Real data science problems with Python
Real data science problems with Python, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 31 lectures, based on 56 reviews, and has 622 subscribers.
You will learn about Work with many ML techniques in real problems such as classification, image processing, regression Build neural networks for classification and regression Apply machine learning and data science to Audio Processing, Image detection, real time video, sentiment analysis and many more things This course is ideal for individuals who are Intermediate Python users with some knowledge on data science or Students wanting to practice with real datasets or Students who know some machine learning, but want to evaluate scikit-learn and Keras(Theano/Tensorflow) to real problems they will encounter in the analytics industry It is particularly useful for Intermediate Python users with some knowledge on data science or Students wanting to practice with real datasets or Students who know some machine learning, but want to evaluate scikit-learn and Keras(Theano/Tensorflow) to real problems they will encounter in the analytics industry.
Enroll now: Real data science problems with Python
Title: Real data science problems with Python
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 31
Number of Published Lectures: 31
Number of Curriculum Items: 31
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 31
Original Price: £19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Work with many ML techniques in real problems such as classification, image processing, regression
- Build neural networks for classification and regression
- Apply machine learning and data science to Audio Processing, Image detection, real time video, sentiment analysis and many more things
Who Should Attend
- Intermediate Python users with some knowledge on data science
- Students wanting to practice with real datasets
- Students who know some machine learning, but want to evaluate scikit-learn and Keras(Theano/Tensorflow) to real problems they will encounter in the analytics industry
Target Audiences
- Intermediate Python users with some knowledge on data science
- Students wanting to practice with real datasets
- Students who know some machine learning, but want to evaluate scikit-learn and Keras(Theano/Tensorflow) to real problems they will encounter in the analytics industry
This course explores a variety of machine learning and data science techniques using real life datasets/images/audio collected from several sources. These realistic situations are much better than dummy examples, because they force the student to better think the problem, pre-process the data in a better way, and evaluate the performance of the prediction in different ways.
The datasets used here are from different sources such as Kaggle, US, CrowdFlower, etc. And each lecture shows how to preprocess the data, model it using an appropriate technique, and compute how well each technique is working on that specific problem. Certain lectures contain also multiple techniques, and we discuss which technique is outperforming the other. Naturally, all the code is shared here, and you can contact me if you have any questions. Every lecture can also be downloaded, so you can enjoy them while travelling.
The student should already be familiar with Python and some data science techniques. In each lecture, we do discuss some technical details on each method, but we do not invest much time in explaining the underlying mathematical principles behind each method
Some of the techniques presented here are:
- Pure image processing using OpencCV
- Convolutional neural networks using Keras-Theano
- Logistic and naive bayes classifiers
- Adaboost, Support Vector Machines for regression and classification, Random Forests
- Real time video processing, Multilayer Perceptrons, Deep Neural Networks,etc.
- Linear regression
- Penalized estimators
- Clustering
- Principal components
The modules/libraries used here are:
- Scikit-learn
- Keras-theano
- Pandas
- OpenCV
Some of the real examples used here:
- Predicting the GDP based on socio-economic variables
- Detecting human parts and gestures in images
- Tracking objects in real time video
- Machine learning on speech recognition
- Detecting spam in SMS messages
- Sentiment analysis using Twitter data
- Counting objects in pictures and retrieving their position
- Forecasting London property prices
- Predicting whether people earn more than a 50K threshold based on US Census data
- Predicting the nuclear output of US based reactors
- Predicting the house prices for some US counties
- And much more…
The motivation for this course is that many students willing to learn data science/machine learning are usually suck with dummy datasets that are not challenging enough. This course aims to ease that transition between knowing machine learning, and doing real machine learning on real situations.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Wines
Lecture 1: Predicting Wine characteristics – Using GridsearchCV
Chapter 3: Doing Machine learning with Audio – Classifying sounds
Lecture 1: Reading WAV files and extracting features
Lecture 2: Classifying words using Adaboost and SVM
Lecture 3: Classifying words using Multilayer Perceptron Deep Neural networks
Chapter 4: Nuclear reactors in the US
Lecture 1: Predicting nuclear output in the US via MLP and SVR
Lecture 2: Multi-output neural networks
Chapter 5: Clustering
Lecture 1: K-Means and PCA on a real dataset containing data for 168 countries
Chapter 6: Used car prices for German Ebay
Lecture 1: Incremental training in Keras
Chapter 7: Identifying poisonous mushrooms
Lecture 1: Poisonous mushrooms detection using Kaggle Data
Lecture 2: Classifying mushrooms using a super GPU on AWS
Chapter 8: Plotting
Lecture 1: Heatmaps: plotting traffic camera revenues in Chicago and Homicides in the US
Chapter 9: Useful image classes
Lecture 1: A class that maps Black&White images to Python objects
Lecture 2: A class that maps RGB Images to Python objects
Chapter 10: Image classification
Lecture 1: Detecting hands in pictures via Convolutional Neural Networks
Lecture 2: Identifying bolts and nuts in images
Lecture 3: Identifying bolts and nuts by calculating polygons
Chapter 11: Working with Video
Lecture 1: Processing video in real time using OpenCV
Lecture 2: Machine learning on real time video
Lecture 3: Following a marker on the screen
Chapter 12: Sentiment analysis and social media
Lecture 1: Sentiment analysis
Lecture 2: Sentiment analysis on self driving cars
Chapter 13: Forecasting
Lecture 1: Intro to time series
Lecture 2: Forecasting the US GDP:Part1
Lecture 3: Forecasting the US GDP: Part2
Lecture 4: Forecasting London property prices
Chapter 14: House Prices in the US
Lecture 1: Predicting real house prices using ExtraTrees
Lecture 2: Estimating contributions in US house prices via regression
Chapter 15: SPAM
Lecture 1: Detecting spam in real SMS data
Chapter 16: Economics
Lecture 1: Predicting whether income exceeds 50K using logistic regression
Lecture 2: Predicting the GDP based on socio-economic variables
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 22 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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