Simplify State Updates
Lecture 14: Exercise – Updating Object, Nested Object, Array
Chapter 6: Working with Forms in React
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Building Forms and Handling Form Submissions
Lecture 3: Accessing Form Input Fields
Lecture 4: Using the State Hook to Handle Input Fields
Lecture 5: Quickly Build Forms Using React Hook Form
Lecture 6: Validating Form Inputs
Lecture 7: Schema-Based Validation Using Zod
Lecture 8: Enabling Form Controls When Validated
Lecture 9: Exercise – Login Form Validation
Chapter 7: Project – Building A Journaling App
Lecture 1: Preview – Journaling App
Lecture 2: Scaffolding the App, Setting Up TailwindCSS Auto-Class Sorting
Lecture 3: Building the Tab Component (DaisyUI Tab Component)
Lecture 4: Building the Add Journal Entry Form Using DaisyUI Components
Lecture 5: Adding Input Validations to the Journal Entry Form
Lecture 6: Store the Journal Entry to the LocalStorage
Lecture 7: Show A Success Dialog After Publish
Lecture 8: Displaying Journal Entries in a Grid Format
Lecture 9: Improve Journal List User-Experience and Use Custom Font
Lecture 10: View the Journal Entry – Part 1
Lecture 11: View the Journal Entry – Part 2
Lecture 12: Delete the Journal Entry
Chapter 8: React Router – Building A Single Page Application (SPA)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Installing and Setting Up React Router
Lecture 3: Building Router Navigation
Lecture 4: Route Parameters
Lecture 5: Managing Document Head, Title and Meta Tags
Lecture 6: Using React Helmet For Document Head
Chapter 9: Connecting to a Back-End API
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Understanding the Effect Hook
Lecture 3: The useEffect Dependencies
Lecture 4: useEffect Clean Up
Lecture 5: Fetching Data From Remote API
Lecture 6: Understanding the HTTP Requests
Lecture 7: Error Handling
Lecture 8: Async and Await
Lecture 9: Cancelling An HTTP Request
Lecture 10: Show A Page Loader
Lecture 11: Delete Data with HTTP DELETE Request
Lecture 12: Creating Data with POST Request
Lecture 13: Updating Data with PATCH Request
Lecture 14: Creating A Reusable API Client
Lecture 15: Creating A User Service
Lecture 16: Creating A Global HTTP Service
Lecture 17: Creating A Custom Hook For Data Fetching
Glenn Raya
Full Stack Web Developer, Future iOS Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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