Rest API Using MongoDB and NodeJS: Beginners Guide
Rest API Using MongoDB and NodeJS: Beginners Guide, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 32 lectures, based on 157 reviews, and has 31849 subscribers.
You will learn about Basic development of Restful API using Node JS and MongoDB Swagger Open API Documentation MongoDB in details REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It provides a standardized way to communicate and interac MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that provides a flexible, scalable, and document-oriented approach to data storage This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners of Web Development, API Development, or Swagger API Automation or API developer It is particularly useful for Beginners of Web Development, API Development, or Swagger API Automation or API developer.
Enroll now: Rest API Using MongoDB and NodeJS: Beginners Guide
Title: Rest API Using MongoDB and NodeJS: Beginners Guide
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Basic development of Restful API using Node JS and MongoDB
- Swagger Open API Documentation
- MongoDB in details
- REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It provides a standardized way to communicate and interac
- MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that provides a flexible, scalable, and document-oriented approach to data storage
Who Should Attend
- Beginners of Web Development, API Development,
- Swagger API Automation
- API developer
Target Audiences
- Beginners of Web Development, API Development,
- Swagger API Automation
- API developer
MongoDB Tutorials: MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that provides a flexible, scalable, and document-oriented approach to data storage. If you want to learn about MongoDB, here are some basic and important tutorials to start with:
a. Introduction to MongoDB: This tutorial provides an overview of MongoDB, explaining its key concepts, features, and benefits compared to traditional relational databases. It covers the document model, collections, and BSON (Binary JSON) data format.
b. Installation and Setup: This tutorial guides you through the installation process of MongoDB on your local machine. It covers downloading the appropriate package for your operating system, configuring the database server, and starting the MongoDB service.
c. CRUD Operations: CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are fundamental to any database system. This tutorial walks you through performing basic CRUD operations using MongoDB, including inserting documents, querying data, updating records, and deleting documents.
d. Indexing and Performance: Indexing plays a crucial role in optimizing query performance. This tutorial covers how to create and manage indexes in MongoDB to improve query execution speed. It also explores strategies for optimizing database performance, such as using the Explain command.
e. Aggregation Framework: MongoDB’s Aggregation Framework allows you to perform complex data manipulations and analytics operations. This tutorial introduces the Aggregation Framework and demonstrates how to use it to perform aggregations, grouping, sorting, and filtering operations.
f. Data Modeling and Schema Design: MongoDB’s flexible schema allows for dynamic data structures. This tutorial explains the principles of data modeling and schema design in MongoDB, including embedding documents, referencing, and denormalization.
g. Security and Authentication: Securing your MongoDB deployment is essential. This tutorial covers security best practices, including configuring authentication and authorization, enabling encryption, setting up user roles, and protecting against common security threats.
These tutorials provide a solid foundation for understanding and working with REST APIs and MongoDB. As you progress, you can explore more advanced topics and dive deeper into specific areas that interest you.
One of the most popular NoSQL databases is MongoDB.
This course will give you insight about
Rest API using NodeJS
MongoDB Queries
MongoDB Aggregation
MongoDB pipeline for NodeJS
Integration with NodeJS application
Insert, Update, Delete data from Node JS to MongoDB using API
In this course, you will learn all the below-mentioned topics:
1. Node JS-installation
2. Visual Studio Code- Installation
3. Node JS Project Creation
4. Create the First API
5. Get Request
6. Postman installation
7. Get Request with Param
8. POST request
9. PUT Request
10. DELETE request
11. MongoDB installation
12. MongoDB compass Installation
13. MongoDB compass basic queries
14. MongoDB – FindSort
15. Aggregation -$match
16. Aggregation -$project
17. Aggregation -$addFields
18. Aggregation – $sort
19. Aggregation -$group
20. Aggregation -$unwind
21. Pipeline for Node
22. How to fetch data from MongoDB in node js
23. How to insert data to MongoDB from node js
24. How to update data in MongoDB from node js
25. How to update data in MongoDB from node js
26. Swagger Open API Documentation (OpenAPI, Swagger Tool, Swagger UI)
In this tutorial, you will learn end-to-end restful API development using Node JS, Express Js, and MongoDB.
Also, I have explained about the postman tool for API Testing.
This course will help you to start working as a full-stack developer.
So, don’t wait for the magic, and let’s get started with this amazing course.
If you have any queries, please do let me know.
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Rest API using Node JS and Express JS
Lecture 1: NodeJS Installation
Lecture 2: Visual Studio Code Installation
Lecture 3: NodeJS Project Creation
Lecture 4: Create First API
Lecture 5: Get Request
Lecture 6: Postman Installation
Lecture 7: Get Request With Param
Lecture 8: Post Request
Lecture 9: Put Request
Lecture 10: Delete Request
Chapter 2: Introduction to MongoDB
Lecture 1: MongoDB Installation
Lecture 2: MongoDB Compass Installation
Lecture 3: MongoDB Compass Basic Queries
Lecture 4: MongoDB Compass Find & Sort
Lecture 5: MongoDB Compass Aggregation: $Match
Lecture 6: MongoDB Compass Aggregation: $Project
Lecture 7: MongoDB Compass Aggregation: $addFields
Lecture 8: MongoDB Compass Aggregation: $Sort
Lecture 9: MongoDB Compass Aggregation: $Group
Lecture 10: MongoDB Compass Aggregation: $Unwind
Lecture 11: MongoDB Compass Aggregation: Pipeline for NodeJS
Chapter 3: MongoDB integration with NodeJS
Lecture 1: How to fetch data from mongodb using NodeJS
Lecture 2: How to Insert data to mongodb using NodeJS
Lecture 3: How to update data to mongodb using NodeJS
Lecture 4: How to delete data to mongodb using NodeJS
Lecture 5: Project Code
Chapter 4: Swagger API Documentation for Node JS
Lecture 1: Introduction to Swagger & Installation
Lecture 2: Swagger First API Doc
Lecture 3: GET API Doc with Schema
Lecture 4: POST API Doc
Lecture 5: PUT API Doc
Lecture 6: Delete API Doc
Chandan Kumar
Java/Automation/DevOps Trainer || YouTuber || Full Stack Dev
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 60 votes
- 5 stars: 62 votes
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