Short Programming intro in Python and C++
Short Programming intro in Python and C++, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 116 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 305 reviews, and has 22138 subscribers.
You will learn about Introduction to Python 3: Basic Fundamentals Introduction to C++: Basic Fundamentals Ability to decide which language to focus on This course is ideal for individuals who are Whoever curious about programming It is particularly useful for Whoever curious about programming.
Enroll now: Short Programming intro in Python and C++
Title: Short Programming intro in Python and C++
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 116
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 116
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 120
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 120
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Introduction to Python 3: Basic Fundamentals
- Introduction to C++: Basic Fundamentals
- Ability to decide which language to focus on
Who Should Attend
- Whoever curious about programming
Target Audiences
- Whoever curious about programming
The goal of this course is to provide a starting point to programming in 2 popular programming languages.
The course consists of 2 independentsub-courses
Select whatever start.
Covered Basics: data types, variables, operators, selection, and while loops.
No intention to go far from that. The goal is to see these concepts in 2 languages.
By the end of the journey,you will have
Fair understanding of the very basics of the 2 languages
Ability to decide which language to focus on it more.
Visit my profileand select the course of interest to dive deeper. I have deeper courses in more than a language
Mastering 4 critical skills series from my profile will aim to master the 4 most important skills for a programmer
Problem-solving skills: rarely covered by other courses
Project building skills: partially covered by other courses
Design skills: rarely covered by other courses
7+ times practice & homework compare to other courses + 6 projects
My other courses avoid the common complaints such as
Limited topics coverage.
Outdated syntax.
Unnecessary long videos with repetitions.
Too much time to explain basic concepts.
A sudden jump in the level. I can’t cope with the content.
Assumptions of previous knowledge to understand some of the concepts.
Building over concepts that were not mastered through practice or homework.
The same examples are used over and over.
Several consecutive lectures without practice or homework to master the concepts.
Awesome knowledge, almost zero skills.
Very little practice or homework.
Good homework in the first half and very weak in the remaining.
Many homework without solutions.
Only one project.
Small-size project.
Long but tedious project.
The project doesn’t help enforce the concepts.
Project source code is not provided. I needed to compare and learn.
Moving to Datastructures or Algorithms course was not easy. Weak problem-solving skills.
After the course, I am still stuck and can’t do even simple projects. Weak project-building skills.
The course taught OOP syntax and concepts nicely, but OOD skills are not built. Weak design-skills.
And more!
Enjoy learning programming in a smooth way π
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Python Getting Started
Lecture 1: Why Programming? Python?
Lecture 2: Let's Code in Python
Lecture 3: Resources and Students Community
Lecture 4: Important Note
Chapter 2: Python Installation
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Installing Python on Linux
Lecture 3: Installing Python on Windows and Mac
Lecture 4: Installing PyCharm Windows and Mac
Lecture 5: Installing PyCharm on Linux
Lecture 6: Creating Projects using PyCharm
Chapter 3: Python Printing
Lecture 1: Printing
Lecture 2: Syntax Errors
Lecture 3: Indentation Error
Lecture 4: Printing Homework
Lecture 5: Printing Homework – Solution p1
Lecture 6: Printing Homework – Solution p2
Lecture 7: Printing Homework – Solution p3
Lecture 8: Printing Homework – Solution p4 p5
Chapter 4: Python Data Types and Variables
Lecture 1: Data types and variables
Lecture 2: Variables Assignments
Lecture 3: Identifier
Lecture 4: Dynamic Typing
Lecture 5: String Manipulation
Lecture 6: Function
Lecture 7: Reading
Lecture 8: Variables Homework 1
Lecture 9: Variables Homework 1 – Solution p1 p2
Lecture 10: Variables Homework 1 – Solution p3 p4
Lecture 11: Name Binding
Chapter 5: Python Operators
Lecture 1: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 2: Assignment Operator
Lecture 3: Operators Precedence
Lecture 4: Operators Associativity
Lecture 5: Relational Operators
Lecture 6: Truth Table
Lecture 7: Logical Operators
Lecture 8: Membership Operators
Lecture 9: Modulus Operator
Lecture 10: Division and Modulus Homework 1 – 3 Easy Challenges
Lecture 11: Division and Modulus Homework 1 – Solutions
Chapter 6: Python Selection
Lecture 1: Selection 1
Lecture 2: Demo and Indentation
Lecture 3: Selection 2
Lecture 4: Selection Practice 1
Lecture 5: Selection Practice 2
Lecture 6: Selection Homework 1 – 4 Easy Challenges
Lecture 7: Selection Homework 1 – p1 p2
Lecture 8: Selection Homework 1 – p3 p4
Chapter 7: Python Loops
Lecture 1: While Loops 1
Lecture 2: While Loops 2
Lecture 3: While Loops Practice 1
Lecture 4: While Loops Practice 2
Lecture 5: While Nested loops
Lecture 6: While Loops Homework 1 – 4 Easy Challenges
Lecture 7: While Loops Homework 1 – Solution
Lecture 8: While Loops Homework 2 – Application
Lecture 9: While Loops Homework 2 – Application Solution
Lecture 10: For Loops 1
Lecture 11: For Loops 2
Lecture 12: For Loops Practice – Medium to Hard
Chapter 8: Python Debugging
Lecture 1: Debugger
Lecture 2: Debugging with PyCharm IDE
Chapter 9: Python Functions
Lecture 1: Define Function
Lecture 2: Return and Default
Lecture 3: Function Calling Function + Debugging
Lecture 4: Enumerate and Override
Lecture 5: Local and Global Scope
Lecture 6: Name Binding
Lecture 7: Positional or Keyword Parameter
Lecture 8: Docstring
Chapter 10: C++ Getting Started
Lecture 1: Why C++?
Lecture 2: Letβs code
Chapter 11: C++ Installations
Lecture 1: Overall tools
Lecture 2: Installing Codeblocks on Linux
Lecture 3: Installing Codeblocks on Windows
Lecture 4: Installing Eclipse on linux
Lecture 5: Installing Eclipse on Windows
Lecture 6: Project creation on Eclipse
Lecture 7: Project creation on Codeblocks
Lecture 8: Configuring the Compiler
Chapter 12: C++ Data Types and Variables
Lecture 1: Data types and variables
Lecture 2: Declaring variables
Lecture 3: Reading Variables
Lecture 4: Variables Homework
Dr. Moustafa Saad Ibrahim
Educator, Software Engineer, Scientist, Competitive Coach -
CSkilled Academy
High Quality With Intensive Practice CS Courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 23 votes
- 4 stars: 59 votes
- 5 stars: 217 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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