Spring Boot Microservices with JPA
Spring Boot Microservices with JPA, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.9, with 64 lectures, based on 226 reviews, and has 921 subscribers.
You will learn about Create two Spring boot restful web services implementing the JPA for the interaction with the databases. Create a full stack web application composed of a microservices infrastructure and a single page application. Learn how two microservices can communicate with each-other and exchange information through JSON messages This is course has the same topic of the italian course "Sviluppo Web a Microservizi con Java Spring Boot e Ajax" so it can easily considered as its English version. The example developed is different but with the same topics: microservices, Spring Boot, JPA and Rest calls. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anybody who wants to understand microservice infrastructure and the difference existing between monolithic application and microservices or Anybody who wants to learn Spring Boot and how to realize fastly a microservice infrastructure using this precious instrument. or Anybody who wants to understand the difference between the classical use of Spring MVC and its implementation through Spring Boot or Anyone who wants to learn the basis of JPA (Java Persistence Api) in order to interact with Databases. or Anyone who wants to learn how to implement Restful Web services using a microservice infrastructure. or Anyone who wants to learn how to consume Restful web service either from the user interface than from server-side code. or Anyone who want to have a basic idea on Single Page Applications and how they works or Anyone who wants to realise a full stack web application using the most modern technologies and approaches. or Anyone who wants to learn how Ajax calls and javascript can be used to let our web pages become dynamics. or Anybody who wants to understand how to generate a dinamic web page using multiple resources contemporarily. It is particularly useful for Anybody who wants to understand microservice infrastructure and the difference existing between monolithic application and microservices or Anybody who wants to learn Spring Boot and how to realize fastly a microservice infrastructure using this precious instrument. or Anybody who wants to understand the difference between the classical use of Spring MVC and its implementation through Spring Boot or Anyone who wants to learn the basis of JPA (Java Persistence Api) in order to interact with Databases. or Anyone who wants to learn how to implement Restful Web services using a microservice infrastructure. or Anyone who wants to learn how to consume Restful web service either from the user interface than from server-side code. or Anyone who want to have a basic idea on Single Page Applications and how they works or Anyone who wants to realise a full stack web application using the most modern technologies and approaches. or Anyone who wants to learn how Ajax calls and javascript can be used to let our web pages become dynamics. or Anybody who wants to understand how to generate a dinamic web page using multiple resources contemporarily.
Enroll now: Spring Boot Microservices with JPA
Title: Spring Boot Microservices with JPA
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.9
Number of Lectures: 64
Number of Published Lectures: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 64
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create two Spring boot restful web services implementing the JPA for the interaction with the databases.
- Create a full stack web application composed of a microservices infrastructure and a single page application.
- Learn how two microservices can communicate with each-other and exchange information through JSON messages
- This is course has the same topic of the italian course "Sviluppo Web a Microservizi con Java Spring Boot e Ajax" so it can easily considered as its English version. The example developed is different but with the same topics: microservices, Spring Boot, JPA and Rest calls.
Who Should Attend
- Anybody who wants to understand microservice infrastructure and the difference existing between monolithic application and microservices
- Anybody who wants to learn Spring Boot and how to realize fastly a microservice infrastructure using this precious instrument.
- Anybody who wants to understand the difference between the classical use of Spring MVC and its implementation through Spring Boot
- Anyone who wants to learn the basis of JPA (Java Persistence Api) in order to interact with Databases.
- Anyone who wants to learn how to implement Restful Web services using a microservice infrastructure.
- Anyone who wants to learn how to consume Restful web service either from the user interface than from server-side code.
- Anyone who want to have a basic idea on Single Page Applications and how they works
- Anyone who wants to realise a full stack web application using the most modern technologies and approaches.
- Anyone who wants to learn how Ajax calls and javascript can be used to let our web pages become dynamics.
- Anybody who wants to understand how to generate a dinamic web page using multiple resources contemporarily.
Target Audiences
- Anybody who wants to understand microservice infrastructure and the difference existing between monolithic application and microservices
- Anybody who wants to learn Spring Boot and how to realize fastly a microservice infrastructure using this precious instrument.
- Anybody who wants to understand the difference between the classical use of Spring MVC and its implementation through Spring Boot
- Anyone who wants to learn the basis of JPA (Java Persistence Api) in order to interact with Databases.
- Anyone who wants to learn how to implement Restful Web services using a microservice infrastructure.
- Anyone who wants to learn how to consume Restful web service either from the user interface than from server-side code.
- Anyone who want to have a basic idea on Single Page Applications and how they works
- Anyone who wants to realise a full stack web application using the most modern technologies and approaches.
- Anyone who wants to learn how Ajax calls and javascript can be used to let our web pages become dynamics.
- Anybody who wants to understand how to generate a dinamic web page using multiple resources contemporarily.
This course is a practical course which explains how to realise a microservice infrastructure in order to realise a full-stack web application composed by a “framework-less” Single Page Application and two restful Spring Boot microservices interacting with each other and with two different databases thanks to the implementation of the JPA (Java Persistence Api).
You’ll have the basis to generate fastly a microservice infrastructure, to organise your application using different layers according to the “SOLID” principle and following the MVC pattern.
You will have the instrument to organise your communication protocols using simple and effective rules, to implement restful web services which communicate with Json Messages.
This is course has the same topic of the italian course Sviluppo Web a Microservizi con Java Spring Boot e Ajax” so it can easily considered as its English version. The example developed is different but with the same topics: microservices, Spring Boot, JPA and Rest calls.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Let's introduce some concepts!
Lecture 1: Intro course
Lecture 2: Monolithic App vs Microservice
Lecture 3: War file vs "fat Jar"
Lecture 4: Spring Pills
Lecture 5: MVC Pattern
Lecture 6: Http Protocol, cookies and Json Web Tokens
Lecture 7: Maven & other resources
Chapter 2: Let's create our first microservice!
Lecture 1: Spring Initializr
Lecture 2: Creation of packages and first "POJO"
Lecture 3: JPA annotations
Lecture 4: JSR-303 Validation
Lecture 5: Let's create the second "POJO"
Lecture 6: Create the "DAO" interface for the first "POJO"
Lecture 7: Create the "DAO" interface for the second "POJO"
Lecture 8: EncryptionUtils class
Lecture 9: The CommandLineRunner interface
Lecture 10: Let's fill the H2 database: part 1
Lecture 11: Let's fill the H2 database: part 2
Lecture 12: Let's run our app
Lecture 13: The Spring Validator
Lecture 14: The ViewResolver
Lecture 15: let's return a Java Object
Lecture 16: JacksonLibrary
Lecture 17: Simple Data Binding
Lecture 18: Data Binding with JSR-303 validation
Lecture 19: Data Binding with JSR-303 validation and BindingResult
Lecture 20: Data Binding with Spring validator
Lecture 21: Data Binding with JSR-303 and Spring validation
Lecture 22: The ResponseEntity
Lecture 23: The JsonResponseBody class
Lecture 24: JwtUtils
Lecture 25: Custom Exceptions
Lecture 26: Let's create the services' structure
Lecture 27: let's define LoginService interface
Lecture 28: let's implement LoginService: part 1
Lecture 29: let's implement LoginService: part 2
Lecture 30: let's implement ToDoService
Lecture 31: Implementing RestController: part 1
Lecture 32: Implementing RestController: part 2
Lecture 33: Implementing RestController: part 3
Lecture 34: Implementing RestController: part 4
Lecture 35: Implementing RestController: part 5
Lecture 36: Implementing RestController: part 6
Lecture 37: Implementing RestController: part 7
Lecture 38: let's test our microservice with Postman
Chapter 3: Let's implement our second microservice!
Lecture 1: Overview on the structure
Lecture 2: let's create the MySQL database and the Spring Boot microservice
Lecture 3: adjusting pom.xml file and application.properties
Lecture 4: let's create the packages
Lecture 5: Statistics "POJO"
Lecture 6: StatisticsDao interface
Lecture 7: JsonResponseBody
Lecture 8: Overview on StatisticsService
Lecture 9: RestTemplate
Lecture 10: Let's implement StatisticsService: part 1
Lecture 11: Let's implement StatisticsService: part 2
Lecture 12: Implementing the Controller
Lecture 13: Let's test both the microservices with Postman
Chapter 4: Let's implement the Single Page Application!
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Let's explain the html structure
Lecture 3: Let's explain the javascript structure
Lecture 4: Let's test the page
Lecture 5: Some improvements
Lecture 6: Congratulations!
Alessandro Argentieri
ingegnere dell'informazione
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 44 votes
- 4 stars: 77 votes
- 5 stars: 86 votes
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