Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL: Bootcamp
Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL: Bootcamp, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.11, with 57 lectures, based on 146 reviews, and has 8316 subscribers.
You will learn about How to build a RESTful web services (API) with plain PHP (no frameworks required) Fundamental Principles of RESTful API How to work with MySQL database with CRUD files using a REST API What JWT – Token Based Authentication is and why it is better than Basic Authentication API Testing using Postman App step by step Applying Restful API HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE You will learn 2 real world projects while learning and writing the Restful API services Create Restful API Web services for your Mobile apps learn What is Generative AI for prompt engineering This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner PHP developer like to build curious about Restful API web services or PHP developers who would like to build Web Service APIs using only core PHP (no frameworks) or PHP developers making secure Apps with Token Based Authentication to their APIs or PHP developers interested in how you write CRUD files to work with MySQL Data using APIs or Anyone who wants to become a freelancer on Restful API Web services It is particularly useful for Beginner PHP developer like to build curious about Restful API web services or PHP developers who would like to build Web Service APIs using only core PHP (no frameworks) or PHP developers making secure Apps with Token Based Authentication to their APIs or PHP developers interested in how you write CRUD files to work with MySQL Data using APIs or Anyone who wants to become a freelancer on Restful API Web services.
Enroll now: Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL: Bootcamp
Title: Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL: Bootcamp
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.11
Number of Lectures: 57
Number of Published Lectures: 57
Number of Curriculum Items: 57
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 57
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to build a RESTful web services (API) with plain PHP (no frameworks required)
- Fundamental Principles of RESTful API
- How to work with MySQL database with CRUD files using a REST API
- What JWT – Token Based Authentication is and why it is better than Basic Authentication
- API Testing using Postman App step by step
- Applying Restful API HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
- You will learn 2 real world projects while learning and writing the Restful API services
- Create Restful API Web services for your Mobile apps
- learn What is Generative AI for prompt engineering
Who Should Attend
- Beginner PHP developer like to build curious about Restful API web services
- PHP developers who would like to build Web Service APIs using only core PHP (no frameworks)
- PHP developers making secure Apps with Token Based Authentication to their APIs
- PHP developers interested in how you write CRUD files to work with MySQL Data using APIs
- Anyone who wants to become a freelancer on Restful API Web services
Target Audiences
- Beginner PHP developer like to build curious about Restful API web services
- PHP developers who would like to build Web Service APIs using only core PHP (no frameworks)
- PHP developers making secure Apps with Token Based Authentication to their APIs
- PHP developers interested in how you write CRUD files to work with MySQL Data using APIs
- Anyone who wants to become a freelancer on Restful API Web services
Learn Restful API Web Services with PHP and MySQL from scratch, The first step to Creating REST API Services for any App Coding you need to learn to succeed in server-side web services, it is easy to learn and understand our online Restful API Training course, It is designed for you with the complete steps to require learn to start Restful API topics by Mr. Sekhar Metla[MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional] will explain to you even complex topics to simplify and teach you even beginners can easily understand with real-time code examples and projects.
learn what is Generative AI for future learning
What is Restful API?
A RESTful API is an architectural style for an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to access and use data. That data can be used to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE method data types, which refers to the reading, updating, creating, and deleting of operations concerning resources.
There are several PHP courses Online. So, what makes this course different? Here are 5 reasons:
Taught by a senior coder and real-world coding instructor – Sekhar Metla
Sekhar has 20 years of experience as a software engineer
He has produced 50+ courses and many of them are great courses
He has taught over 52,000 students in 192 countries
No Boring or unnecessary repetition – don’t waste your time on long courses
Clear, concise, and practical training – start coding right away
Learn from real-world experts
Learn how to think like a programmer – most, if not all, courses just teach you Restful API features, not the art of problem-solving
Aspiring developers – perhaps you learned a little bit of HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVA, C# NET and want to take your first Restful API web services programming course. This course is an ideal starting point for Beginners.
For Experienced Developers who want to start learning Restful API. This course teaches you the fundamental programming skills of Restful API that every developer must know.
Anyone who wants to good understand Restful API – to understand certain topics well. You can take this course to fill the gaps and strengthen your understanding of Restful API.
Stop wasting your time on disconnected tutorials or super-long courses. Enroll in the course to get started today for Restful API
In this course I will be showing you how to create RESTfulweb services with PHP, no third-party frameworks or paid software is needed.
We will be covering the basics of what REST is and how to implement the basics using Core PHP, at the end of this course you should be able to create a basic RESTful web service that you can allow other people to use.
To do this we will be implementing an authentication concept called JWT –JSON WEB Token-based authentication and we added this feature within the course, Token based authentication is a lot more secure than just basic password authentication and is now a best practice in the industry. on Project 1you will learn this module on real-world exercises of Registration and Login form functionalities.
Project 2 for Restful API for MySQL database CRUD functionality to achieve RESTmethods of GET, POST, PUT and DELETEfunctions, writing the functionality API services, and testing using POSTMANAPI you submit the JSON data parameters to test API functionality with MySQL basics to create database, table and basic queries for beginners added.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Getting Started
Lecture 2: Course Curriculum
Lecture 3: How to Get Pre-Requisites
Lecture 4: Getting Started on Windows, Linux or Mac
Lecture 5: How to ask a Great Questions
Lecture 6: FAQ’s
Lecture 7: What is Source code
Lecture 8: Learn What is Generative AI / Gen AI
Chapter 2: Setting up Local Development Environment
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: XAMPP Installation for PHP, MySQL and Apache
Lecture 3: Choosing code editor
Lecture 4: Installing code editor (Sublime text)
Lecture 5: Installing code editor (VS code)
Lecture 6: Postman API platform installation
Lecture 7: Composer installation
Lecture 8: Creating a project on xampp
Lecture 9: PHP hello world program
Lecture 10: Summary
Chapter 3: Restful API Basic
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: What is PHP
Lecture 3: What is Restful API
Lecture 4: HTTP request GET, POST, PUT or DELETE
Lecture 5: REST API project structure
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 4: Project1: Restful API Login and Registration
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Database and table
Lecture 3: Creating Project forms and folders
Lecture 4: Database Connection
Lecture 5: JSON Web Token Handler(JWT)
Lecture 6: Auth Middleware Token Validation
Lecture 7: Register form
Lecture 8: Login form
Lecture 9: User Token Authorization check form
Lecture 10: Summary
Chapter 5: Project2: Restful API – MySQL Database
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Database and table
Lecture 3: Adding Data to table – insert query
Lecture 4: MySQL Select query
Lecture 5: MySQL Update query
Lecture 6: MySQL Delete query
Lecture 7: Get Project2 Source Code
Lecture 8: Create Database Connection
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 6: Restful API – Web Services
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Create Items Class PHP File
Lecture 3: Create Method form
Lecture 4: Creating Record Using Restful API
Lecture 5: Reading Method form
Lecture 6: Reading Record Using Restful API
Lecture 7: Update Method form
Lecture 8: Update Record Using Restful API
Lecture 9: Delete Method form
Lecture 10: Delete Method Using Restful API
Lecture 11: Coding Exercise
Lecture 12: Solution for Coding Exercise
Lecture 13: Summary
Chapter 7: Apache .htaccess file
Lecture 1: SEO friendly Request URLs of REST API
Metla Sudha Sekhar
Developer and Lead Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 13 votes
- 5 stars: 113 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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