Secure Coding & Design Best Practices in Python
Secure Coding & Design Best Practices in Python, available at $29.99, has an average rating of 4.41, with 51 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 650 reviews, and has 1725 subscribers.
You will learn about Developers to learn how to code securly Security Best Practices and Principles Secure Coding Secure Coding & Design in Python This course is ideal for individuals who are Developer who want to understand and learn Secure coding and Design in Python It is particularly useful for Developer who want to understand and learn Secure coding and Design in Python.
Enroll now: Secure Coding & Design Best Practices in Python
Title: Secure Coding & Design Best Practices in Python
Price: $29.99
Average Rating: 4.41
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 51
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 53
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 53
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Developers to learn how to code securly
- Security Best Practices and Principles
- Secure Coding
- Secure Coding & Design in Python
Who Should Attend
- Developer who want to understand and learn Secure coding and Design in Python
Target Audiences
- Developer who want to understand and learn Secure coding and Design in Python
Secure coding is a way of writing computer programs that makes them less vulnerable to security threats like hacking and viruses or data leaks.
When we write software, we want to make sure it is built in a way that keeps it safe from the attackers who might want to break in and do real bad things, like steal information or cause damage to the application or data.
One of the rough truth is that new vulnerabilities are constantly being discovered, which can compromise the security of software systems. This means that even if a software application was secure at one point in time, it may become vulnerable to attack as new weaknesses are identified and exploited by attackers.
What is the way to achieve this?
The answer is we have to follow certain guidelines and best practices at every stage of development that help us identify and address potential security risks. By doing this, we can better protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorised access or manipulation of the software by attackers.Also, focussing on applications security and updating the application time to time as per the updating security standards.
It’s essential to prioritise secure coding practices because most businesses today rely on software to run their operations. Software can either be custom-made specifically for the business or purchased from other companies. Building software can be a time-consuming and costly process, but unfortunately, the security of the software often doesn’t receive enough attention
It is not part of day to day programming by developers. There are a few challenges that architects and developers face to achieve code security:
Lack of knowledge:
Many new developers may not have a comprehensive understanding of secure coding practices and may not be aware of the potential vulnerabilities in their code.
Limited resources:
Small teams or individual developers may not have the resources to implement complex security measures or to conduct thorough testing of their code.
Time constraints: Developers may be under pressure to deliver code quickly, which can lead to shortcuts being taken and security being overlooked.
Evolving threats:
The security landscape is constantly changing, and new threats can emerge quickly. Developers need to stay up-to-date with the latest threats and vulnerabilities to ensure that their code remains secure.
Compatibility issues:
Secure coding can sometimes conflict with other requirements, such as compatibility with legacy systems or third-party software, which can make it difficult to implement.
These are the challenges faced during the development. The best solution to this is to know the security practices prior to start a new development so that they can be taken in consideration from the very start.This means making sure that all developers understand the basics of secure coding practices and that security is considered throughout the development process Developers should educate themselves on secure coding practices and keep themselves updated with new security vulnerabilities and their solutions.
1. OnBoarding
2. Introduction of Secure Coding
3. Secure Design
4. Understanding the RISKS
5. Security Management
6. Summary
7. Appendix
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: On Boarding
Lecture 1: On Boarding
Lecture 2: Introduction To Secure Coding
Lecture 3: Scope
Lecture 4: Who Should Buy
Chapter 3: Resources
Lecture 1: Resources
Chapter 4: Secure Design
Lecture 1: What Are Secure Design Principles
Lecture 2: Economy of mechanism
Lecture 3: Fail Safe Defaults
Lecture 4: Complete Mediation
Lecture 5: Open Design
Lecture 6: Least Privilege
Lecture 7: Separation of Privilege
Lecture 8: Psychological Acceptability
Lecture 9: Least Common Mechanism
Lecture 10: Work Factor
Lecture 11: Compromise Recording
Lecture 12: Summary
Chapter 5: Secure Coding Practices
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Strong Authentication
Lecture 3: Strong Authentication Demo
Lecture 4: Authentication Important Measures
Lecture 5: Strong Authentication Measures
Lecture 6: Access Control
Lecture 7: Importance of Secured Access Control
Lecture 8: Secure Configuration
Lecture 9: Demo Secure Configuration
Lecture 10: Sensitive Data Protection
Lecture 11: Demo Sensitive Data Protection
Lecture 12: Relying on Trusted Components
Lecture 13: Demo
Lecture 14: Serialization and Deserialization
Lecture 15: Demo
Lecture 16: Precise Logging And Monitoring
Lecture 17: Demo
Lecture 18: Server Side Request Validations
Lecture 19: Injection And inclusion
Lecture 20: SQL Injection Demo
Lecture 21: Other Things to be careful About
Lecture 22: Summary
Chapter 6: Understanding Risks – OWASP-TOP-10
Lecture 1: OWASP 10
Lecture 2: OWASP 10 Link
Lecture 3: Demo
Chapter 7: Security Management
Lecture 1: Setting up Product Development Model and Lifecycle
Lecture 2: Analysis of written code
Lecture 3: Analysis of written code : Helper Tools
Lecture 4: Corrections in Code or design
Lecture 5: Timely vulnerability checkups and Security Trainings
Lecture 6: OWASP Dependency Check
Lecture 7: Summary
Chapter 8: Course Summary- Thank You
Lecture 1: Course Summary and Thank you
Basics Strong
Team of technocrats and Programming lovers
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 21 votes
- 3 stars: 90 votes
- 4 stars: 226 votes
- 5 stars: 302 votes
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