Real World Spark 2 – Jupyter Python Spark Core
Real World Spark 2 – Jupyter Python Spark Core, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.6, with 19 lectures, based on 5 reviews, and has 122 subscribers.
You will learn about Simply run a single command on your desktop, go for a coffee, and come back with a running distributed environment for cluster deployment Ability to automate the installation of software across multiple Virtual Machines Code in Python against Spark. Transformation, Actions and Spark Monitoring This course is ideal for individuals who are Software engineers who want to expand their skills into the world of distributed computing or Developers who want to write/test their code against Python / Spark It is particularly useful for Software engineers who want to expand their skills into the world of distributed computing or Developers who want to write/test their code against Python / Spark.
Enroll now: Real World Spark 2 – Jupyter Python Spark Core
Title: Real World Spark 2 – Jupyter Python Spark Core
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.6
Number of Lectures: 19
Number of Published Lectures: 19
Number of Curriculum Items: 19
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 19
Original Price: £89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Simply run a single command on your desktop, go for a coffee, and come back with a running distributed environment for cluster deployment
- Ability to automate the installation of software across multiple Virtual Machines
- Code in Python against Spark. Transformation, Actions and Spark Monitoring
Who Should Attend
- Software engineers who want to expand their skills into the world of distributed computing
- Developers who want to write/test their code against Python / Spark
Target Audiences
- Software engineers who want to expand their skills into the world of distributed computing
- Developers who want to write/test their code against Python / Spark
Note : This course is built on top of the “Real World Vagrant – Build an Apache Spark Development Env! – Toyin Akin” course. So if you do not have a Spark environment already installed (within a VM or directly installed), you can take the stated course above.
Jupyter Notebook is a system similar to Mathematica that allows you to create “executable documents”. Notebooks integrate formatted text (Markdown), executable code (Python), mathematical formulas (LaTeX), and graphics and visualizations (matplotlib) into a single document that captures the flow of an exploration and can be exported as a formatted report or an executable script.,
The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more.
Big data integration
Leverage big data tools, such as Apache Spark, from Python
The Jupyter Notebook is based on a set of open standards for interactive computing. Think HTML and CSS for interactive computing on the web. These open standards can be leveraged by third party developers to build customized applications with embedded interactive computing.
Spark Monitoring and Instrumentation
While creating RDDs, performing transformations and executing actions, you will be working heavily within the monitoring view of the Web UI.
Every SparkContextlaunches a web UI, by default on port 4040, that displays useful information about the application. This includes:
A list of scheduler stages and tasks
A summary of RDD sizes and memory usage
Environmental information.
Information about the running executors
Why Apache Spark …
Apache Sparkrun programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk. Apache Spark has an advanced DAG execution engine that supports cyclic data flow and in-memory computing. Apache Spark offers over 80 high-level operators that make it easy to build parallel apps. And you can use it interactively from the Scala, Python and R shells. Apache Spark can combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics.
Apache Spark powers a stack of libraries including SQL and DataFrames, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX, and Spark Streaming. You can combine these libraries seamlessly in the same application.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Jupyter with Python Spark Core
Lecture 1: A quick tour of Jupyter Python with Spark
Lecture 2: Suggested Spark Udemy curriculum courses to follow …
Chapter 2: Author, Equipment and Compensation
Lecture 1: My experience within the Enterprise
Lecture 2: Spark job compensation for those in this field.
Lecture 3: Memory Requirements
Lecture 4: Recommended Hardware for Spark and Hadoop labs …
Chapter 3: Setup the Environment
Lecture 1: Resource files for the course
Lecture 2: Spark setup
Lecture 3: Walking through the Base Vagrant Spark Box
Lecture 4: Upgrade and Package the Vagrant Box to Spark 2
Lecture 5: Register the updated Vagrant Spark Box
Chapter 4: Jupyter Python
Lecture 1: Boot up and Walkthrough of the Jupyter Python Spark Environment
Lecture 2: Configure and Startup a Spark Environment for Distributed Computing
Lecture 3: Python Spark RDD, Transformations, Actions and Monitoring I
Lecture 4: Python Spark RDD, Transformations, Actions and Monitoring II
Lecture 5: Python Spark RDD, Transformations, Actions and Monitoring III
Lecture 6: Python Spark RDD, Transformations, Actions and Monitoring IV
Lecture 7: Python Spark RDD, Transformations, Actions and Monitoring V
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Toyin Akin
Big Data Engineer, Capital Markets FinTech Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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