Salesforce Lightning web component with live project
Salesforce Lightning web component with live project, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.9, with 217 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 415 reviews, and has 2970 subscribers.
You will learn about What is Lightning Web Component framework? Lightning Web Component Development LWC and Aura interoperability Supported browsers, tools and experience for lightning web components Set up development environment and CLI command to work with LWC Setup Devhub and scratch org and Importance of it LWC Folder and File Structure Useful Javascript Properties in lightning component Nested/Component composition How to communicate between components using Events PubSub mechanism to communicate events ways of accessing salesforce resources in LWC Lightning Data Services and Base components to get salesforce data in Lightning web Components Use Wire services to access data in LWC Various to Invoke APex from Lightning web component Continuous call and API call from Lightning web component Uses of Navigation services in lightning web component Introduction SLDS and various resources Component life cycle and event best practices Mechanism to Debug your lightning web component Use Jtest to test your Lightning Web components Best ways to migrate Aura component to LWC Many more live scenario and step by step way to code the LWC Complete access to source code for practice Live Project with complete source code built on LWC This course is ideal for individuals who are salesforce or Developer or Administrator or software professional or tester or Project Managers It is particularly useful for salesforce or Developer or Administrator or software professional or tester or Project Managers.
Enroll now: Salesforce Lightning web component with live project
Title: Salesforce Lightning web component with live project
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.9
Number of Lectures: 217
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 214
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 218
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 215
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What is Lightning Web Component framework?
- Lightning Web Component Development
- LWC and Aura interoperability
- Supported browsers, tools and experience for lightning web components
- Set up development environment and CLI command to work with LWC
- Setup Devhub and scratch org and Importance of it
- LWC Folder and File Structure
- Useful Javascript Properties in lightning component
- Nested/Component composition
- How to communicate between components using Events
- PubSub mechanism to communicate events
- ways of accessing salesforce resources in LWC
- Lightning Data Services and Base components to get salesforce data in Lightning web Components
- Use Wire services to access data in LWC
- Various to Invoke APex from Lightning web component
- Continuous call and API call from Lightning web component
- Uses of Navigation services in lightning web component
- Introduction SLDS and various resources
- Component life cycle and event best practices
- Mechanism to Debug your lightning web component
- Use Jtest to test your Lightning Web components
- Best ways to migrate Aura component to LWC
- Many more live scenario and step by step way to code the LWC
- Complete access to source code for practice
- Live Project with complete source code built on LWC
Who Should Attend
- salesforce
- Developer
- Administrator
- software professional
- tester
- Project Managers
Target Audiences
- salesforce
- Developer
- Administrator
- software professional
- tester
- Project Managers
Lightning web component (LWC) is a new programming model with following web standards to develop salesforce lightning components and this is the only tutorial with maximum hour of video with real time project. Each session explained with many live coding to make your LWC concepts deep clear so that you can make your journey to be expert in LWC.
All code are also added in the tutorial for your reference and we are updating this with each new feature monthly wise.
LWC is still new in the market and learning LWC can make you a Salesforce gem and can give your resume another dimension.
This course is designed from basic to expertise level. if you are beginner , nothing to worry, its very easy and well organized course to make your learning simple and smooth. Also for expert, you can learn deep knowledge of LWC and add many more skills in your professional career with live real-time examples and scenarios with series of codes.
There is one complete real time project added in the end of session which covers all lwc concepts and how to implement it. Every session delivered with examples and code which is shared in the session already .
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Lightning web component
Lecture 1: Introduction To Lightning Web Component/ LWC in Salesforce
Lecture 2: Difference Between Visualforce , Aura component and LWC
Lecture 3: Web Component and evolution of Webstack
Lecture 4: Why do you go for LWC instead of existing Aura Components
Lecture 5: Coexistence and interoperability of AURA and LWC
Chapter 2: Supported browsers , javascript, experience and tools for salesforce LWC
Lecture 1: Supported Browsers for LWC
Lecture 2: Supported Javascript for LWC
Lecture 3: Supported Experience and tools for LWC
Chapter 3: Set up development environment for lightning web component
Lecture 1: What are the things need to setup for LWC?
Lecture 2: Lets Sign up for salesforce Account (if does not have)
Lecture 3: Enable My Domain in Your Development Org
Lecture 4: Enable Debug Mode in Your Development Org
Lecture 5: Install Visual studio code
Lecture 6: Install Salesforce Extension pack
Lecture 7: Install Salesforce CLI
Chapter 4: Set up DEVHub and Scratch Org in salesforce
Lecture 1: Setup main org as Devhub
Lecture 2: Create Project and Scratch org in Visual Studio code
Chapter 5: How to create a new Lightning web component and its folder structure
Lecture 1: Create First Lightning web component and its folder structure
Lecture 2: Sample code First LWC component
Chapter 6: Understand basic of HTML template , Javascript and LWC configuration file
Lecture 1: Understand basic of HTML template , Javascript and LWC configuration file
Lecture 2: Expose our first LWC in Lightning Record Page
Lecture 3: Code for Meta file to expose component in a record page
Chapter 7: Define styling to lightning web component
Lecture 1: Different mechanism to style your lightning web component
Lecture 2: Style your Lightning Web Component using Custom CSS (style file)
Lecture 3: Add CSS File and style code in our component
Lecture 4: Sample Code for Custom style sheet for your Lightning web component
Lecture 5: Style your Lightning Web Component using SLDS styling
Lecture 6: Sample Code -Style your Lightning Web Component using SLDS styling
Lecture 7: Share CSS Styles Among LWC
Lecture 8: Sample Code – Share CSS Styles Among LWC
Chapter 8: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 1: Other Courses You might like
Chapter 9: Javascript properties in Lightning web component
Lecture 1: Javascript Fields, Properties and Attributes
Lecture 2: Use Private Properties in your component to bind dynamic data
Lecture 3: Sample code for Private properties in LWC
Chapter 10: Use of conditional rendering using template if else
Lecture 1: Use of conditional rendering using template if else
Lecture 2: Sample code for Use of conditional rendering using template if else
Chapter 11: How to Iterate multiple Items/collection in Lightning web component
Lecture 1: Use of for:each and for:item to iterate collection in lightning web component
Lecture 2: Source code to Use of for:each and for:item to iterate collection
Lecture 3: Use of Iterator to loop on collection of item in lightning web component
Lecture 4: Source code for Using Iterator to loop on collection of item
Chapter 12: Overview of Public, private property, reactive and non reactive property
Lecture 1: Overview of Public, private property, reactive and non reactive property
Chapter 13: (Old session) Javascript Private and @track example
Lecture 1: Important Note
Lecture 2: Javascript Private and @track example
Lecture 3: sample code for private track property
Chapter 14: How to use public property in lightning web component
Lecture 1: Create a CourseEnroll component to use public property
Lecture 2: Access public property of CourseEnroll in parent AllCourseEnroll component
Lecture 3: Sample code for Public property use in lightning web component
Chapter 15: LWC Lifecycle hooks
Lecture 1: LWC Lifecycle hooks
Lecture 2: Sample code for Lifecycle hooks
Chapter 16: Access custom label in lightning web component
Lecture 1: Access custom label in lightning web component
Lecture 2: Sample code for using custom label in lightning web component
Chapter 17: Access Static Resource in lightning web component
Lecture 1: Access Static Resource in lightning web component
Lecture 2: Sample code for using static resource in lightning web component
Chapter 18: Access current User Information in lightning web component
Lecture 1: Access current User Information in lightning web component
Lecture 2: Sample code to Access current User Id in lightning web component
Chapter 19: Navigation Service in Salesforce Lightning Web component
Lecture 1: How to navigate from one page to another page using Navigation services in LWC
Lecture 2: Steps to follow to use Navigation service in LWC
Chapter 20: Use Navigation Service to Navigate Object Home page from Lightning Web Component
Lecture 1: Use Navigation Service to Navigate Object Home page from Lightning Web Component
Lecture 2: Sample code for Navigating to object home page
Chapter 21: Use Navigation service to Navigate to object list view
Lecture 1: Use Navigation service to Navigate to object list view
Lecture 2: Sample code Use Navigation service to Navigate to object list view
Chapter 22: Use Navigation service to navigate record new page from Lightning web component
Lecture 1: Use Navigation service to navigate record new page from Lightning web component
Lecture 2: sample code Use Navigation service to navigate record new page
Chapter 23: Use navigation service to navigate record edit and details page from LWC
Lecture 1: Use navigation service to navigate record edit and details page from LWC
Lecture 2: Sample code Use navigation service to navigate record edit and details page
Chapter 24: Use Navigation service to Navigate to Web page from Lightning web component
Lecture 1: Use Navigation service to Navigate to Web page from Lightning web component
Lecture 2: Sample code Use Navigation service to Navigate to Web page
Chapter 25: Component Composition
Lecture 1: What is Component Composition and its usage
Lecture 2: Component Composition – call child public method from parent component
Lecture 3: sample code for component composition
Chapter 26: What is Slot in lightning web component and how can we pass Markup to slot
Lecture 1: What is Slot in lightning web component and how can we pass Markup to slot
Lecture 2: sample code for slot
Chapter 27: How to access Salesfoce data in Lightning Web Component
Debasis Jena
Salesforce Application Architect and e-learning Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 12 votes
- 3 stars: 40 votes
- 4 stars: 133 votes
- 5 stars: 215 votes
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