REST API Automation With REST Assured – A Complete Guide
REST API Automation With REST Assured – A Complete Guide, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.52, with 109 lectures, based on 1914 reviews, and has 11947 subscribers.
You will learn about File Uploads ,File Downloads , Sending SOAP Requests, Sending requests via proxy server using Rest Assured **TEST AUTOMATION FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT & CI WITH GIT,JENKINS*** OAUTH1 Authentication with Twitter, Authentication OAUTH2 with Paypal in Rest Assured Authentication with Spring Security & CSRF Token based apps in Rest Assured Logging, request/response specifications, RootPath JSONPath, XMLPath, JSoup Libraries for extracting data Hard Asserts, Soft Asserts,Multiple Asserts , complete JSON Body Assertions using JSONAssert Library Continuous Integration with GitHub & Jenkins Allure Reports Implementation in TestFramework & configuration with Jenkins This course is ideal for individuals who are QA Engineers who want to learn how to write API automation or Automation Engineers, SDET's who want to learn an additional Java testing library for RESTful APIs or Software developers who would like to learn the art of API test automation using REST Assured It is particularly useful for QA Engineers who want to learn how to write API automation or Automation Engineers, SDET's who want to learn an additional Java testing library for RESTful APIs or Software developers who would like to learn the art of API test automation using REST Assured.
Enroll now: REST API Automation With REST Assured – A Complete Guide
Title: REST API Automation With REST Assured – A Complete Guide
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.52
Number of Lectures: 109
Number of Published Lectures: 109
Number of Curriculum Items: 109
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 109
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- File Uploads ,File Downloads , Sending SOAP Requests, Sending requests via proxy server using Rest Assured
- OAUTH1 Authentication with Twitter, Authentication OAUTH2 with Paypal in Rest Assured
- Authentication with Spring Security & CSRF Token based apps in Rest Assured
- Logging, request/response specifications, RootPath
- JSONPath, XMLPath, JSoup Libraries for extracting data
- Hard Asserts, Soft Asserts,Multiple Asserts , complete JSON Body Assertions using JSONAssert Library
- Continuous Integration with GitHub & Jenkins
- Allure Reports Implementation in TestFramework & configuration with Jenkins
Who Should Attend
- QA Engineers who want to learn how to write API automation
- Automation Engineers, SDET's who want to learn an additional Java testing library for RESTful APIs
- Software developers who would like to learn the art of API test automation using REST Assured
Target Audiences
- QA Engineers who want to learn how to write API automation
- Automation Engineers, SDET's who want to learn an additional Java testing library for RESTful APIs
- Software developers who would like to learn the art of API test automation using REST Assured
In the 21st century, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Most modern-day web services are built on Representational state transfer (REST) architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies.
It is very important for software QA engineers, automation engineers, and software developers to understand the importance of Web Services testing and more importantly how to automate these tests. Automating Application Program Interface (API) tests are critical and crucial for most projects due to the fact that API tests are far more stable, reliable and fast.
In this course, you will be provided with the tools and techniques needed to be successful with REST API automation. We will be focusing on the important topics listed below:
Introduction to REST Assured, which is a popular open-source library used for API test automation. Learn to write tests for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE operations using a sample application provided in the course
Understand and use JSONPath, XML Path (with Groovy syntax) to assert and extract the response
Simplify writing JSONPath by using Root path feature
Practical examples demonstrating different Rest Assured topics (Request Specification, Response Specification, Logging, Parameters, File Download etc.)
Logging Request and Response information based on test status
Avoiding writing repetitive code by using Request/Response specification concepts
Adding multiple assertions to a single test
Soft Assertions in Rest Assured
File Download
File Upload using the multipart method
Work with real-world examples such as Walmart Search API, PayPal Payment Service
Use PayPal Web Service to learn different concepts like Authentication using OAuth 2.0, passing of access tokens to different requests, and executing GET, COMPLEX POST requests
Use OAuth 1.0 authentication with Twitter to create Tweets, read tweets using Rest-Assured
Authenticating into applications which implement Form Authentication using Spring Security
Authenticating into applications that implement Form Authentication using Spring Security & CSRF token implementation.
Sending Soap Requests using Rest-Assured
Sending requests via Proxy Server
Parsing HTML Data using JSOUP Library
Using JSONAssert Library to assert on complete JSON responses
Learn to use setup & configure Allure Reports
Provide beautiful DisplayNames, Descriptions, linkinformation in your reports
Add detailed test step information & attachment information in the reports
Continuous Integration(CI) with Git, Github & Jenkins
At the end of this course, you will feel at “Rest” and will be “Assured” to take up API Testing, API Automation and successfully execute it in your organization!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Setting up the Student Sample Application
Lecture 1: Launching the 'Students' Sample Application
Lecture 2: IMPORTANT: For users using Java 17+
Lecture 3: Installing Docker on Windows OS
Lecture 4: Installing Docker on MacOsx
Lecture 5: Launching Student app docker image
Chapter 3: Writing Tests using REST Assured
Lecture 1: Project setup using maven, junit, & rest-assured
Lecture 2: Popular test writing styles in Rest Assured
Lecture 3: Writing our first using Rest Assured
Lecture 4: Static import of Rest Assured methods
Lecture 5: Passing QueryParams in GET Request
Lecture 6: Passing Path Params in GET Request
Lecture 7: Reusability with RestAssured constants(port, baseURI ,basePath)
Lecture 8: POST request with payload as String
Lecture 9: POJO creation & Java object payload with Gson
Lecture 10: Creating Fake Test Data with Java Faker library
Lecture 11: Updating Student information with PUT request
Lecture 12: Update partial info (PATCH request)
Lecture 13: Delete a student using DELETE Request
Lecture 14: Code for download
Chapter 4: Logging Request and Response Data in Rest Assured
Lecture 1: Logging Request Information
Lecture 2: Logging Request Information based on Test Status
Lecture 3: Logging Response Information
Chapter 5: Extract data from Json response using JSONPath
Lecture 1: Bestbuy API playground setup
Lecture 2: (ALTERNATIVE)-Launching Bestbuy API playground docker image
Lecture 3: Brief overview on extracting information from response
Lecture 4: Extracting response information with Jayway JsonPath library-p1
Lecture 5: Extracting response information with Jayway JsonPath library-p2
Lecture 6: Jayway JsonPath Info
Lecture 7: Extracting response information with JsonPath(JsonSlurper)-p1
Lecture 8: Extracting response information with JsonPath(JsonSlurper)-p2
Lecture 9: RestAssured JsonPath Useful links
Lecture 10: Code for download
Chapter 6: (WALMART API-OLDER EXAMPLES) -JsonPath Response extraction
Lecture 1: Walmart Search API Walkthrough
Lecture 2: **********WALMART API KEY: IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ********************
Lecture 3: Extracting data from response using JsonPath-Part1
Lecture 4: Extracting data from response using JsonPath-part2
Lecture 5: Extracting data from response using JsonPath-part3
Lecture 6: Extracting data from response using JsonPath-part4
Chapter 7: Extract data from xml response using XML Path
Lecture 1: **********WALMART API KEY: IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ********************
Lecture 2: Extracting data from response using XMLPath-part1
Lecture 3: Extracting data from response using XMLPath-part2
Chapter 8: Assertions in REST Assured using Hamcrest Library
Lecture 1: Adding single assertion to tests
Lecture 2: Adding Multiple Assertions To Tests
Lecture 3: Soft Assertions In Rest-Assured
Chapter 9: JSONAssert Library for asserting on complete JSON Responses
Lecture 1: Asserting on complete JSON Response
Chapter 10: Root Path in REST Assured
Lecture 1: Setting Root Path in REST Assured
Chapter 11: Request Specification and Response Specification
Lecture 1: Refactoring Tests using Request Specification
Lecture 2: Refactoring tests using Response Specification
Chapter 12: Filters in Rest-Assured
Lecture 1: Extracting request/response specifications using filters
Chapter 13: File Downloads in REST Assured
Lecture 1: Validating File DownLoads Part 1
Lecture 2: Validating File DownLoads Part 2
Chapter 14: Basic Authentication with File Uploads using REST Assured
Lecture 1: Creating developer account for Zamzar file conversion
Lecture 2: Uploading files to Zamzar using Multipart Request
Chapter 15: Checking Response Time
Lecture 1: Check Response time
Chapter 16: Sending SOAP Requests in Rest-Assured
Lecture 1: Getting information from Holiday WebService
Chapter 17: Requests via ProxyServer
Lecture 1: Sending Requests via proxy server
Chapter 18: Authentication (OAuth2.0) with Paypal Payment Web Service (SANDBOX ENVIRONMENT)
Lecture 1: Introduction to PayPal Web Services
Lecture 2: Creating Paypal Developer accounts & Testing App
Lecture 3: Usage of OAuth 2.0 in Paypal
Lecture 4: Creating Payment/Requesting Payments in Paypal using POSTMAN
Lecture 5: Obtaining the session token from Paypal OAuth server using REST Assured
Lecture 6: Creating payment in PayPal by posting body as String
Lecture 7: Creating POJO Files for Payment
Lecture 8: Creating Payment Object from POJO Files
Lecture 9: Creating payment in PayPal with Payment Object
Lecture 10: Getting payment information in PayPal using GET Request (REST Assured)
Chapter 19: OAuth1.0 Authentication with Twitter API
Lecture 1: Twitter Endpoint & Sample application
Lecture 2: Creating/Reading Tweets using Postman
Lecture 3: Creating/Reading Tweets using Rest-Assured
Chapter 20: Form Authentication (Spring Security) in Rest-Assured
Lecture 1: Starting up the student application
Lecture 2: Form authentication login mechanism
Chapter 21: Parsing HTML Data with JSOUP Library
Lecture 1: Jsoup Part-1
Lecture 2: jsoup Part-2
Chapter 22: Form Authentication with CSRF Token in Rest-Assured
Lecture 1: Logging into application with CSRF Token implementation
Lecture 2: Getting the list of all the students
Chapter 23: Allure Reports
Tejasvi Hegde
Test Automation Enthusiast
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 27 votes
- 2 stars: 35 votes
- 3 stars: 250 votes
- 4 stars: 733 votes
- 5 stars: 871 votes
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