Robust Qt & C++ Gui Programming 2D Graphics App Tutorial
Robust Qt & C++ Gui Programming 2D Graphics App Tutorial, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.35, with 40 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 610 reviews, and has 21192 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a robust, well designed C++ app with Qt, in a bottom-up approach Use some of Qt toolkit's out-of-the-box functionality to build a Windows app Draw very interesting and quite unusual 2D geometrical shapes ☆ Develop a C++ program from scratch Drag and drop UI elements to design a simple GUI (graphical user interface) Learn to debug your Qt apps Learn to write scalable, robust and adaptable source code Use source versioning with Git and SourceTree to commit code changes to online repositories Use the Qt signal and slots mechanism to handle user interface events This course is ideal for individuals who are You have a solid understanding of C++ syntax or You want to learn basic C++ app development with Qt or Preferably you are an intermediate developer or programming enthusiast or You want to learn how to design and create software from scratch or You love software development (especially with C++) or You want hands-on coding experience or You are a 2D graphics amateur or passionate It is particularly useful for You have a solid understanding of C++ syntax or You want to learn basic C++ app development with Qt or Preferably you are an intermediate developer or programming enthusiast or You want to learn how to design and create software from scratch or You love software development (especially with C++) or You want hands-on coding experience or You are a 2D graphics amateur or passionate.
Enroll now: Robust Qt & C++ Gui Programming 2D Graphics App Tutorial
Title: Robust Qt & C++ Gui Programming 2D Graphics App Tutorial
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 40
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 40
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 41
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 41
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a robust, well designed C++ app with Qt, in a bottom-up approach
- Use some of Qt toolkit's out-of-the-box functionality to build a Windows app
- Draw very interesting and quite unusual 2D geometrical shapes ☆
- Develop a C++ program from scratch
- Drag and drop UI elements to design a simple GUI (graphical user interface)
- Learn to debug your Qt apps
- Learn to write scalable, robust and adaptable source code
- Use source versioning with Git and SourceTree to commit code changes to online repositories
- Use the Qt signal and slots mechanism to handle user interface events
Who Should Attend
- You have a solid understanding of C++ syntax
- You want to learn basic C++ app development with Qt
- Preferably you are an intermediate developer or programming enthusiast
- You want to learn how to design and create software from scratch
- You love software development (especially with C++)
- You want hands-on coding experience
- You are a 2D graphics amateur or passionate
Target Audiences
- You have a solid understanding of C++ syntax
- You want to learn basic C++ app development with Qt
- Preferably you are an intermediate developer or programming enthusiast
- You want to learn how to design and create software from scratch
- You love software development (especially with C++)
- You want hands-on coding experience
- You are a 2D graphics amateur or passionate
This course will help you upgrade your C++ software development skills today!
You will learn how to build an application using Qt and C++, from the ground up.
As I’ve put my heart and soul into producing this course, I understand it’s no longer up to date with the Qt platform.
But it does still have valuable insights into robust app design, so I believe you’ll find quite a bunch of useful stuff in here
Here’s what others have to say about this course:
“Great course. Instructions are clear and accurate. Dan logically teaches how to build an app from the simplest parts to the harder ones. Tasks for you to complete are getting a little bit bigger every time and you don’t feel lost between instructions and the tasks as they are connected to each other (unlike in many other courses). Even though for me this course wasn’t hard it was useful and I enjoyed it very much. After finishing the course I found out that there are new videos and new tasks! That’s awesome! I like that course is being improved! ” – Kateryna Brylliantova
“One of the best courses I ever had. Very well structured, very good program structure and complexity of the application. The explanation should be an example for many ohter teachers. A big and real triple-A. Thank You, Dan.” – Matthias Kunka
“Well thought out and paced, I have learned quite a few interesting points on robust code.” – Asad Raja
“I felt this was a very good course for intermediary C++ programmers. It has some easy to follow for the novice sections, but also plenty for the seasoned programmer.” – Gino Manifred
C++ is a very powerful and versatile programming language.
Qt is multi-platform framework, the perfect choice for open source GUI development with C++.
Before investing in this course, please watch the FREE lectures (30 minutes) to:
see the final app in action (check out the Final App DEMO lesson)
decide if this course is really the right one for you
With this course, you will design and create your own C++ program for the Windows platform.
You will add new features to the app, step by step.
You will learn how to write good source code, at professional-level.
You can learn programming in C++ from anyone you wish to, there are many teachers and a lot of free know-how out there.
But if you want to learn to code like a professional, here’s my advice to you:
Choose to learn from someone who has already done professional level coding
Choose a teacher who has a proven track record working experience with C++ and Qt
Choose a mentor who has done this for years, and knows what it takes to create industry-level software
Here’s how the course is structured. Each lecture prepares the groundwork for the next one. You will:
write code in C++ (standard ’03)
use the Qt toolkit’s UI elements to create the GUI (Graphical User Interface)
set up the main application window
drag and drop the required user interface elements (buttons, widgets, labels, spinners…) on the main window
connect UI elements to UI events (mouse clicks, value changed)
write custom event handling code that updates the painted graphic
You need to have a good understanding of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) fundamentals, as you will be adding and working with:
class member variables
class member functions
setters / getters
private / public / protected access modifiers
encapsulation to protect the data
constructors and destructors
overriding virtual base class functions for Qt objects
pointers to objects
You will organize the C++ program logicinto header (.h) and implementation (.cpp) source files.
You will design a simple GUI(Graphical User Interface) with QtCreator (part of the Qt toolkit) and use the signal and slots mechanism to make the buttons (and other UI elements) respond to mouse clicks or value changed events.
You will setup a custom rendering areawidget that integrates flawlessly with the Qt5 framework, by inheriting from the QWidget base class and overriding abstract class methods.
You wil learn how to fix compiler errorsthat can occur during development.
You will also learn to fix linker errorscaused by missing function implementations.
You will use a bottom-up approach to develop robust software.
Notice the key word here – robust.
That means professional-level C++ code.
You will learn to design reusable programs with programs will be designed with reusability in mind. And will be written with future upgrade capabilities in mind.
You will also use Math and Geometry in an unexpected way, to create unusual 2D graphics shapes.
You will also get some hands-on experience by taking the course assignments.
The assignments are designed to get you comfortable with the code and teach you to extend the applicationon your own, after you have completed the course.
Should I go on or do you want to start learning now?
I’ve invested around 10 years into learning software development and have worked 7 years in the IT industry.
Ok, here are a few more things you will get from it:
How to create an online repository(with BitBucket)
How to use source versioning(with GIT) to save intermediary code changes and revert back to them anytime if you make a mistake
Tips and tricks for good coding practices
So come on, let’s start creating some 2D graphics with Qt5 And C++ Gui Programming!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setup Your Development Environment
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Your Final App DEMO
Lecture 3: Installing The Qt Framework (Required)
Lecture 4: Installing Git (The Version Control System)
Lecture 5: Installing Source Tree
Lecture 6: Creating a BitBucket account
Chapter 2: Drawing Shapes
Lecture 1: Creating The Project
Lecture 2: First Commit
Lecture 3: QtCreator shortcuts (GUIDE)
Lecture 4: Preparing The Render Area
Lecture 5: Adding Shape Types And Background Colors
Lecture 6: Setting The Active Shape
Lecture 7: Drawing The First Shape: The Astroid
Lecture 8: On Shape Changed
Lecture 9: Compute Dispatcher
Lecture 10: Drawing The Cycloid Shapes
Lecture 11: Drawing A Parametric Line (Just For Fun)
Lecture 12: Connecting The Dots
Lecture 13: Shape Control #1: Scaling The Astroid
Lecture 14: Shape Control #2: Adding the update_ui() method
Lecture 15: Shape Control #3: Counting Your Steps
Lecture 16: Adding A Drop Of Color
Chapter 3: Assignments
Lecture 1: ASSIGNMENT 1: Update control variables
Lecture 2: (Solution) Assignment 1
Lecture 3: ASSIGNMENT 2: Going full-circle
Lecture 4: (Solution) Assignment 2
Lecture 5: ASSIGNMENT 3: Focusing on the ellipse
Lecture 6: (Solution) Assignment 3
Lecture 7: ASSIGNMENT 4: The fancy curve
Lecture 8: (Solution) Assignment 4
Lecture 9: ASSIGNMENT 5: A lucky starfish
Lecture 10: (Solution) Assignment 5
Chapter 4: Additional Lectures And Resources
Lecture 1: Bug Fixing The Paint Logic
Lecture 2: The Mighty QPen
Lecture 3: Cloud Shapes #1: The Puffy Cloud
Lecture 4: Cloud Shapes #2: Inverted Cloud
Lecture 5: Introduction To Debugging
Lecture 6: How To Debug With Qt Creator?
Lecture 7: C++ & OOP Good Practices (GUIDE)
Lecture 8: Bonus Lecture: Project Source Code
Dan Munteanu
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 15 votes
- 3 stars: 75 votes
- 4 stars: 228 votes
- 5 stars: 286 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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