Spring Boot For Software Engineers
Spring Boot For Software Engineers, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 75 lectures, based on 1179 reviews, and has 7312 subscribers.
You will learn about Build enterprise applications Write great APIs with Spring MVC Write great APIs with RestEasy / JaxRS Use Resteasy Client API Use Java Bean Validation API to validate properties sent from client to server Write unit tests and mocking services Write integration tests Use Dependency Injection Serialise and Deserialise java objects as JSON Use Intellij IDEA like a real software engineer This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise applications or Anyone who wants to lean HTTP methods to consume data from clients or Anyone who wants to learn Spring Boot or Anyone who wants to learn how to build applications fast or Anyone who wants to learn how to test applications or Anyone who wants to learn how to write integration tests It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise applications or Anyone who wants to lean HTTP methods to consume data from clients or Anyone who wants to learn Spring Boot or Anyone who wants to learn how to build applications fast or Anyone who wants to learn how to test applications or Anyone who wants to learn how to write integration tests.
Enroll now: Spring Boot For Software Engineers
Title: Spring Boot For Software Engineers
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 75
Number of Published Lectures: 75
Number of Curriculum Items: 75
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 75
Original Price: £174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build enterprise applications
- Write great APIs with Spring MVC
- Write great APIs with RestEasy / JaxRS
- Use Resteasy Client API
- Use Java Bean Validation API to validate properties sent from client to server
- Write unit tests and mocking services
- Write integration tests
- Use Dependency Injection
- Serialise and Deserialise java objects as JSON
- Use Intellij IDEA like a real software engineer
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise applications
- Anyone who wants to lean HTTP methods to consume data from clients
- Anyone who wants to learn Spring Boot
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build applications fast
- Anyone who wants to learn how to test applications
- Anyone who wants to learn how to write integration tests
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build enterprise applications
- Anyone who wants to lean HTTP methods to consume data from clients
- Anyone who wants to learn Spring Boot
- Anyone who wants to learn how to build applications fast
- Anyone who wants to learn how to test applications
- Anyone who wants to learn how to write integration tests
After receiving more than 150 thousands on youtube. My video on is the most popular video for learning Spring Boot in under 50 minutes. A lot viewers asked for a course and here it is.
This course is packed with over 6 hours of awesome content where you will learn the following
- N Tier Architecture
- If you not sure how to structure applications. This course will teach you how to your classes in the right place.
- Restful API with Spring MVC and the most know HTTP Methods. i.e GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
- Unit testing
- Writing software is not just writing code with proving that it actually works.
- You will learn how to unit test classes using JUnit, Mockito BDD style and Assertj.
- How serialise and deserialise java class to JSON objects using Jackson FasterXml
- Spring Depedency Injection
- Removing the new keyword for services and data access class has great advantages and its something that you must know.
- JaxRS and RestEasy
- Spring MVC is great but it does not implement JaxRS specification.
- You will learn how to create Restful APIs with RestEasy
- RestEasy Client API
- Choosing the perfect rest client is difficult.
- RestEasy makes it easy to create proxy to any API.
- Integration Tests
- In this course you will learn how to write integration tests to ensure all components and classes work together.
- Java Bean Validation API
- This API allows us to have annotations in Java POJOS to define allowed values for properties and required properties
- Refactoring
- How to package and spin up the application as .JAR file
Perhaps you want to learn how to build enterprise applications, or want to improve your skills in the Java world or even hunting for your next job as a software engineer. Well this course prepares you for all scenarios and I can guarantee you that will become a better software engineer after taking this course.
Become part of the 150 thousand people that have benefited from learning Spring Boot with me.
Enrol now and I will see you inside.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intro & Understanding few key concepts
Lecture 1: Hi
Lecture 2: Spring Boot Overview
Lecture 3: The N-Tier Architecture
Lecture 4: Dependency Injection Explained
Chapter 2: Spring Boot Initialiser & Bootstrapping
Lecture 1: Bootstrap project from scratch
Lecture 2: Understand project structure
Lecture 3: Creating restful api Hello World with Spring Boot
Chapter 3: N-Tier (Data Access – DAO Layer)
Lecture 1: Creating User model
Lecture 2: DAO interface
Lecture 3: Creating fake DAO and database using a Map
Lecture 4: Implementing DAO interface
Chapter 4: N-Tier (Service Layer)
Lecture 1: Creating Service layer and refactor DAO interface
Lecture 2: Dependency Injection with Spring
Lecture 3: Lets Implement the business logic
Chapter 5: Unit Tests & Mocking with Mockito
Lecture 1: Your first Unit Test
Lecture 2: Test select user by id
Lecture 3: Finish up writing tests for DAO
Lecture 4: Mocking Objects with Mockito
Lecture 5: Mockito BDD – Given, When and Argument Captor
Lecture 6: Wrapping up remaining unit tests
Chapter 6: N-Tier (Restful Api Layer)
Lecture 1: Spring Boot and Web Servers overview
Lecture 2: HTTP GET Requets
Lecture 3: Configuring REST end point paths
Lecture 4: Path Variables
Lecture 5: Response Entity & HTTP Response Codes
Lecture 6: HTTP POST Requests
Lecture 7: Postman Overview
Lecture 8: HTTP POST, @RequestMapping & Consuming JSON
Lecture 9: HTTP PUT Requests
Lecture 10: HTTP Delete Requests
Lecture 11: Query Params
Lecture 12: Query Params & Filtering
Lecture 13: Improve Test Code Coverage
Lecture 14: @Consumes and @Produces
Lecture 15: Configuring what server Consumes from clients and Produces to clients
Chapter 7: Jackson Fasterxml
Lecture 1: Jackson overview
Lecture 2: Immutable Objects and @JsonProperty
Lecture 3: Changing JSON property names with getters & @JsonProperty
Lecture 4: Computed JSON properties
Lecture 5: @JsonIgnore
Chapter 8: JAX-RS & Resteasy
Lecture 1: Spring MVC Alternatives
Lecture 2: Resteasy starter pom
Lecture 3: Your first endpoint using Reasteasy
Lecture 4: Exercise
Lecture 5: Exercise Sol – Fully Switch User resource to user JaxRS annotations
Lecture 6: Testing UserResourseResteasy enpoint
Lecture 7: Jersey support with spring-boot-starter-jersey
Chapter 9: Resteasy Client API
Lecture 1: Understanding Integration tests
Lecture 2: Reateasy Client API
Lecture 3: Creating proxy interface
Lecture 4: Creating proxy using @Bean
Lecture 5: Spring Boot property files and @Value
Lecture 6: Section recap
Chapter 10: Integration Tests
Lecture 1: Intro to Spring Boot Integration tests
Lecture 2: Web Enviroment
Lecture 3: Your first Integration Test
Lecture 4: Create user Integration Test
Lecture 5: Delete User Integration Test
Lecture 6: Update user Integration Test
Lecture 7: Get users by gender Integration test
Lecture 8: Running all Integration tests
Chapter 11: Java Bean Validation
Lecture 1: Sending empty object to server
Lecture 2: Handling nulls with Objects.requireNonNull
Lecture 3: Java Beans Validation Annotations
Lecture 4: Lets activate the validations
Chapter 12: Refactor
Lecture 1: Why Refactor
Lecture 2: Refactor Resource / Controller Layer
Lecture 3: Refactor Service Layer
Lecture 4: Fixing and running all unit and integration tests
Lecture 5: Example of Integration tests without RestEasy Client
Chapter 13: Running Jar and Deployment Solutions
Lecture 1: Generating the target folder
Lecture 2: Running the .jar file
Lecture 3: Overriding property files from terminal/cmd
Lecture 4: Cloud providers solutions
Chapter 14: Wrapping up
Lecture 1: Whats next
Nelson Jamal
Software Engineer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 18 votes
- 3 stars: 155 votes
- 4 stars: 463 votes
- 5 stars: 537 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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