Self Driving and ROS 2 – Learn by Doing! Odometry & Control
Self Driving and ROS 2 – Learn by Doing! Odometry & Control, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.67, with 167 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 278 reviews, and has 2278 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a Real Self-Driving Robot Mastering ROS2, the last version of the Robot Operating System Implement Sensor Fusion algorithms Simulate a Self-Driving robot in Gazebo Programming Arduino for Robotics Applications Use the ros2_control library Develop a Controller Odometry and Localization Kalman Filters and Extended Kalman Filter Probability Theory Differential Kinematics Create a Digital Twin of a Self-Driving Robot Master the TF2 library This course is ideal for individuals who are Self-Driving enthusiast or Makers and Hobbists keen on robotics or Software developers taht wants to learn ROS 2 and Robotics or Students or Engineers that wants to learn how to buid a robot from scratch or Developers that already knows ROS 2 and that want to use it in a real world application or ROS Developers that want to learn and migrate to ROS 2 or Robotics Engineers that wants to develop skills in Autonomous Navigation or Beginner Python developers curious about Self-Driving or Beginner C++ developers curious about Self-Driving It is particularly useful for Self-Driving enthusiast or Makers and Hobbists keen on robotics or Software developers taht wants to learn ROS 2 and Robotics or Students or Engineers that wants to learn how to buid a robot from scratch or Developers that already knows ROS 2 and that want to use it in a real world application or ROS Developers that want to learn and migrate to ROS 2 or Robotics Engineers that wants to develop skills in Autonomous Navigation or Beginner Python developers curious about Self-Driving or Beginner C++ developers curious about Self-Driving.
Enroll now: Self Driving and ROS 2 – Learn by Doing! Odometry & Control
Title: Self Driving and ROS 2 – Learn by Doing! Odometry & Control
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.67
Number of Lectures: 167
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 166
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 172
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 171
Original Price: €99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a Real Self-Driving Robot
- Mastering ROS2, the last version of the Robot Operating System
- Implement Sensor Fusion algorithms
- Simulate a Self-Driving robot in Gazebo
- Programming Arduino for Robotics Applications
- Use the ros2_control library
- Develop a Controller
- Odometry and Localization
- Kalman Filters and Extended Kalman Filter
- Probability Theory
- Differential Kinematics
- Create a Digital Twin of a Self-Driving Robot
- Master the TF2 library
Who Should Attend
- Self-Driving enthusiast
- Makers and Hobbists keen on robotics
- Software developers taht wants to learn ROS 2 and Robotics
- Students or Engineers that wants to learn how to buid a robot from scratch
- Developers that already knows ROS 2 and that want to use it in a real world application
- ROS Developers that want to learn and migrate to ROS 2
- Robotics Engineers that wants to develop skills in Autonomous Navigation
- Beginner Python developers curious about Self-Driving
- Beginner C++ developers curious about Self-Driving
Target Audiences
- Self-Driving enthusiast
- Makers and Hobbists keen on robotics
- Software developers taht wants to learn ROS 2 and Robotics
- Students or Engineers that wants to learn how to buid a robot from scratch
- Developers that already knows ROS 2 and that want to use it in a real world application
- ROS Developers that want to learn and migrate to ROS 2
- Robotics Engineers that wants to develop skills in Autonomous Navigation
- Beginner Python developers curious about Self-Driving
- Beginner C++ developers curious about Self-Driving
Would you like to build a real Self-Driving Robotusing ROS2, the second and last version of Robot Operating System by building a real robot?
Would you like to get started with Autonomous Navigation of Robot and dive into the theoretical and practical aspects of Odometry and Control from industry experts?
The philosophy of this course is the Learn by Doing and quoting the American writer and teacher Dale Carnegie
Learning is an Active Process. We learn by doing, only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind.
In order for you to master the concepts covered in this course and use them in your projects and also in your future job, I will guide you through the learning of all the functionalities of ROS both from the theoretical and practical point of view.
Each section is composed of three parts:
Theoreticalexplanation of the concept and functionality
Usage of the concept in a simple Practicalexample
Application of the functionality in a real Robot
There is more!
All the programming lessons are developed both using Python and C++ . This means that you can choose the language you are most familiar with or become an expert Robotics Software Developer in both programming languages!
By taking this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of self-driving robots and ROS 2, which will open up opportunities for you in the exciting field of robotics.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Motivation
Lecture 2: The Self-Driving Program
Lecture 3: Course Presentation
Lecture 4: Meet your Teacher
Lecture 5: [EXTRA]: Boost your Robotics Software Developer Career
Lecture 6: Get the Most out of the Course
Lecture 7: Course Material
Chapter 2: Setup
Lecture 1: Install Ubuntu on Virtual Machine
Lecture 2: Install Ubuntu on Dual Boot
Lecture 3: <LAB>Install ROS 2</LAB>
Lecture 4: <LAB>Configure the Development Environment</LAB>
Chapter 3: Introduction to ROS 2
Lecture 1: Why a Robot Operating System?
Lecture 2: What is ROS 2
Lecture 3: Why a NEW Robot Operating System?
Lecture 4: ROS 2 Architecture
Lecture 5: Hardware Abstraction
Lecture 6: Low-Level Device Control
Lecture 7: Messaging Between Process
Lecture 8: Package Management
Lecture 9: Architecture of a ROS 2 Application
Lecture 10: <LAB>Create and Activate a Workspace</LAB>
Lecture 11: <PY>Simple Publisher</PY>
Lecture 12: <C++>Simple Publisher</C++>
Lecture 13: <PY>Simple Subscriber</PY>
Lecture 14: <C++>Simple Subscriber</C++>
Chapter 4: Locomotion
Lecture 1: Robot Locomotions
Lecture 2: Mobile Robots
Lecture 3: Friction Effects
Lecture 4: Robot Description
Lecture 5: URDF
Lecture 6: <LAB>Create the URDF Model</LAB>
Lecture 7: Rviz 2
Lecture 8: Parameters
Lecture 9: <PY>Parameters</PY>
Lecture 10: <C++>Parameters</C++>
Lecture 11: <LAB>ROS 2 Parameter CLI</LAB>
Lecture 12: <LAB>Visualize the Robot</LAB>
Lecture 13: Launch Files
Lecture 14: <LAB>Visualize the Robot with Launch Files</LAB>
Lecture 15: Gazebo
Lecture 16: <LAB>Simulate the Robot</LAB>
Lecture 17: <LAB>Launch the Simulation</LAB>
Chapter 5: Control
Lecture 1: ROS 2 Control
Lecture 2: Control Types
Lecture 3: <LAB>ros2_control with Gazebo</LAB>
Lecture 4: YAML Configuration File
Lecture 5: <LAB>Configure ros2_control</LAB>
Lecture 6: <LAB>Launch the Controller</LAB>
Lecture 7: <LAB>ros2_control CLI</LAB>
Chapter 6: Kinematics
Lecture 1: Robot Kinematics
Lecture 2: Pose of a Mobile Robot
Lecture 3: Translation Vector
Lecture 4: <LAB>Introduction to Turtlesim</LAB>
Lecture 5: <PY>Translation Vector</PY>
Lecture 6: <C++>Translation Vector</C++>
Lecture 7: Rotation Matrix
Lecture 8: <PY>Rotation Matrix</PY>
Lecture 9: <C++>Rotation Matrix</C++>
Lecture 10: Transformation Matrix
Chapter 7: Differential Kinematics
Lecture 1: Differential Kinematics
Lecture 2: Velocity of a Mobile Robot
Lecture 3: Linear Velocity
Lecture 4: Angular Velocity
Lecture 5: Velocity in World Frame
Lecture 6: Differential Forward Kinematics
Lecture 7: Simple Speed Controller
Lecture 8: <PY>Simple Speed Controller</PY>
Lecture 9: <C++>Simple Speed Controller</C++>
Lecture 10: <LAB>Launch the Simple Controller</LAB>
Lecture 11: <LAB>Teleoperating with Joystick</LAB>
Lecture 12: <LAB>Using the diff_drive_controller</LAB>
Chapter 8: TF2 Library
Lecture 1: The TF2 Library
Lecture 2: Operations with Transformations
Lecture 3: Static and Dynamic Transformations
Lecture 4: <PY>Simple TF2 Static Broadcaster</PY>
Lecture 5: <C++>Simple TF2 Static Broadcaster</C++>
Lecture 6: <PY>Simple TF2 Broadcaster</PY>
Lecture 7: <C++>Simple TF2 Broadcaster</C++>
Lecture 8: ROS 2 Services
Lecture 9: <PY>Service Server</PY>
Lecture 10: <C++>Service Server</C++>
Lecture 11: <PY>Service Client</PY>
Lecture 12: <C++>Service Client</C++>
Lecture 13: <PY>Simple TF2 Listener</PY>
Lecture 14: <C++>Simple TF2 Listener</C++>
Lecture 15: Angle Rapresentations
Lecture 16: Euler Angles
Lecture 17: Quaternion
Antonio Brandi
Robot Autonomous Navigation Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 14 votes
- 4 stars: 73 votes
- 5 stars: 185 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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