Rust Programming Language : The Complete Reference.
Rust Programming Language : The Complete Reference., available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.2, with 41 lectures, based on 18 reviews, and has 272 subscribers.
You will learn about Students will learn the objectives of programming in general . Rust is an advanced modern programming language like Python and Golang etc. Worth learning. The student is introduced to the basic concepts of programming . The basic building blocks of programming like variables, constants, functions are introduced. The students are exposed to writing and running small sized programs to large project based application programs and even systems programming. The student is encouraged to create mini projects like college projects and serious prototype projects needed in their professional fields. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for every aspiring programmer on earth. This course will be very useful for science graduates and engineering students of all branches. Especially those of you who are specializing in Computer Science and Engineering , this course will be greatly helpful. It is particularly useful for This course is for every aspiring programmer on earth. This course will be very useful for science graduates and engineering students of all branches. Especially those of you who are specializing in Computer Science and Engineering , this course will be greatly helpful.
Enroll now: Rust Programming Language : The Complete Reference.
Title: Rust Programming Language : The Complete Reference.
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Lectures: 41
Number of Published Lectures: 41
Number of Curriculum Items: 41
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 41
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Students will learn the objectives of programming in general . Rust is an advanced modern programming language like Python and Golang etc. Worth learning.
- The student is introduced to the basic concepts of programming . The basic building blocks of programming like variables, constants, functions are introduced.
- The students are exposed to writing and running small sized programs to large project based application programs and even systems programming.
- The student is encouraged to create mini projects like college projects and serious prototype projects needed in their professional fields.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for every aspiring programmer on earth. This course will be very useful for science graduates and engineering students of all branches. Especially those of you who are specializing in Computer Science and Engineering , this course will be greatly helpful.
Target Audiences
- This course is for every aspiring programmer on earth. This course will be very useful for science graduates and engineering students of all branches. Especially those of you who are specializing in Computer Science and Engineering , this course will be greatly helpful.
General Introduction . Rust is for Systems programming. Systems programming is used Operating Systems, Networking, File systems, Databases , Cryptography and much more. Rust is very popular with Concurrency, memory safety at compile time, and multithreaded applications and type safety. Variables and mutability. By default variables are immutable in Rust. There is a concept called shadowing in Rust. We use println!() macro for printing. Macros are an extended version of functions. Data types. Automatic type casting is not allowed in Rust. Number separator for large numbers using underscores possible in Rust. The mut keyword is used for mutability. Rust strings are divided into string literals and string objects. Match statement is used in Rust like the switch case statement in C/C++. For returning values from functions we can use a single arrow –> like this to indicate a return type.
Parameters are passed to functions by value as well as by Reference as in other languages. There is a concept called Rust Ownership. The move operation in Rust is similar to a shallow copy in other languages. We have the stack memory as well as the Heap memory. Rust trait is very much similar to the concept of interfaces in Object oriented programming languages. There is a concept called copy trait in Rust.
Rust References and Borrowing. Observe Rust does not have the idea of Garbage collection. There is nothing like Exception handling also in Rust. Rust slices. A slice is a pointer to a block of memory. String slices are literals. Rust structure is similar to structures in other languages. Rust has Enums as well as Modules. Rust collections include Vector, Hash Map and Hash Set. Rust Error handling . Recoverable and Unrecoverable errors in Rust. Panic macro and Unrecoverable errors. Generic types, Generic structures.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Rust Programming An Introduction to a latest modern programming language.
Chapter 2: Variables and Mutability. By default variables are immutable in Rust.
Lecture 1: Variables and Mutability. Variables are immutable in Rust. Keep mut to mutable.
Chapter 3: Floating Point Types. Rust floating point types are f32 and f64 types.
Lecture 1: Floating Point Types in Rust. Two types. The f32 and f64 . Default type is f64.
Chapter 4: What is a Macro. Using Println!() macro syntax. Comments in Rust. single line.
Lecture 1: Using println!() macro syntax. Macros as an extended version of functions.
Chapter 5: Data types in Rust. Automatic type casting not allowed in Rust. Number separator
Lecture 1: Data types in Rust . Automatic type casting not allowed in Rust, char data type.
Chapter 6: Rust Constants Naming conventions. The naming conventions are similar to vars.
Lecture 1: Rust Constant Naming Conventions. Unlike declaring variable let keyword not used
Chapter 7: Rust Strings. String Literals and String Objects. String literal known as slices
Lecture 1: Strings in Rust. String literals and String objects. String object : new, from()
Chapter 8: Concatenation of strings with the + operator. A string value can be appended .
Lecture 1: Concatenation of two strings with the + operator. .Internally uses an add() fn.
Chapter 9: Rust Decision Making. if statement, if-else stmt, else if and nested , match etc
Lecture 1: Decision making in Rust. if statement, if-else, else if and nested, match stmt.
Chapter 10: Match statement in Rust. It is very similar to the switch statement in C lang.
Lecture 1: Match statement in Rust. This is very similar to the switch statement in C.
Chapter 11: Rust Control Statements. The for loop in Rust . for loop is a conditional loop.
Lecture 1: Control statements in Rust. while loop and for loop in Rust. Conditional for .
Chapter 12: Rust Functions. Defining a function in Rust. Invoking a function in Rust.
Lecture 1: Functions in Rust. Defining a function. Invoking a function. Returning values.
Chapter 13: Rust Array. Arrays in Rust. An array is a homogeneous collection of values.
Lecture 1: Arrays in Rust. An array is a homogeneous collection of values of the same data.
Chapter 14: Rust Ownership. Understanding Ownership. What is Ownership in Rust language.
Lecture 1: Ownership in Rust. Understanding ownership. Moving ownership in Rust. Move ops.
Chapter 15: Memory Allocation in Rust and ownership. Stack memory and Heap memory allocation
Lecture 1: Memory allocation and ownership in Rust. Stack allocation and Heap allocation.
Chapter 16: Rust References and Borrowing. After borrowing we have to return things back.
Lecture 1: Rust Reference and Borrowing. Reference and Borrowing are mutual to each other.
Chapter 17: Rust Slices. What is a slice. Slice is a pointer to a block of memory.
Lecture 1: Rust slices. A slice is a pointer to a block of memory. Size of slice at runtime
Chapter 18: String slices are literals. String literals are stored in binary . Immutable.
Lecture 1: String slices are literals. String literals are immutable , immutable reference.
Chapter 19: Rust Structure. A structure is a user defined data type with differing datatypes
Lecture 1: Structures in Rust. Structure is a user defined datatype with differing datatype
Chapter 20: Syntax of Structure. How to declare an instance of a structure. key :value pair
Lecture 1: Syntax of Structure .. How to declare an instance of a structure. key value pair
Chapter 21: Rust Enums. An enumerated type is declared using the enum keyword. Syntax enum.
Lecture 1: Rust enum. An enumerated type is declared using the enum keyword. Custom type.
Chapter 22: Concise control flow with if let. Rust Modules. It is a logical group of code .
Lecture 1: Concise control flow with if let. Modules in Rust . A logical group of code.
Chapter 23: Defining a Module. Modules contains functions that contain parameters also.
Lecture 1: Defining a module. Modules contains functions. Usage of the use keyword.
Chapter 24: Rust Collections. Commonly used collections : Vector, Hash Map & Hash Set .
Lecture 1: Rust Collections. commonly used are Vector, HashMap and HashSet. Vector can grow
Chapter 25: HashMap. A map is a collection of key-value pairs called entries. Map lookup tbl
Lecture 1: Hash Map. A map is a collection of key-value pairs. Hash map and hash table.
Chapter 26: Rust Error Handling. Two types of errors . Recoverable and Unrecoverable errors.
Lecture 1: Error handling in Rust. Two types of errors. Recoverable & Unrecoverable errors.
Chapter 27: Recoverable and Unrecoverable Errors .. Panic Macro and Unrecoverable errors .
Lecture 1: Recoverable and Unrecoverable Errors. Panic macro stops the program execution.
Chapter 28: More explanations on Recoverable errors. Recoverable errors do not stop the prgm
Lecture 1: Explanations on Recoverable errors. Recoverable errors do not stop program run.
Chapter 29: Generic Types. Generic Structures. Traits. Traits are like interfaces in Oops.
Lecture 1: Generic Types. Generic Structures. Traits are like interfaces in Oops languages.
Chapter 30: Reading From the Console : stdin() . Rust can read values from keyboard .
Lecture 1: Reading from Console : stdin(). Reads from the standard input keyboard to print.
Chapter 31: Rust Package Manager .Cargo is the package manager for Rust. Manages projects.
Lecture 1: Rust Package Manager. Cargo is the package manager for Rust. Manages Rust prjts.
Chapter 32: Rust Closure. Closure refers to a function within another function. Anonymous fn
Lecture 1: Rust Closure. Closure refers to a function within another function. Anonymous fn
Chapter 33: Rust Smart Pointers. A Smart Pointer is a data structure that behaves like a ptr
Lecture 1: Rust Smart Pointers. A smart pointer is a data structure that behaves like a ptr
Chapter 34: Deref<T> . Deref<T> trait is used to customize the behavior of dereference optr.
Lecture 1: Deref<T>. Deref<T> trait is used to customize the behavior of dereference opertr
Chapter 35: Drop trait : Smart Pointers. Drop trait is used to release the resources , file.
Lecture 1: Drop trait . Smart Pointers. Drop trait is used to release resources like file.
Chapter 36: RefCell<T> . RefCell<T> represents the single ownership over the data .
Lecture 1: RefCell<T> represents the single ownership over the data that it holds.
Chapter 37: Rust Concurrency. In this different parts of a program execute independently.
Lecture 1: Rust Concurrency. In this different parts of a program execute independently.
Chapter 38: Programs Threads. The Rust standard library provides support OS-level thrreads
Lecture 1: Programs in threads. OS level threads. Threads are made from spawn() function.
Chapter 39: How to handle data races with mutex and arc. Data race occurs in competitions.
Lecture 1: How to handle data races with mutex and arc. Mutex a container that locks data.
Chapter 40: Rust Trait : Multiple trait bounds. Using + operator. Using where clause .
Lecture 1: Rust Trait : Multiple trait bounds. Using '+' operator. Using where clause.
Chapter 41: Rust Lifetime. Lifetime defines the scope for which a reference is valid .
Lecture 1: Rust Lifetime. Lifetime defines the scope for which a reference is valid.
Prof . Mathew K K Kanhirathinkal Kurian
Object Oriented Programming in C++ Inside Out.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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