Ruby on Rails 6: Startup MVP: School Attendance Tracking App
Ruby on Rails 6: Startup MVP: School Attendance Tracking App, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 96 lectures, based on 38 reviews, and has 384 subscribers.
You will learn about create, edit, invite, ban, unban, delete, inivte users to your app add one or many roles to users, restrict access to data based on roles gem devise for logging in devise confirmable – confirm email to use app devise lockable – ban / unban users manage user roles restrict user access based on roles log in with google log in with facebook log in with twitter log in with github invite users via email with devise_invitable connect Amazon SES email service for sending emails for free deploy applications to production like a PRO invisible recaptcha how to architect complex applications how to manage money calculations how to create school schedules how to generate multiple records (lessons) based on a schedule how to generate multiple records (student attendances) for a lesson advanced search and filtering without gems how to display dynamic data in a calendar how to manage schedules across multiple teachers and students This course is ideal for individuals who are If you want to learn just enough about all aspects of Authentication & Authorization or If you want to create your own School Administration Web app or If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps. or If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge or If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications or If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails It is particularly useful for If you want to learn just enough about all aspects of Authentication & Authorization or If you want to create your own School Administration Web app or If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps. or If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge or If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications or If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails.
Enroll now: Ruby on Rails 6: Startup MVP: School Attendance Tracking App
Title: Ruby on Rails 6: Startup MVP: School Attendance Tracking App
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 96
Number of Published Lectures: 96
Number of Curriculum Items: 96
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 96
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- create, edit, invite, ban, unban, delete, inivte users to your app
- add one or many roles to users, restrict access to data based on roles
- gem devise for logging in
- devise confirmable – confirm email to use app
- devise lockable – ban / unban users
- manage user roles
- restrict user access based on roles
- log in with google
- log in with facebook
- log in with twitter
- log in with github
- invite users via email with devise_invitable
- connect Amazon SES email service for sending emails for free
- deploy applications to production like a PRO
- invisible recaptcha
- how to architect complex applications
- how to manage money calculations
- how to create school schedules
- how to generate multiple records (lessons) based on a schedule
- how to generate multiple records (student attendances) for a lesson
- advanced search and filtering without gems
- how to display dynamic data in a calendar
- how to manage schedules across multiple teachers and students
Who Should Attend
- If you want to learn just enough about all aspects of Authentication & Authorization
- If you want to create your own School Administration Web app
- If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps.
- If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge
- If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications
- If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails
Target Audiences
- If you want to learn just enough about all aspects of Authentication & Authorization
- If you want to create your own School Administration Web app
- If you want to start your own startup by building your own websites and web apps.
- If you are already acquainted with Ruby on Rails and wants to deepen your knowledge
- If you want to learn how to build professional grade Ruby on Rails applications
- If you want to be a web app developer: This course will introduce you to many in-depth mechanics of Ruby on Rails
From a learning perspective, the course gives great insight into building the business logic layer of an application.
In this course you will build a complete group appointment scheduling and tracking application from start to finish.
Why build thisapp?
Remote schooling has become the new normal.
Educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities) need a way to track teacher schedules, lessons, and student attendances.
That’s where you come in:In this practical code-along course you will learn to build an advanced, complete solution for managing an educational institution.
Chapters 01-09: General features (Authorization and Authentication):
When creating a Web application, you usually have to start with the two key elements:
Authentication – User log in, user account management.
Authorization – User roles, permissions and access to different parts of your app.
We will Code-Along and build a Web App MVP covering allaspects of Log-In, User Management, and Role-Management functionality.
Basic authorization via email (Devise)
Social log in via Google
Social log in via Facebook
Social log in via Twitter
Social log in via Github
Devise confirmable
Devise trackable
Devise lockable
Devise invitable – Inviting users to join the app via email
Banning users
Deleting users
Editing user profile
Managing user roles (admin, teacher, student) without any gems
Role-based access to different features (example: only admin can ban a user) without any gems
Blocking bot registrations
Sending transactional emails in production (Amazon SES)
By the end of Chapter 09you will have created a boilerplate, based on which you can build any business application of your dream.
Chapters 10 – 20: School Lesson Calendar and Attendance Tracking features:
Enroll multiple students to one course
Create a lessons schedule for a course
Generate lessons according to the schedule
Generate attendances for enrolled students
Display lessons in a calendar
Update lesson status (planned / cancelled / confirmed)
Update attendance status for each student (planned / attended / not attended)
Advanced search and filtering for records in a calendar
Working with money: Calculate Teacher salary based on lessons taught and price of a lesson
Working with money: Calculate Student expences based on attendances and price of an attendance
Working with money: Calculate User balance
Create Monthly Reports based on lessons
By the end of the course you will have created your own school management web application MVP, that you will will be able to market any way you like!
We are not going to cover the fundamentals of what Ruby and Rails are: there are other, more basic courses for that.
Instead, we will dive straight into coding along and building our application step-by-step, feature-by-feature.
This course can be interesting for Ruby on Rails developers of all levels: for beginners and for veterans.
As a beginner, you will get the whole experience of thinking and building the core lifesystem of any modern Web Application.
As a veteran, you will get acquainted with some exquisite approaches for problem-solving, and features that you could have not encountered in the past.
As well all enrolled students will have access to the source code, support materials and discussion groups.
As well this course comes on Udemy with 30 days money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.
Looking forward to seeing you inside!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Hello World. Install Ruby on Rails 6. Using Git.
Lecture 2: create development environment, install ruby on rails 6, create app
Lecture 3: push application to github
Lecture 4: PRO TIP – ssh connection – push to github without re-entering password
Lecture 5: hello world – generate a static page
Lecture 6: connect heroku – run application in production
Lecture 7: PRO TIP – delete changes, undo commits
Lecture 8: AWS – no space left on device – add 20 gb storage
Chapter 2: Basic styling. Bootstrap. Fontawesome.
Lecture 1: Install bootstrap with yarn and webpacker
Lecture 2: Bootstrap basic usage
Lecture 3: Install and use Fontawesome icons
Lecture 4: Responsive screen width
Chapter 3: Advanced User Authentication (log in functionality)
Lecture 1: gem devise basic installation
Lecture 2: navbar with bootstrap fontawesome and devise, partials, messages partial
Lecture 3: customize devise views with bootstrap
Lecture 4: devise confirmable
Lecture 5: users index and user show pages
Lecture 6: devise trackable
Lecture 7: create fake users with seeds.rb
Lecture 8: redirect user to specific page after sign in
Lecture 9: users can be deleted
Lecture 10: devise lockable
Lecture 11: users can be banned and unbanned
Chapter 4: Log in with social accounts
Lecture 1: gem omniauth-google-oauth2 – social log in with google
Lecture 3: gem omniauth-github – social log in with github
Lecture 4: gem omniauth-twitter – social log in with twitter
Lecture 5: gem omniauth-facebook – social log in with facebook
Lecture 6: display user data from social log in
Lecture 7: Social login in production
Lecture 8: Credentials and encryption
Lecture 9: Make credentials work in production (heroku)
Chapter 5: User Roles and Authorization (without gems!)
Lecture 1: Create and edit User roles
Lecture 2: assign default role to user after creation
Lecture 3: Authorization – only admin user can edit user roles
Chapter 6: Styling the app
Lecture 1: responsive tables with bootstrap
Lecture 2: disappearing flash messages with toastr
Lecture 3: footer at the end of page
Lecture 4: styling for true false values
Lecture 5: styling user views
Lecture 6: 3 ways to change background color for the app
Chapter 7: Inviting users via email to join our app
Lecture 1: gem devise-invitable – create and invite users to the app
Lecture 2: devise invitable docs and views – going deeper
Lecture 3: button to Resend confirmation instructions to unconfirmed users
Lecture 4: button to Resend invitation to unconfirmed users
Lecture 5: Authorization for resend_confirmation_instructions
Lecture 6: Authorization for resend_invitation
Chapter 8: Preparing for production
Lecture 1: gem invisible_captcha – no bot sign ups
Lecture 2: sending emails in production with Amazon SES
Lecture 3: gem exception_notification – receive emails if errors in production
Lecture 4: rename app from ruby-gems-bootcamp to superauth
Chapter 9: PRO FEATURE – Strong params authorization
Lecture 1: user name can be edited
Lecture 2: strong params – only admin can edit roles, any user can edit names
Lecture 3: strong params authorization – user can edit his own profile
Lecture 4: BONUS FIX: user can not ban himself
Chapter 10: classrooms, services, groups
Lecture 1: intro to app architecture
Lecture 2: create classrooms table
Lecture 3: gem simple_form for better form creation
Lecture 4: better scaffold templates with bootstrap
Lecture 5: basic classroom validations
Lecture 6: services table and validations
Lecture 7: courses table and validations
Chapter 11: generate lessons
Lecture 1: add_schedule_fields_to_courses
Lecture 2: gem ice_cube for recurring events
Lecture 3: lessons table and validations
Lecture 4: generate lessons based on schedule – basic generation
Lecture 5: generate lessons based on schedule – time field
Lecture 6: regenerate future lessons
Chapter 12: display lessons in calendar
Lecture 1: gem simple_calendar – display lessons in calendar
Lecture 2: calendar partial, styling, separate view, display in course show
Chapter 13: student enrollments
Lecture 1: create enrollments table
Lecture 2: gem cocoon – nested form to dynamically edit enrollments for course
Lecture 3: display enrollments in course and calendar
Chapter 14: student attendances
Lecture 1: attendances table and validations
Lecture 2: edit lesson attendances with gem cocoon
Lecture 3: generate lessons with attendances for users enrolled in a course
Lecture 4: helper method to style lesson and attendance statuses
Chapter 15: nested resources
Lecture 1: nested resources – lessons inside courses
Lecture 2: link to create new lesson for course, prebuild values in form
Lecture 3: path to delete lesson, dependent associations destroy or restrict
Chapter 16: advanced calendar search
Lecture 1: better styling for calendar and association links
Lecture 2: calendar with advanced filters – select user
Lecture 3: calendar with advanced filters – select user, classroom, or course
Lecture 4: display dynamic lesson information in calendar
Yaroslav Shmarov
Ruby on Rails Engineer and Teacher. SupeRails
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 23 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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