Run Multiple Sites on an Instance: Digital Ocean & Linode
Run Multiple Sites on an Instance: Digital Ocean & Linode, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 43 lectures, based on 25 reviews, and has 20039 subscribers.
You will learn about An understanding of the basic concepts and technologies involved in web server administration. Knowledge of the different types of web servers, including Apache and Nginx. The ability to install and configure the LAMP stack on Ubuntu, including Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Knowledge of how to serve dynamic web content using the LAMP stack. The ability to host multiple domains on a single virtual server An understanding of name server configuration and DNS zone file configuration. The ability to set up and configure name servers using the BIND DNS server software. Knowledge of how to configure virtual host files to map domain names to specific web content on a server. An understanding of cloud server deployment on Linode. The ability to set up and manage cloud server instances on Linode. Knowledge of how to deploy web content to cloud server instances using various tools and techniques. The ability to generate SSH key pairs and use them to authenticate with remote servers. An understanding of basic Linux concepts and commands. The ability to use the Linux command line to manage server resources. The ability to troubleshoot common web server issues. The ability to design and implement secure web server configurations. This course is ideal for individuals who are Web developers who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of web server technologies and how to manage web servers using Linux-based operating systems. or System administrators who are responsible for managing web servers and want to expand their knowledge and skills in this area. or IT professionals who are interested in cloud computing and want to learn how to deploy and manage cloud server instances using Linode. or Entrepreneurs or small business owners who want to set up their own web servers and manage them independently, without relying on third-party hosting services. It is particularly useful for Web developers who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of web server technologies and how to manage web servers using Linux-based operating systems. or System administrators who are responsible for managing web servers and want to expand their knowledge and skills in this area. or IT professionals who are interested in cloud computing and want to learn how to deploy and manage cloud server instances using Linode. or Entrepreneurs or small business owners who want to set up their own web servers and manage them independently, without relying on third-party hosting services.
Enroll now: Run Multiple Sites on an Instance: Digital Ocean & Linode
Title: Run Multiple Sites on an Instance: Digital Ocean & Linode
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- An understanding of the basic concepts and technologies involved in web server administration.
- Knowledge of the different types of web servers, including Apache and Nginx.
- The ability to install and configure the LAMP stack on Ubuntu, including Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
- Knowledge of how to serve dynamic web content using the LAMP stack.
- The ability to host multiple domains on a single virtual server
- An understanding of name server configuration and DNS zone file configuration.
- The ability to set up and configure name servers using the BIND DNS server software.
- Knowledge of how to configure virtual host files to map domain names to specific web content on a server.
- An understanding of cloud server deployment on Linode.
- The ability to set up and manage cloud server instances on Linode.
- Knowledge of how to deploy web content to cloud server instances using various tools and techniques.
- The ability to generate SSH key pairs and use them to authenticate with remote servers.
- An understanding of basic Linux concepts and commands.
- The ability to use the Linux command line to manage server resources.
- The ability to troubleshoot common web server issues.
- The ability to design and implement secure web server configurations.
Who Should Attend
- Web developers who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of web server technologies and how to manage web servers using Linux-based operating systems.
- System administrators who are responsible for managing web servers and want to expand their knowledge and skills in this area.
- IT professionals who are interested in cloud computing and want to learn how to deploy and manage cloud server instances using Linode.
- Entrepreneurs or small business owners who want to set up their own web servers and manage them independently, without relying on third-party hosting services.
Target Audiences
- Web developers who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of web server technologies and how to manage web servers using Linux-based operating systems.
- System administrators who are responsible for managing web servers and want to expand their knowledge and skills in this area.
- IT professionals who are interested in cloud computing and want to learn how to deploy and manage cloud server instances using Linode.
- Entrepreneurs or small business owners who want to set up their own web servers and manage them independently, without relying on third-party hosting services.
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of web server technologies and how to set up and manage web servers using Linux-based operating systems. Throughout the course, students will gain hands-on experience with various tools and techniques used in web server administration, including LAMP stack, virtual server hosting, name server configuration, DNS zone file configuration, virtual host file configuration, and cloud server deployment.
The course begins with an introduction to web server foundations, including an overview of the basic concepts and technologies involved in web server administration. Students learn about different types of web servers, including Apache and Nginx, and gain an understanding of the role of web servers in serving web content to clients.
From there, students will dive into the installation and configuration of LAMP stack on Ubuntu, one of the most widely used Linux distributions for web server administration. They will learn how to install and configure Apache, MySQL, and PHP, as well as how to use these technologies to serve dynamic web content.
One of the key challenges in web server administration is hosting multiple domains on a single virtual server. The course will cover this topic in detail, providing students with a thorough understanding of how to configure virtual hosts and manage multiple domains using a single server instance.
In addition to virtual server hosting, the course will cover name server configuration and DNS zone file configuration. Students will learn how to set up and configure name servers using the Linode Cloud Console, as well as how to configure DNS zone files to map domain names to IP addresses.
The course will also cover the configuration of virtual host files, which are used to map domain names to specific web content on a server. Students will learn how to create and configure virtual host files using Apache, and gain an understanding of how these files are used to manage web content on a server.
As cloud computing becomes increasingly important in web server administration, the course explores cloud server deployment on Linode, one of the leading cloud hosting providers. Students learn how to set up and manage cloud server instances on Linode, as well as how to deploy web content to these instances using various tools and techniques.
To ensure secure server administration, the course will cover SSH key pair authentication, a commonly used method of authenticating with remote servers. Students will learn how to generate SSH key pairs, as well as how to use these keys to authenticate with remote servers and manage server resources securely.
Finally, the course will provide students with a solid foundation in Linux, the operating system used by most web servers. Students will learn about the basic concepts and commands used in Linux administration, as well as how to use the Linux command line to manage server resources.
Throughout the course, students will gain hands-on experience with each of these topics, using virtual machines to set up and manage web servers in a safe and controlled environment. By the end of the course, students will be well-equipped to set up, manage, and administer web servers using Linux-based operating systems, and will have gained a solid foundation in the tools and techniques used in web server administration.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Objectives
Chapter 2: Server Basics
Lecture 1: Deploying a Virtual Server on Digital Ocean
Lecture 2: Creating and Attaching a Floating IP
Lecture 3: Intro to Terminal and Root user Authentication
Chapter 3: Setup LAMP Stack on Ubuntu
Lecture 1: Apache Installation and Testing
Lecture 2: Installing MySQL Database Management System
Lecture 3: Installing & Testing PHP
Lecture 4: Installing PhpMyAdmin for Database Administration
Chapter 4: Hosting Multiple Domains
Lecture 1: Introduction to Virtual Hosts
Lecture 2: Directory Structure, Permissions and Test Files
Lecture 3: Configuring Virtual Host Files and Directives
Lecture 4: Name Server Configuration
Lecture 5: DNS Zone File Configuration & Testing
Lecture 6: Installing SSL for each Domain using Let's Encrypt
Chapter 5: Cloud Server Deployment on Linode
Lecture 1: Linode Account Setup
Lecture 2: Exploring the Linode Cloud Manager
Lecture 3: Enabling TFA on Linode
Lecture 4: Deploying a Linode Virtual Instance
Lecture 5: Exploring the Linode Instance Dashboard
Lecture 6: Remote Server Admin via SSH
Lecture 7: Password vs SSH Key Authentication
Lecture 8: SSH Key Pair Authentication on Windows
Lecture 9: SSH Key Pair Authentication on MacOS
Lecture 10: Connecting with LISH
Lecture 11: Adding SSH Public Keys to Linode
Chapter 6: Linux Foundations
Lecture 1: Introduction to Linux
Lecture 2: The Linux Filesystem
Lecture 3: Linux Maintenance Commands
Lecture 4: Linux Directory Commands [Part 1]
Lecture 5: Linux Directory Commands [Part 2]
Lecture 6: Ubuntu Basic Server Configuration
Lecture 7: Introduction to User Accounts
Lecture 8: Creating a Non-Root Account
Lecture 9: Securing the New User Account
Lecture 10: Disabling Root User Access and Password Authentication
Chapter 7: LAMP Stack Installation and Configuration
Lecture 1: Installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu via Command Line
Lecture 2: Installing LAMP Stack using Linode Marketplace
Lecture 3: Testing PHP on Apache
Lecture 4: Testing MariaDB Connection from PHP [Part 1]
Lecture 5: Testing MariaDB Connection from PHP [Part 2]
Lecture 6: Remote Server Administration using Linode GLISH
Chapter 8: Account Clean-Up and Segment Overview
Lecture 1: Linode Account Clean-Up
Lecture 2: Segment Overview
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 15 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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