Spring Data JPA And REST APIs
Spring Data JPA And REST APIs, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 5, with 101 lectures, based on 31 reviews, and has 1026 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn the core of database and REST programming with Spring Data JPA and start applying for Spring REST jobs. Discover how the Query Builder Mechanism of Spring Data JPA simplifies database programming and start using its magic to develop real world applications. Develop your own powerful REST APIs with Java, Spring Data JPA, Eclipse, Maven, and Postman. Learn a variety of Java and SQL data types especially time-related classes. Use Eclipse and Postman together with a database console to develop and test REST APIs and database applications. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner Java developers who wish to learn Spring Data JPA, database, or REST API programming. or Experienced Java developers trying to learn new ways to build database and REST API applications. or Java programmers who want to learn how SQL databases can be developed directly from Java applications without writing any database scripts. or Spring Data JPA is a good way to start learning SQL database programming. Take this course if you want to learn the basics of SQL databases. It is particularly useful for Beginner Java developers who wish to learn Spring Data JPA, database, or REST API programming. or Experienced Java developers trying to learn new ways to build database and REST API applications. or Java programmers who want to learn how SQL databases can be developed directly from Java applications without writing any database scripts. or Spring Data JPA is a good way to start learning SQL database programming. Take this course if you want to learn the basics of SQL databases.
Enroll now: Spring Data JPA And REST APIs
Title: Spring Data JPA And REST APIs
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 101
Number of Published Lectures: 101
Number of Curriculum Items: 101
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 101
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn the core of database and REST programming with Spring Data JPA and start applying for Spring REST jobs.
- Discover how the Query Builder Mechanism of Spring Data JPA simplifies database programming and start using its magic to develop real world applications.
- Develop your own powerful REST APIs with Java, Spring Data JPA, Eclipse, Maven, and Postman.
- Learn a variety of Java and SQL data types especially time-related classes.
- Use Eclipse and Postman together with a database console to develop and test REST APIs and database applications.
Who Should Attend
- Beginner Java developers who wish to learn Spring Data JPA, database, or REST API programming.
- Experienced Java developers trying to learn new ways to build database and REST API applications.
- Java programmers who want to learn how SQL databases can be developed directly from Java applications without writing any database scripts.
- Spring Data JPA is a good way to start learning SQL database programming. Take this course if you want to learn the basics of SQL databases.
Target Audiences
- Beginner Java developers who wish to learn Spring Data JPA, database, or REST API programming.
- Experienced Java developers trying to learn new ways to build database and REST API applications.
- Java programmers who want to learn how SQL databases can be developed directly from Java applications without writing any database scripts.
- Spring Data JPA is a good way to start learning SQL database programming. Take this course if you want to learn the basics of SQL databases.
If you’re a Java developer and looking to secure your first Spring Data JPA programming job or develop your own REST APIs with Spring Data JPA, this course is the best learning resource you need.
Why should I join this course?
Join this course to discover how Spring Data JPA simplifies database programming. Spring Data JPA is the most popular way to build database applications using Java.
You’ll also learn REST API development with Spring Data JPA.
This course is a practical and step-by-step coding exercise along with architectural and conceptual discussions.
What will I be able to do or achieve after completing this course?
You will be able to develop Spring Data JPA applications that use SQL databases.
You’ll also be able to build your own powerful REST APIs around Spring Data JPA, which is very useful since majority of real world Spring Data JPA applications are actually REST APIs.
How does the course teach?
In this course, we write and discuss code, work with variety of datatypes in Java, SQL, and JSON, read documentation and relate it with our code, run our sample applications, go through applications logs, verify results by comparing with rows in our database tables, and while doing all this we incrementally build the sample applications of this course.
Is this a hands-on software development course or a theoretical discussion?
It is both! I have been teaching Software courses for more than 20 years. I have mastered the technique of demonstrating practical hands-on work while delivering sound theoretical concepts.
We develop and test a lot of code in the form of sample applications. The video lectures refer to official Spring, Hibernate, SQL, and other documentation to explain how the code is internally working. This technique not only demonstrates programming, it also builds concepts and makes you familiar with the official documentation.
I also provide insights about how stuff works behind the scenes: JPA repositories, Hibernate ORM, and REST API annotations etc.
After completing this course, you’ll be able to solve any Spring Data JPA problem yourself, by reading official documentation and using the sample code.
What practical application development steps does this course demonstrate?
The sample applications in this course demonstrate the Query Builder Mechanism of Spring Data JPA with lots of code and discussions. We do this by developing Spring Data JPA repositories.
We also provide Java code that uses our repositories. In addition, we also build REST APIs around our repositories.
We also demonstrate the use of Java data typesin Java Persistence API (JPA) entities together with SQL data types in database tables. Data types are the center of all Spring Data JPA applications.
Video lectures use a database console to show database tables along with application logs to show search results.
We use Postman to send REST API requests using JSON messages.
We also demonstrate how JSONis converted to Java, which is fed into Spring Data JPA, and the final response is converted back to JSON that is embedded into the REST API responses.
Sample applications for this course include both Spring Data JPA applications and Postman Collections.
How can I get the most of this Spring Data JPA and REST APIs course?
1. Prepare the development setup as I have described in the course.
2. When you listen to my video lectures, you should try all the code of my sample applications on your own development setup. You should run the sample applications, check the application logs, use the database console, test your REST APIs, and perform all the steps described in my video lectures.
3. You should also read the official documentation that I discuss in the video lectures. I have provided links to the documentation as Resources attached with video lectures.
4. Consult all Resources that I have attached with video lectures. They are all helpful.
5. After performing these steps, write your own code and develop sample applications similar to those I have provided. Don’t forget to test your applications in the manner I have tested mine in video lectures.
These steps will turn you into a Spring Dara JPA expert. Guaranteed!
If you perform these steps, send me the sample Spring Data JPA and REST API applications that you have developed. If I like your work, I will promote your resume to potential employers.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setting Up Tools And Starting Spring Data JPA Development
Lecture 1: What is Spring Data JPA – Part 1
Lecture 2: What is Spring Data JPA – Part 2
Lecture 3: Setup Eclipse for Spring Data JPA
Lecture 4: Preparing to add a JPA Entity
Lecture 5: Creating Your First JPA Entity
Lecture 6: Adding Primary Key And Title To Our Project JPA Entity
Lecture 7: Our First Spring Data JPA Repository Interface
Lecture 8: Fetching Our Spring Data JPA Repo From Spring's Application Context – Part 1
Lecture 9: Fetching Our Spring Data JPA Repo From Spring's Application Context – Part 2
Lecture 10: 10-Fetching Our Spring Data JPA Repo From Spring's Application Context – Part 3
Lecture 11: Running With Spring Data JPA Repository And Saving An Entity In Database
Lecture 12: Using a Database Console Together With Spring Data JPA
Lecture 13: Using Spring Data JPA to Count Entity Objects
Lecture 14: Finding and Printing All Entity Objects in a Database
Lecture 15: How Spring Data JPA and Hibernate are Internally Working
Chapter 2: Enhancing Our Spring Data JPA Repository And JPA Entity
Lecture 1: Finding Projects By Title – Adding Our Own Method To Spring Data JPA Repo
Lecture 2: How findByTitle Method Works – Introducing The Query Creation Mechanism
Lecture 3: Adding More Attributes
Lecture 4: Using Query Builder Mechanism To Find & Count
Lecture 5: Experimenting With Simple findBy & countBy Repo Methods
Lecture 6: Defining A Condition For Search
Lecture 7: Running Conditional Search Queries With Spring Data JPA
Lecture 8: Counting The Objects From Conditional Search
Lecture 9: Adding Data Related To Time
Lecture 10: Learning Features of SQL Timestamps
Lecture 11: Learning How Hibernate (Our JPA) Works With Timestamps
Lecture 12: Using The java.time Package With JPA Entities
Lecture 13: Running The Application With Variety Of LocalDateTime Objects
Lecture 14: Demonstrating Fractional Seconds Precision (FSP) With H2 Database Console
Lecture 15: Experimenting With Different Nanosecond Time Values
Lecture 16: Using LocalDateTime For Time Processing While Working With JPA And Databases
Lecture 17: Learning Why & How JPA Column Can Use Data Definition Language (DDL)
Lecture 18: Configuring Hibernate To Generate DDL Scripts
Lecture 19: Generating & Analyzing DDL Scripts
Lecture 20: Mapping DDL To JPA & Database
Lecture 21: Mapping DDL For Java Datatypes
Lecture 22: Working With Time-Zones
Chapter 3: REST APIs With Spring Data JPA
Lecture 1: Introducing Our Sample REST API Application
Lecture 2: Maven File For Our REST Application
Lecture 3: Adding A REST Controller To Our Spring Data JPA Repository
Lecture 4: Autowiring Your Project Repository In Your REST Controller
Lecture 5: Using Spring Data JPA Functionality In A REST Method
Lecture 6: Using Spring's REST Controller
Lecture 7: Transforming Spring Data JPA Output Into JSON REST Response
Lecture 8: Summarizing The REST Controller Magic
Lecture 9: Concluding The REST Controller Discussion
Lecture 10: Accessing Our REST Functionality Using A Browser
Lecture 11: Serving HTTP GET REST Requests
Lecture 12: JSON Objects Are Empty
Lecture 13: Filling Empty JSON Objects With JPA Data
Lecture 14: Controlling Which Attributes Should Appear In The REST JSON Response
Lecture 15: Start REST API Testing With Postman
Lecture 16: Complete JPA Object (Including Time & Other Attributes) In JSON Format
Lecture 17: Using Java Classes For Time-Zones & Offsets
Lecture 18: Learn REST JSON Representation Of Time-Zones & Offsets In Postman
Chapter 4: Adding Enhanced Spring Data JPA Features To REST APIs
Lecture 1: 56-Using Zoned Time Data With findBy In Our Spring Data JPA Repo
Lecture 2: Adding REST API Code To Expose findByZoned Repo Method
Lecture 3: Run The New REST Application With Enhanced Sample Data
Lecture 4: Using HTTP POST REST
Lecture 5: Configuring A POST REST Request In Postman
Lecture 6: Passing POST REST API Parameters To Spring Data JPA Repo Methods
Lecture 7: Converting A JSON To A Java Object
Lecture 8: Examining Our REST Request-Response & Comparing With Database
Lecture 9: Testing & Retesting Our REST Application In A Variety Of Ways
Lecture 10: Using Offset Time Data With findBy In Our Spring Data JPA Repo
Lecture 11: Assignment: Add Two More Repository Methods
Lecture 12: Using A JPA Entity As A Data Wrapper To Carry Query Parameters
Lecture 13: Summary Of Events That Happen When You Use REST With Spring Data JPA
Lecture 14: Combining Conditions Using "And"
Lecture 15: Testing "And" With Application Logs and REST API
Lecture 16: Assignment: Prepare an OR version of the AND method findByDecimalCostGreaterThan
Lecture 17: Working With A Range Of Values
Lecture 18: REST API With A Range Of Values
Lecture 19: Assignment: Prepare A Decimal Costs Version Of findByZonedKickOffDateBetween
Lecture 20: A REST API That Returns A Count
Lecture 21: The countBy Assignment
Chapter 5: Working With Multiple JPA Entities & Database Tables
Lecture 1: Adding Second JPA Entity For One-to-One Mapping Or Relationship
Lecture 2: Multiple-Entity Search Methods In Spring Data JPA Repositories
Lecture 3: Multiple Entities In JPA, Database, and Spring Data JPA
Lecture 4: Using Join Column To Implement One-to-One Mapping
Lecture 5: Cascading Database Operations From One To Another JPA Entity
Lecture 6: Assignment: Add a REST API wrapper method for the multi-entity findByTeam_Name
Lecture 7: One-to-One Unidirectional & Bidirectional Mappings
Lecture 8: Upgrading Our One-to-One Unidirectional To A Bidirectional Mapping
Lecture 9: Adding A New Spring Data JPA Repository
Lecture 10: Using Our Bidirectional Spring Data JPA Repositories
Lecture 11: Assignment: Add a TeamRepository method that finds Team JPA entity objects
Lecture 12: Infinite Loop Problem With Rendering Of Bidirectional Mapping
Lecture 13: Using JsonIgnore
Lecture 14: String Representation Of Bidirectional Mapping
Lecture 15: Assignment – Add a REST API wrapper method for findByProject_Title
Lecture 16: Using Primary Key Of One Table As A Foreign Key To Join Another Table
Lecture 17: Using Join Table To Implement One-to-One Mapping
Lecture 18: One-to-Many and Many-to-Many Relationships
Lecture 19: One-to-Many and Many-to-Many Relationships In Our Database Tables
Bilal Siddiqui
Product Management, Software Architecture and BPM
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 31 votes
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