ROS Actions
ROS Actions, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 48 lectures, based on 138 reviews, and has 1479 subscribers.
You will learn about Master ROS actions Use the SimpleActionServer, SimpleActionClient, ActionServer and ActionClient classes Create more complex robotics applications Get more practice on ROS with Object Oriented Programming Unleash the potential of ROS communication And even more ROS best practices This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who have learned ROS basics and want to go further or ROS developers who want to take their skill to the next level or And anyone desperately searching for documentation on ROS actions without finding something useful It is particularly useful for Students who have learned ROS basics and want to go further or ROS developers who want to take their skill to the next level or And anyone desperately searching for documentation on ROS actions without finding something useful.
Enroll now: ROS Actions
Title: ROS Actions
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 48
Number of Published Lectures: 48
Number of Curriculum Items: 48
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 48
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master ROS actions
- Use the SimpleActionServer, SimpleActionClient, ActionServer and ActionClient classes
- Create more complex robotics applications
- Get more practice on ROS with Object Oriented Programming
- Unleash the potential of ROS communication
- And even more ROS best practices
Who Should Attend
- Students who have learned ROS basics and want to go further
- ROS developers who want to take their skill to the next level
- And anyone desperately searching for documentation on ROS actions without finding something useful
Target Audiences
- Students who have learned ROS basics and want to go further
- ROS developers who want to take their skill to the next level
- And anyone desperately searching for documentation on ROS actions without finding something useful
Learning ROS is hard… But you’ve made it. You have some good basics about ROS nodes, topics, services, … This is a pretty good start. And you want to take your skills to the next level.
Or you’re already in the process of learning ROS actions, but you have some real trouble finding documentation and tutorials online.
A great ROS developer must know about ROS actions, and must be able to use them efficiently when required. Topics, Services and Actions are the 3 communication tools that will allow you to create any complex robotic application.
Warning !!! Before continuing, I want to be sure you understand that this course is not a course for total ROS beginners. You have to get some ROS basics first if you want to be able to follow the pace of this course.
Also, this course targets the first version of ROS, or ROS1. This is nota ROS2 course.
→ Why this course ?
When I first started with ROS actions, my progress was really, really slow. I didn’t find any structured resource or tutorial to go beyond the very basic stuff. It took me a very long time (several months) to finally have a clear understanding.
This course is the course that I wish I had when I started. Practical and to the point. Showing you directly how things work, how you can quickly start and build more more complex applications.
→ Now, why should you choose my course ?
In the past I have developed a complete ROS software for an entire 6 axis robotic arm. I’m telling you that, because by developing this robot, I learned (the hard way) what I really needed to know to build things that actually work.
My experience with Robot Operating System is not only about university work or a weekend hobby : I actually co-founded a business with a robot powered by ROS. By doing so, I had to focus on going to the point, finding what is useful, and what is not.
So today, with the practical vision that I’ve developed, I know exactly what you need to learn at the beginning if you want to get serious about building more complex robotic applications.
And getting serious means mastering ROS actions. One day or another, you’ll need to use them or else you’ll be stuck.
→ What is this course about
This course is a complete courseabout ROS actions. I’ll show you each part of the process, step by step, and explain all the code that I write.
In the first part of the course, you’ll start using ROS actions with the SimpleActionServerand SimpleActionClientclasses. Those parts will let you understand the key concepts behind ROS actions.
The second part is focused on using ActionServerand ActionClientclasses. Those are more difficult to understand but allow you to create far more complex applications. You will learn how to handle multiple goals, how to change the server goal policy, how to put goals in a queue, etc.
During the course, you will practice through activities and challenges. Practicing is the key if you want to learn efficiently.
I will mostly use Object Oriented Programming. That’s a great opportunity for you to improve your OOP skills, which is really working well with ROS. Also, all the code will be written in both Python and C++ !
So… Don’t wait too much and enroll in this course to go to the next level of ROS!
During the course I will also give you all the best practices that I know when developing with the Robot Operating System. So that’s another opportunity to get some practical insights that will help you develop better and more complex robotics applications.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome!
Lecture 2: Why ROS Actions ?
Lecture 3: What are ROS Actions ?
Lecture 4: Quick Note on ROS Versions
Lecture 5: Setup your Environment for this Course
Lecture 6: How to get the most out of this course
Chapter 2: Discover Actions With SimpleActionClient/SimpleActionServer
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Create an Action Definition and Generate the Action Messages
Lecture 3: Create a Server with the SimpleActionServer
Lecture 4: Create a Client with the SimpleActionClient
Lecture 5: Make your Client Asynchronous
Lecture 6: Send Feedback from the Server to the Client
Lecture 7: Set a Goal as Succeeded or Aborted
Lecture 8: Understand Goal Status
Lecture 9: Cancel a Goal
Lecture 10: Debug ROS Topics used in ROS Actions
Lecture 11: Use rqt_graph to Get More Info about ROS Topics
Lecture 12: C++ – Create a Server with the SimpleActionServer
Lecture 13: C++ – Create a Client with the SimpleActionClient
Lecture 14: Documentation Reference For SimpleActionClient and SimpleActionServer
Lecture 15: Section Conclusion
Chapter 3: Activity: Experiment on SimpleActionClient/SimpleActionServer
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Create the Action Definition
Lecture 3: Create the Server
Lecture 4: Create the Client
Lecture 5: Cancel the Goal with Another Subscriber
Lecture 6: Use rqt_graph to Debug Your ROS Graph
Lecture 7: C++ – Create the Server
Lecture 8: C++ – Create the Client
Lecture 9: Section Conclusion
Chapter 4: Go To The Next Step: ActionClient and ActionServer Explained
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: What Are the SimpleActions Main Limitations ?
Lecture 3: When SimpleActions Are Just What You Need
Lecture 4: What is an ActionServer
Lecture 5: What is an ActionClient
Lecture 6: A Few Documentation Links Before You Start
Chapter 5: Activity: Create a Complete ActionClient and ActionServer
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Create a Server With the ActionServer
Lecture 3: Create a Client With the ActionClient
Lecture 4: Send and Handle Multiple Goals
Lecture 5: Change the Goal Policy
Lecture 6: Place Goals in a Queue and Execute Them One by One
Lecture 7: C++ – Create a Server With the ActionServer
Lecture 8: C++ – Create a Client With the ActionClient
Lecture 9: Section Conclusion
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Lecture 1: What You've Learned
Chapter 7: Bonus
Lecture 1: A Few Examples of Existing Actions
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Edouard Renard
Software Engineer and Robotics Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 42 votes
- 5 stars: 88 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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