ROS For Beginners (ROS Noetic, Melodic, Kinetic)
ROS For Beginners (ROS Noetic, Melodic, Kinetic), available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 69 lectures, based on 2245 reviews, and has 9288 subscribers.
You will learn about Master ROS basics Create, build, run, and debug your ROS program Master ROS core functionalities Learn ROS best practices to make your application readable and scalable Create reusable code for any robot powered by ROS Write ROS code with both Python and C++ Learn by doing, not just watching This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who want to learn ROS without wasting time or Developers who want to join the robotic side or Researchers/Teachers who want to use a great robot framework for teaching and testing or Engineers who want to create robot softwares faster or And anyone who wants to build scalable robot applications with ROS It is particularly useful for Students who want to learn ROS without wasting time or Developers who want to join the robotic side or Researchers/Teachers who want to use a great robot framework for teaching and testing or Engineers who want to create robot softwares faster or And anyone who wants to build scalable robot applications with ROS.
Enroll now: ROS For Beginners (ROS Noetic, Melodic, Kinetic)
Title: ROS For Beginners (ROS Noetic, Melodic, Kinetic)
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 69
Number of Published Lectures: 69
Number of Curriculum Items: 69
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 69
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master ROS basics
- Create, build, run, and debug your ROS program
- Master ROS core functionalities
- Learn ROS best practices to make your application readable and scalable
- Create reusable code for any robot powered by ROS
- Write ROS code with both Python and C++
- Learn by doing, not just watching
Who Should Attend
- Students who want to learn ROS without wasting time
- Developers who want to join the robotic side
- Researchers/Teachers who want to use a great robot framework for teaching and testing
- Engineers who want to create robot softwares faster
- And anyone who wants to build scalable robot applications with ROS
Target Audiences
- Students who want to learn ROS without wasting time
- Developers who want to join the robotic side
- Researchers/Teachers who want to use a great robot framework for teaching and testing
- Engineers who want to create robot softwares faster
- And anyone who wants to build scalable robot applications with ROS
(Updated with ROS Noetic – This course is now valid for ROS Kinetic, ROS Melodic, and ROS Noetic)
Learning ROS is hard, and you know it. But why should it be that way?
There is a lack of structured resources for beginners. You can find some explanations and programming tutorials online about Robot Operating System, but they won’t really tell you which path to follow when you begin, where to go, what to focus on, etc.
That’s why I’ve created this course, that I wish I had when I begun. So you can learn ROS much faster than I did.
The goal of this course is to remove the big learning curve that you face when you start to learn ROS by yourself. I will show you, step by step, what you need to know to get started and master ROS basics.
This course is:
Structured in a way that is easy to follow for a beginner
Going through all ROS core concepts that you need, step by step
Going to the point. No useless and over-complicated stuff that you won’t use anyway.
Full of practice and challenges to make you progress faster
Now, why should you choose my course?
In the past I have developed a complete ROS software for an entire 6 axis robotic arm. I’m telling you that because by developing this robot, I learned (the hard way) what I really needed to know to build things that actually work.
My experience with ROS is not only about university work or a weekend hobby: I actually co-founded a business with a robot powered by ROS. By doing so, I had to focus on going to the point, finding what is useful, and what is not.
So today, with the practical vision that I’ve developed, I know exactly what you need to learn at the beginning if you want to get serious about building robotic applications.
What is this course about?
This course will guide you, step by step, through all the ROS core functionalities. We’ll focus on ROS basics, communication tools, and also on how to build a scalable application with Robot Operating System.
For each section, I will explain one concept in a way that is easy to understand, and then you will practice with me by writing, building, and running some code. I will show you what you need to pay attention to, what you need to focus on, and how to avoid common mistakes.
And, more importantly, I will give you some activities and challenges to make you practice on the concepts that you’ve just seen.
Note that all the code written in this course will be both in Python and C++, so you can decide to learn ROS with those 2 languages, or only one of them.
So.. Start your learning today and build awesome robotic applications with ROS !
After installing ROS on a Ubuntu OS, you will learn the following ROS key concepts :
Msg and Srv definitions
Launch Files
And much more!
By mastering those concepts, you will be 100% ready to start any other robotic application and build complete software from scratch using Robot Operating System.
You will also learn how to :
Debug your program
Use command-line tools for each key concept
Build your application
Correctly set up and manage your project structure
And as I want to make you develop great (not just good, because “good” is not good enough) and scalable robotic applications, I will share with you the best practices that I’ve learned from my own experience.
Note: this course targets the first version of ROS, or “ROS1”. This is nota ROS2 course.
– Should you learn ROS1 or ROS2?
Well, ROS2 is the future of ROS, that’s for sure. And as of today, ROS2 is stable enough, with most of the stacks and plugins ready to be used. So, as a general advice, I now recommend to start with ROS2 if you want to learn ROS.
However, learning ROS1 will allow you to work on any ROS legacy project (there are a lot), and this can be a good skillset to have for a job search. Another argument is that learning both ROS2 and ROS1 will give you a better idea of the global picture.
Finally, once you have the basics with ROS1 and a few projects under your belt, switching to ROS2 actually won’t be that hard. Most of the concepts are identical for the 2 versions.
The best option would be to learn ROS1, AND ROS2. So you can work with any existing ROS project, and also work with the new framework.
All in all, don’t hesitate too much: the best thing you can do is to start learning ROS today, whether it’s ROS1 and ROS2.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome !
Lecture 2: What is ROS, When to use it, and Why ?
Lecture 3: How to get the most out of this course
Chapter 2: Install ROS and Setup Your Environment
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: [UPDATE] Quick note on versions – please read
Lecture 3: Which ROS Version to Use ? Kinetic, Melodic, Noetic ? What about ROS2?
Lecture 4: Install Ubuntu 20.04 on a Virtual Machine
Lecture 5: Install ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04
Lecture 6: Launch Your First ROS Master
Lecture 7: Section Conclusion
Chapter 3: Run Your First ROS Program
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Create a Catkin Workspace
Lecture 3: Additional Note about Setting Up your ROS Environment
Lecture 4: Create a ROS Package
Lecture 5: What is a Node ?
Lecture 6: Your First Python Node
Lecture 7: Your First C++ Node
Lecture 8: Debug Your Nodes With Command Line Tools
Lecture 9: Visualize Your ROS Graph With rqt_graph
Lecture 10: Experiment on Nodes With Turtlesim
Lecture 11: Section Conclusion
Chapter 4: Communicate With ROS Topics
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: What is a Topic ?
Lecture 3: Create a Python Publisher
Lecture 4: Create a Python Subscriber
Lecture 5: Create a C++ Publisher
Lecture 6: Create a C++ Subscriber
Lecture 7: Use Anonymous Nodes to Launch Multiple Publishers/Subscribers
Lecture 8: Debug Topics With Command Line Tools
Lecture 9: Visualize Topics With rqt_graph
Lecture 10: Experiment on Topics With Turtlesim
Lecture 11: Topic Activity
Lecture 12: Topic Activity – Solution
Lecture 13: Section Conclusion
Chapter 5: Communicate With ROS Services
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: What is a Service ?
Lecture 3: Create a Python Service Server
Lecture 4: Create a Python Service Client
Lecture 5: Create a C++ Service Server & Client
Lecture 6: Debug Services With Command Line Tools
Lecture 7: Experiment on Services With Turtlesim
Lecture 8: Service Activity
Lecture 9: Service Activity – Solution
Lecture 10: Section Conclusion
Chapter 6: Customize Your Application With Msg and Srv Files
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: What are Msg and Srv Definitions ?
Lecture 3: Create and Build Your Own Custom Msg
Lecture 4: Use Your Custom Msg in Your Code
Lecture 5: Create Your Own Custom Srv
Lecture 6: Debug Msg and Srv With Command Line Tools
Lecture 7: Msg & Srv Activity
Lecture 8: Msg & Srv Activity – Solution
Lecture 9: Section Conclusion
Chapter 7: Make Your Application Scalable With ROS Params and Launch Files
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: What is a ROS Parameter ?
Lecture 3: Manipulate Parameters With Command Line Tools
Lecture 4: Handle Parameters With Python
Lecture 5: Handle Parameters With C++
Lecture 6: What is a Launch File ?
Lecture 7: Create a Launch File to Start all Your Parameters and Nodes
Lecture 8: Section Conclusion
Chapter 8: Extra
Lecture 1: Replay a Topic With ROS Bags
Lecture 2: Use OOP With ROS – Python
Lecture 3: Use OOP With ROS – C++
Lecture 4: Work With Multiple Catkin Workspaces
Chapter 9: Conclusion
Lecture 1: What You've Learned
Lecture 2: What to Do Next ?
Lecture 3: Useful Resources
Lecture 4: Bonus Lecture
Edouard Renard
Software Engineer and Robotics Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 30 votes
- 3 stars: 195 votes
- 4 stars: 801 votes
- 5 stars: 1208 votes
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How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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