SDET C#: Test Automation From Scratch – Detailed Guide
SDET C#: Test Automation From Scratch – Detailed Guide, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 164 lectures, based on 111 reviews, and has 19897 subscribers.
You will learn about Automation Testing Selenium Webdriver from Basics to Advanced Level Learn best practices from true programmers Learn how to write scalable, readable and maintainable clean code You will learn source code of the tutor. All homework is completed with the Trainer Visual Studio NUnit 3 Selenium basics Selenium in C# Selenium Waits Page Object concept Web Component concept Data Transfer Object concept Postman basics API baiscs REST API RESTful Web Services HTTP methods HTTP status codes JSON schemas API testing RestSharp from basics to advanced This course is ideal for individuals who are Test Automation Engineers who want improve their skills to become SDET or People who want to learn Automation Testing from scratch to advanced level It is particularly useful for Test Automation Engineers who want improve their skills to become SDET or People who want to learn Automation Testing from scratch to advanced level.
Enroll now: SDET C#: Test Automation From Scratch – Detailed Guide
Title: SDET C#: Test Automation From Scratch – Detailed Guide
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 164
Number of Published Lectures: 164
Number of Curriculum Items: 164
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 164
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Automation Testing
- Selenium Webdriver from Basics to Advanced Level
- Learn best practices from true programmers
- Learn how to write scalable, readable and maintainable clean code
- You will learn source code of the tutor. All homework is completed with the Trainer
- Visual Studio
- NUnit 3
- Selenium basics
- Selenium in C#
- Selenium Waits
- Page Object concept
- Web Component concept
- Data Transfer Object concept
- Postman basics
- API baiscs
- RESTful Web Services
- HTTP methods
- HTTP status codes
- JSON schemas
- API testing
- RestSharp from basics to advanced
Who Should Attend
- Test Automation Engineers who want improve their skills to become SDET
- People who want to learn Automation Testing from scratch to advanced level
Target Audiences
- Test Automation Engineers who want improve their skills to become SDET
- People who want to learn Automation Testing from scratch to advanced level
Are you ready to embark on a transformational journey into the world of Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) using C#? Welcome to the most comprehensive and hands-on course designed to take you from a beginner to a proficient automation tester.
In today’s fast-paced software industry, the demand for SDETs who can build robust and reliable test automation frameworks is skyrocketing. This course is your gateway to mastering C# for test automation, from the ground up.
What You Will Learn:
Foundations of Test Automation: Start with the fundamentals of test automation, including understanding the importance of automation testing in the software development lifecycle.
C# Programming: Dive into C#, one of the most powerful and versatile programming languages, and learn it from scratch. No prior coding experience is required!
Selenium WebDriver: Explore the world of Selenium WebDriver and harness its capabilities to automate web applications with precision.
Test Frameworks: Build scalable and maintainable test automation frameworks from the ground up, allowing you to efficiently test complex applications.
Page Object Model (POM): Implement the industry-standard POM design pattern to create clean and organized test scripts.
API Testing: Extend your skills to include API testing using C# and tools like RestSharp, preparing you for full-stack testing.
Real-World Projects: Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects and gain practical experience that mirrors real industry scenarios.
Best Practices: Discover industry best practices for writing maintainable, efficient, and scalable automation scripts.
Why Enroll in This Course?
Hands-On Learning: Gain practical experience through hands-on exercises, quizzes, and projects that reinforce your understanding.
Instructor Expertise: Learn from experienced instructors who have a proven track record in test automation and C# programming.
Career Advancement: Boost your career prospects by becoming proficient in a skill set highly sought after by leading tech companies.
Lifetime Access: Get lifetime access to course materials, updates, and a supportive online community.
Don’t miss this opportunity to become a certified SDET with C# expertise. Enroll today, and take the first step toward a rewarding career in test automation!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Communication Plan
Lecture 3: How to Use Resources
Lecture 4: Tips to Improve Your Course Taking Experience
Chapter 2: C# Development Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Install Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
Lecture 2: Create Your First C# Console Project
Lecture 3: Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition Tour
Lecture 4: Understand the Difference between .NET 6 and Previous Versions
Lecture 5: Section Review
Chapter 3: C# Programming – Basic Control Structures
Lecture 1: Understand Basic C# Syntax
Lecture 2: Input and Output Programs
Lecture 3: C# Data Types and Conversion
Lecture 4: Application Debugging Techniques
Lecture 5: Arithmetic and Assignment Operators
Lecture 6: Conditional Statements
Lecture 7: Repetition Statements
Chapter 4: C# Programming – More Advanced Constructs
Lecture 1: Methods – Void
Lecture 2: Methods – Value Returning
Lecture 3: String Manipulation Functions
Lecture 4: DateTime Manipulation Functions
Lecture 5: Exception Handling
Lecture 6: Arrays
Lecture 7: Lists
Chapter 5: C# Programming – Object Oriented Concepts
Lecture 1: Introduction to Classes and Objects
Lecture 2: Method Overloading
Lecture 3: Static Classes and Static Class Members
Lecture 4: Inheritance with Classes and Interfaces
Lecture 5: Constructors
Chapter 6: Add Visual Studio Solution To GitHub
Lecture 1: Create GitHub Account
Lecture 2: Add Solution To Source Control
Chapter 7: API Basics
Lecture 1: API and Web Service
Lecture 2: API Types Overview
Lecture 3: REST API Overview
Lecture 4: HTTP methods
Lecture 5: HTTP Status Codes
Chapter 8: Test Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Postman Introduction
Lecture 2: Postman Installation
Lecture 3: Trello Account Creation
Lecture 4: Authorization Token Creation in Trello
Chapter 9: HTTP Method GET – Postman
Lecture 1: GET Method Overview
Lecture 2: GET Method in Postman
Lecture 3: GET Method in Postman – Hometask
Lecture 4: JSON Schema Validation
Lecture 5: JSON Schema Validation – Hometask
Lecture 6: GET Method Validation in Postman
Lecture 7: GET Method Validation in Postman – Hometask
Chapter 10: HTTP Method POST – Postman
Lecture 1: POST Method Overview
Lecture 2: POST Method in Postman
Lecture 3: POST Method in Postman – Hometask
Lecture 4: POST Method Validation in Postman
Lecture 5: POST Method Validation in Postman – Hometask
Chapter 11: HTTP Method PUT – Postman
Lecture 1: PUT Method Overview
Lecture 2: PUT Method in Postman
Lecture 3: PUT Method in Postman – Hometask
Lecture 4: PUT Method Validation in Postman
Lecture 5: PUT Method Validation in Postman – Hometask
Chapter 12: HTTP Method DELETE – Postman
Lecture 1: DELETE method overview
Lecture 2: DELETE Method in Postman
Lecture 3: DELETE Method in Postman – Hometask
Lecture 4: DELETE Method Validation in Postman
Lecture 5: DELETE Method Validation in Postman – Hometask
Chapter 13: Postman Tips
Lecture 1: Variables in Postman
Chapter 14: Automated Test in Postman
Lecture 1: First Test in Postman
Chapter 15: Development Environment Setup
Lecture 1: Visual Studio Community Edition Installation
Lecture 2: .NET 6 – Installation
Chapter 16: Simple application with Rest Sharp
Lecture 1: Rest Sharp Introduction
Lecture 2: Mastering RestSharp: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Lecture 3: First application with Rest Sharp
Lecture 4: First application with Rest Sharp – Hometask
Lecture 5: Mastering NUnit for Beginners
Lecture 6: First assertion with Rest Sharp
Lecture 7: First assertion with Rest Sharp – Hometask
Lecture 8: First test with Rest Sharp
Lecture 9: First test with Rest Sharp – Hometask
Chapter 17: HTTP Method GET – Rest Sharp
Lecture 1: GET Method with Rest Sharp
Lecture 2: GET Method with Rest Sharp – Hometask
Lecture 3: Newtonsoft JSON Guide
Lecture 4: JSON Schema Validation with Newtonsoft Json
Lecture 5: JSON Schema Validation with Newtonsoft Json – Hometask
Lecture 6: GET Method Validation with Rest Sharp
Lecture 7: GET Method Validation with Rest Sharp – Hometask
Chapter 18: Test Framework Refactoring
Lecture 1: Inheritance Basics
Andrii Piatakha
Founder and CEO in IT-Bulls, Founder of Learn-IT University -
Tigran Ter-Karapetyants
Lead Test Automation Engineer, 350K+ students -
Trevoir Williams
Certified Trainer • Top-Rated Instructor • 450,000+ Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 37 votes
- 5 stars: 57 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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