REST API Automation with RestSharp & HTTP Client
REST API Automation with RestSharp & HTTP Client, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4, with 211 lectures, based on 242 reviews, and has 1509 subscribers.
You will learn about How to design Automation Framework for API automation HTTP Client library and its usage for API Testing Different type of Authentication Mechanism used with API RestSharp framework and its usage for API Testing Synchronous and Asynchronous execution Pattern Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for both Developers and testers or Manual/Automation test engineers who want to learn API automation or Best for developers and testers who are planning to build automation framework or Test Engineer who wants to implement the RestSharp framework for API automation It is particularly useful for This course is designed for both Developers and testers or Manual/Automation test engineers who want to learn API automation or Best for developers and testers who are planning to build automation framework or Test Engineer who wants to implement the RestSharp framework for API automation.
Enroll now: REST API Automation with RestSharp & HTTP Client
Title: REST API Automation with RestSharp & HTTP Client
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 211
Number of Published Lectures: 211
Number of Curriculum Items: 222
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 222
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to design Automation Framework for API automation
- HTTP Client library and its usage for API Testing
- Different type of Authentication Mechanism used with API
- RestSharp framework and its usage for API Testing
- Synchronous and Asynchronous execution Pattern
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for both Developers and testers
- Manual/Automation test engineers who want to learn API automation
- Best for developers and testers who are planning to build automation framework
- Test Engineer who wants to implement the RestSharp framework for API automation
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for both Developers and testers
- Manual/Automation test engineers who want to learn API automation
- Best for developers and testers who are planning to build automation framework
- Test Engineer who wants to implement the RestSharp framework for API automation
**The course has been updated with the latest version of the RestSharp framework**
Currently, the IT industry is moving towards Micro Service based architecture. And it is very important to understand what are RESTful APIand Web services. This course is all about that.
The Course is divided into 3 sections
In the 1st section, I will have a detailed discussion about the RESTful API and Webservices
In the 2nd section, I will discuss the HTTP Client library and how to use them for testing RESTful API
In the 3rd section, I will discuss the RestSharp framework and how to use it for API testing
I will also discuss synchronous and asynchronous execution. And how to run the test in parallel
In this course, I will also discuss some real-time APIs of the application. Such a Drop Box and JIRA
While going through this course, I will also develop a framework for testing. The source code of the framework will be provided for download
Unit Testing Framework MSTest
MSTest Framework
HTTP Client for API Testing
GET Request
Assertion and Validation
POST Request
PUT Request
DELETE Request
Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution
Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution – Introduction
Synchronous Execution’s of Test
Asynchronous Execution of Test
Asynchronous Execution of Test – Failed Scenario
Redefining HelperClass with Async & Await Implementation
Asynchronous Execution with Task Factory
Fetch the returned value from asynchronous task
Parallel execution with RunSettings File
RestSharp Framework
GET Request
Framework Design & Implementation
POST Request
PUT Request
Delete Request
Token Based Authentication – DropBox API
Session Based Authentication – JIRA API
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction and Course Material
Lecture 2: Prerequisite
Chapter 2: Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Tools Required
Lecture 2: Setting up the jdk 1.8
Lecture 3: Setting up the Tomcat Server
Lecture 4: Setting up the Visual Studio – Part One
Lecture 5: Setting up the Visual Studio – Part Two
Lecture 6: Setting up the Postman Client
Lecture 7: Application Deployment in Tomcat
Chapter 3: Basic of RestFul Services
Lecture 1: What is a Web Service
Lecture 2: Request and Response
Lecture 3: What is REST
Lecture 4: HTTP Methods
Lecture 5: Request and Response Format
Chapter 4: Unit Testing Framework MSTest
Lecture 1: Creating the Project In Visual Studio
Lecture 2: MSTest Framework Introduction
Lecture 3: MSTest Framework Setup
Lecture 4: MSTest – Part One
Lecture 5: MSTest – Part Two
Chapter 5: HTTP Client for API Testing
Lecture 1: Setting up the HTTP Client
Lecture 2: Understanding the HTTP Client Framework
Lecture 3: Creating the HTTP Client
Lecture 4: Creating the GET Request
Lecture 5: Capturing the Response
Lecture 6: Response Format
Lecture 7: Capturing the Status Code from Response
Lecture 8: Capturing the Response Content
Lecture 9: XML and JSON Data Format
Lecture 10: Accepting the Data in a JSON and XML format
Lecture 11: GET Request using SendAsync
Lecture 12: Working with Using Statement
Lecture 13: Creating the custom class to capture the response
Lecture 14: Serialization and Deserialization
Lecture 15: Installing the Deserialization Packages
Lecture 16: Creating the Model for JSON Schema
Lecture 17: Deserialization of JSON Response
Lecture 18: Steps for XML Deserialization
Lecture 19: Model for XML Deserialization
Lecture 20: Deserialization of XML Data
Chapter 6: Assertion and Validation
Lecture 1: Assertion – Introduction
Lecture 2: Adding the Assertion in Test
Lecture 3: Conditional Based Assertion
Chapter 7: POST Request
Lecture 1: POST Request – Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating the POST request
Lecture 3: Validation of Response
Lecture 4: POST Request with XML Data
Lecture 5: Validation of POST request with XML Data
Lecture 6: POST request using SendAsync API
Lecture 7: Code Optimization – Part One
Lecture 8: Code Optimization – Part Two
Lecture 9: Framework Method for POST
Lecture 10: Using the Framework Method in TestClass
Lecture 11: Framework Method for Response Data
Lecture 12: Using the Framework Method for Response Data in TestClass
Chapter 8: PUT Request
Lecture 1: PUT Request using PostMan
Lecture 2: Creating PUT Request with XML data
Lecture 3: PUT Request with JSON data
Lecture 4: Framework method for PUT request
Lecture 5: Using the Framework method for PUT Request
Chapter 9: DELETE Request
Lecture 1: Delete Request using PostMan
Lecture 2: Delete Request
Lecture 3: Framework Method for Delete Request
Chapter 10: Authentication
Lecture 1: Authentication – Basic Auth
Lecture 2: Secure GET End Point
Lecture 3: Encoding and Decoding of Basic Auth
Lecture 4: Secure POST End Point
Lecture 5: Secure PUT End Point
Lecture 6: Secure DELETE End Point
Chapter 11: Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution
Lecture 1: Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution – Introduction
Lecture 2: Synchronous Exexution of Test
Lecture 3: Asynchronous Execution of Test
Lecture 4: Asynchronous Execution of Test – Failed Scenario
Lecture 5: Parallel Execution of Multiple Request
Lecture 6: Redefining HelperClass with Async & Await Implementation
Lecture 7: Parallel Execution with Different Request Type
Lecture 8: Asynchronous Execution with Task Factory
Lecture 9: Fetch the returned value from asynchronous task
Lecture 10: Parallel execution with RunSettings File
Chapter 12: RestSharp Framework
Lecture 1: RestSharp – Introduction
Lecture 2: !! IMPORTANT !! RestSharp !! VERSION
Lecture 3: RestSharp – Updated Video
Lecture 4: Creating the Rest Client
Chapter 13: RestSharp – GET Request
Lecture 1: GET Request
Lecture 2: Capture the Status Code
Lecture 3: Capture the Response Content
Lecture 4: Capture the response in Different Format
Lecture 5: Deserialization of JSON Response
Rahul Singh Rathore
Software Developer Engg in Test
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 23 votes
- 4 stars: 76 votes
- 5 stars: 119 votes
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