Spring Boot REST APIs Ultimate Course
Spring Boot REST APIs Ultimate Course, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.81, with 214 lectures, based on 119 reviews, and has 1182 subscribers.
You will learn about Understanding Core Concepts of REST APIs Understanding REST API Design Best Practices Design REST APIs with OpenAPI and Swagger Writing Code to Implement REST APIs with Spring Boot Handling Error for REST APIs Validate REST API Requests Testing REST APIs (Unit Tests, Integration Tests) Securing REST APIs with Spring Security, JWT and OAuth2 Documenting REST APIs with Spring REST Docs Deploying REST APIs on Cloud (Heroku, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure) Caching REST APIs with Redis as Cache Server API Rate Limiting with Bucket4J Build Different Kinds of REST Clients (Spring MVC, React, Android and Java Swing) Implement Pagination, Sort and Filter for APIs This course is ideal for individuals who are IT Students who want to Learn real-life REST API development experience or Junior Developers who want to Master full stack REST API development techniques or Senior Developers who want to Refresh and Improve Skills in REST API development or Teachers and Instructors who need to Update knowledge and Improve teaching methods It is particularly useful for IT Students who want to Learn real-life REST API development experience or Junior Developers who want to Master full stack REST API development techniques or Senior Developers who want to Refresh and Improve Skills in REST API development or Teachers and Instructors who need to Update knowledge and Improve teaching methods.
Enroll now: Spring Boot REST APIs Ultimate Course
Title: Spring Boot REST APIs Ultimate Course
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.81
Number of Lectures: 214
Number of Published Lectures: 197
Number of Curriculum Items: 214
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 197
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understanding Core Concepts of REST APIs
- Understanding REST API Design Best Practices
- Design REST APIs with OpenAPI and Swagger
- Writing Code to Implement REST APIs with Spring Boot
- Handling Error for REST APIs
- Validate REST API Requests
- Testing REST APIs (Unit Tests, Integration Tests)
- Securing REST APIs with Spring Security, JWT and OAuth2
- Documenting REST APIs with Spring REST Docs
- Deploying REST APIs on Cloud (Heroku, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure)
- Caching REST APIs with Redis as Cache Server
- API Rate Limiting with Bucket4J
- Build Different Kinds of REST Clients (Spring MVC, React, Android and Java Swing)
- Implement Pagination, Sort and Filter for APIs
Who Should Attend
- IT Students who want to Learn real-life REST API development experience
- Junior Developers who want to Master full stack REST API development techniques
- Senior Developers who want to Refresh and Improve Skills in REST API development
- Teachers and Instructors who need to Update knowledge and Improve teaching methods
Target Audiences
- IT Students who want to Learn real-life REST API development experience
- Junior Developers who want to Master full stack REST API development techniques
- Senior Developers who want to Refresh and Improve Skills in REST API development
- Teachers and Instructors who need to Update knowledge and Improve teaching methods
Welcome to Spring Boot REST APIs Ultimate course!
My name is Nam Ha Minh. I’m the instructor who will lead you through this course. You know, I’ve been programming with Java for nearly 2 decades, since the days of Java 1.3 and 1.4. I’m a professional Java developer certified by Oracle.
I’m very glad that you’re interested in this course. Let me introduce exactly what this course is about, and everything you need to know before enrolling.
What this Course is Exactly About:
This is a comprehensive course about REST API development, from understanding REST API Core Concepts to API Design Best Practices and Implementing APIs with Spring Boot; from Securing APIs to Testing APIs; from Documenting APIs to Deploying APIs.
This course is also about development of different kinds of REST Client applications such as Web app (Spring MVC), React app, desktop app (Java Swing) and mobile app (Android).
What You Will Learn to Build:
Through this comprehensive course, you will learn to build Weather APIs Service using Spring Boot with MySQL Database.
Then you will learn to build a React application for managing weather data.
Use Spring MVC to build a web application for managing users and API clients.
And another Spring MVC application for a Weather Forecast website.
Then you will learn to build a sample mobile app that displays embedded weather information, using Android.
Finally, you will learn to build a Java desktop application with Swing, that demonstrates updating weather data from a weather station.
The React app, Weather Forecast website, Android app and Swing app are consumers of the Weather APIs Service.
Key technologies will be used:
You’ll learn how to use the following technologies (not all mentioned):
– Back-end technologies: Spring framework, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data REST, Spring REST Docs, Spring HATEOAS
– Thymeleaf as server-side template engine for Spring MVC application
– FasterXML/jackson Java JSON library
– Security technologies: Spring Security, Spring Security OAuth2, JSON Web Token (JWT) for Java and Android
– Database technologies: MySQL Relational database, Hibernate ORM framework
– Testing technologies: mockito – mocking framework for unit tests, JUnit testing framework
– Redis as caching solution
– Bucket4J as API Rate Limit solution
– REST Clients: React for Single Page Application, Android for mobile app, Java Swing for desktop app
– Front-end technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, jQuery.
Main software programs & tools will be used:
To develop the applications in this course, you will need to use (not all mentioned): Java Development Kit (JDK), Spring Tool Suite IDE, MySQL Community server, MySQL Workbench, curl, Postman, Redis, Docker, Swagger online editor and codegen, Git, Heroku CLI, AWS CLI.
What you will get by finishing this course:
By completing this course, you will get comprehensive REST API expertise in Analysis, Design, Implement, Test, Secure, Deploy & Best Practices. In other words, you master all the techniques involved in REST API development.
You will also get Full-stack development expertise in Backend (Java and Spring), Frontend (React, Javascript, HTML, CSS), Database (MySQL), Deployment (Heroku, AWS), Version Control (Git).
More importantly, when you complete learning this course, I believe you will get Job–ready Skills, such as Technical competence, Self management, Accuracy and Attention to Detail, Professionalism that your employer will love, and Problem Solving skill which is important to succeed in your career.
And finally, you will get a Certificate of Completion issued by Udemy, which is a great thing you can add to your Resume.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to this Course
Chapter 2: Software Installation
Lecture 1: Notes about Software Installation
Lecture 2: Install Java Development Kit
Lecture 3: Install Spring Tool Suite IDE
Lecture 4: Install curl and Postman
Lecture 5: Install Apache Maven
Lecture 6: Install Git
Lecture 7: Install MySQL Server
Lecture 8: Install MySQL Workbench
Chapter 3: REST API Fundamentals
Lecture 1: What is an API?
Lecture 2: What is REST API?
Lecture 3: Why is REST API?
Lecture 4: Understand URIs
Lecture 5: HTTP Methods and Status Codes
Lecture 6: Understand HATEOAS
Lecture 7: Hypertext Application Language (HAL)
Lecture 8: Link Relation
Chapter 4: Code Your First REST APIs
Lecture 1: Code Your First REST API
Lecture 2: Code Your Second REST API
Lecture 3: Code Your Third REST API
Chapter 5: REST API Design Best Practices
Lecture 1: Resources Naming Convention
Lecture 2: HTTP Methods and Status Codes
Lecture 3: Use Hypermedia (HATEOAS)
Lecture 4: APIs Versioning
Lecture 5: Secure APIs
Lecture 6: Document APIs
Lecture 7: APIs Caching
Lecture 8: APIs Rate Limit
Chapter 6: Overview of the Sample System
Lecture 1: Overview of Weather Forecast API System
Lecture 2: Primary Workflows of API Usage
Lecture 3: Overview of Sample Applications
Lecture 4: Overview of Database Design
Lecture 5: Overview of System Architecture
Chapter 7: Referential Project Code
Lecture 1: Request Access to GitHub Repo
Lecture 2: Browse Project Code in Web Browser
Lecture 3: Download Project Code from GitHub
Lecture 4: Clone Project Code in Command Line
Lecture 5: Clone Project Code in IDE
Lecture 6: Browse Code at a Specific Commit
Lecture 7: Disconnect from Remote Repository
Chapter 8: Design Our REST APIs
Lecture 1: What are OpenAPI and Swagger
Lecture 2: Explore a Sample APIs Design with Swagger
Lecture 3: Design an Example API with Swagger
Lecture 4: Generate Server Code for Example API
Lecture 5: Check Embedded Docs for Example API
Lecture 6: Generate Client Code for Example API
Lecture 7: Package and Run Example API on Localhost
Lecture 8: Deploy Example API on Heroku
Lecture 9: API Design Exercise
Lecture 10: Design Weather Forecast APIs (Version 1)
Lecture 11: When Using Swagger
Lecture 12: Key Notes 1
Chapter 9: Project Setup
Lecture 1: Create Multi-Module Maven Project
Lecture 2: Create MySQL Database
Lecture 3: Configure Data Source Properties
Lecture 4: Get Geolocation Database
Lecture 5: Steps to Implement an API
Chapter 10: Implement Location APIs
Lecture 1: Create Location Entity Class
Lecture 2: Code Add Location API
Lecture 3: Unit Testing for REST API
Lecture 4: Integration Testing with curl and Postman
Lecture 5: Code List Locations API
Lecture 6: Code Get Location API
Lecture 7: Code Update Location API
Lecture 8: Code Delete Location API
Lecture 9: Key Notes 2
Chapter 11: Error Handling for REST APIs
Lecture 1: Why Customizing Default Error Response
Lecture 2: Code Global Exception Handler
Chapter 12: Validate REST API Requests
Lecture 1: Fundamentals of API Request Validation
Lecture 2: Customize Error Response
Lecture 3: Validate Request Body
Lecture 4: Validate Path Parameters
Lecture 5: Validate Request Parameters
Chapter 13: Implement Realtime Weather APIs
Lecture 1: Understand Requirement of Realtime Weather APIs
Lecture 2: Code Repository Layer for Realtime Weather APIs
Lecture 3: Code Geolocation Service
Lecture 4: Get IP Address of Client
Lecture 5: Get Realtime Weather by IP Address
Lecture 6: Use DTO and Model Mapper
Lecture 7: Get Realtime Weather by Location Code
Lecture 8: Code Update Realtime Weather API
Lecture 9: Key Notes 3
Chapter 14: Implement Hourly Forecast APIs
Lecture 1: Understand Requirement of Hourly Forecast APIs
Lecture 2: Code Repository Layer for Hourly Forecast APIs
Lecture 3: Code Unit Tests for Repository Layer
Lecture 4: Get Hourly Forecast by IP Address
Nam Ha Minh
Certified Java Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 29 votes
- 5 stars: 85 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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