Snowflake cloud database with ELT(Airflow+Python+Talend)
Snowflake cloud database with ELT(Airflow+Python+Talend), available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 144 lectures, based on 98 reviews, and has 1321 subscribers.
You will learn about Leveraging snowflake cloud data warehouse using Talend. Talend basics. Airflow basics. Building airflow Dags. Connect snowflake with python. Auditing snowflake commands. Capturing cost and performance metrics. Virtual machine with preconfigured airflow. End to End project to load Nyc traffic data(250 + GB ). This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers interested to know how to build workflows for snowflake. It is particularly useful for Developers interested to know how to build workflows for snowflake.
Enroll now: Snowflake cloud database with ELT(Airflow+Python+Talend)
Title: Snowflake cloud database with ELT(Airflow+Python+Talend)
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 144
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Curriculum Items: 167
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 103
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Leveraging snowflake cloud data warehouse using Talend.
- Talend basics.
- Airflow basics.
- Building airflow Dags.
- Connect snowflake with python.
- Auditing snowflake commands.
- Capturing cost and performance metrics.
- Virtual machine with preconfigured airflow.
- End to End project to load Nyc traffic data(250 + GB ).
Who Should Attend
- Developers interested to know how to build workflows for snowflake.
Target Audiences
- Developers interested to know how to build workflows for snowflake.
In our previous course Snowflake Masterclass [Real time demos+Best practices+Labs] we deep-dived and understood the fundamentals of snowflake, solved lot of assignments, and understood best practices to load data and unload data.
Also, we closely evaluated most of the snowflake features understanding how they work under the hood. Through these discussions, you realized how to use Snowflake efficiently.
There was one missing piece, How to build and orchestrate ETL workflows on Snowflake. This course is just about that.
In this course, we are going to learn,
Build workflows in Airflow.
We will leverage Talend capabilities to build generic code to ingest data and process data in snowflake.
We will build audit tables and record every command we fire on the snowflake. We will record the time consumed for each task and capture snowflake credits.
Once we build the framework we will build a workflow to process and transform 250 + GB volume of NYC traffic data.
At last, we will connect the Snowflake with python and write code to capture stats of data we loaded to the snowflake.
you will also get access to preconfigured Jupyter notebook to run your python code on the Snowflake.
If you have previously not worked with Talend, Airflow and Python don’t worry they are very simple tools I will provide the necessary introduction.
I am sure you will learn a lot from this journey. See you in the course!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: /***** Module 1 *****/
Lecture 1: Module 1 Intro
Chapter 2: prerequisites
Lecture 1: Setup snowflake environment
Lecture 2: Virtual machine download
Lecture 3: Mount local folder to vm and start vm
Lecture 4: Setup Vs code for VM
Lecture 5: Configure connection details
Lecture 6: Github link
Chapter 3: Airflow intro
Lecture 1: Airflow introduction
Lecture 2: Airflow architecture
Lecture 3: First Dag
Lecture 4: Introduction to metadata DB
Lecture 5: Airflow scheduler
Lecture 6: Scheduling in airflow
Lecture 7: Executors in airflow
Lecture 8: Airflow webserver
Lecture 9: Handle failures
Chapter 4: Snowflake airflow ELT
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Load to snowflake example 1
Lecture 3: [Demo] Load to snowflake example 1
Lecture 4: Load to snowflake example 2
Lecture 5: Load to snowflake example 3
Chapter 5: Snowflake python api intro — Basics
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Connection test 1
Lecture 3: Connection test 2
Lecture 4: execute method
Lecture 5: cursor attributes
Lecture 6: execute many
Lecture 7: execute async part 1
Lecture 8: execute async part 2
Lecture 9: execute async part 3
Lecture 10: Formatting: pyformat
Lecture 11: Formatting: qmark
Lecture 12: Result metadata
Lecture 13: Type code
Chapter 6: Snowflake python api intro — Advanced
Lecture 1: Fetch pandas arrow
Lecture 2: Context manager
Lecture 3: Result batch
Lecture 4: Get result batch
Lecture 5: Fetch arrow batches
Lecture 6: Fetch pandas batches
Lecture 7: To pandas arrow
Lecture 8: Execute stream
Lecture 9: Execute string
Lecture 10: Cursor dict
Chapter 7: Snowflake python ELT
Lecture 1: Copy data : s3 to snowflake
Lecture 2: Copy data : s3 to snowflake ( parallel )
Lecture 3: Execute ELT query : Python way
Lecture 4: Schedule airflow job : For python code
Chapter 8: Talend introduction.
Lecture 1: Talend as open source ETL tool.
Lecture 2: Download and install talend.
Lecture 3: Talend workspace introduction.
Lecture 4: Build first job and configure talend
Lecture 5: Build sample job : Level 1
Lecture 6: Build sample job : Level 2
Lecture 7: Build sample job : Level 3
Lecture 8: Building sample job : Level4
Lecture 9: Build sample job : Level5
Lecture 10: Build sample job : Schedule using airflow
Lecture 11: Summary
Chapter 9: / **** Module 2 **** /
Lecture 1: Module 2 intro
Chapter 10: Create generic components.
Lecture 1: Analyst requirement.
Lecture 2: S3 to snowflake copy app demo
Lecture 3: Requirement to process data.
Lecture 4: Elt app demo
Lecture 5: Scheduling job.
Lecture 6: Writing generic dag code part1
Lecture 7: Writing generic dag code part2
Lecture 8: Writing generic dag code part3
Chapter 11: Building workflow
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: High level design
Lecture 3: Copy data from s3
Lecture 4: Parsing data
Lecture 5: Audit src records
Lecture 6: Archive and create view part 1
Lecture 7: Archive and create view part 2
Lecture 8: Score records part 1
Lecture 9: Score records part 2
Lecture 10: prepare dag code
Lecture 11: Execute airflow job
Lecture 12: Improve the approach
Lecture 13: Parameter registry
Lecture 14: Summary
Chapter 12: Nyc traffic data demo
Lecture 1: Introduction.
Lecture 2: Nyc traffic data overview
Lecture 3: Load sample data
Lecture 4: Nyc full data load
Lecture 5: Snow sight Dashboard
Chapter 13: /****Bonus sections starts****/
Pradeep H C
Data engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 27 votes
- 5 stars: 56 votes
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