Spring Framework DevOps on AWS
Spring Framework DevOps on AWS, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 82 lectures, based on 870 reviews, and has 10879 subscribers.
You will learn about Deploy Spring Applications to multiple environments Manage advanced configuration options for Spring Create a server on Amazon AWS Launch a Docker container Configure Jenkins builds Configure Artifactory for use Deploy Maven build artifacts to Artifactory Use MySQL with Spring Boot This course is ideal for individuals who are The ideal student for this course is someone who has learned the Java programming language, basic skills with the Spring Framework. or Prior Java and Spring knowledge are required for this course. It is particularly useful for The ideal student for this course is someone who has learned the Java programming language, basic skills with the Spring Framework. or Prior Java and Spring knowledge are required for this course.
Enroll now: Spring Framework DevOps on AWS
Title: Spring Framework DevOps on AWS
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 82
Number of Published Lectures: 82
Number of Curriculum Items: 82
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Deploy Spring Applications to multiple environments
- Manage advanced configuration options for Spring
- Create a server on Amazon AWS
- Launch a Docker container
- Configure Jenkins builds
- Configure Artifactory for use
- Deploy Maven build artifacts to Artifactory
- Use MySQL with Spring Boot
Who Should Attend
- The ideal student for this course is someone who has learned the Java programming language, basic skills with the Spring Framework.
- Prior Java and Spring knowledge are required for this course.
Target Audiences
- The ideal student for this course is someone who has learned the Java programming language, basic skills with the Spring Framework.
- Prior Java and Spring knowledge are required for this course.
The Spring Framework is very popular with large companies. In fact, Spring is the most popular Java framework.
Did you know, a core reason for Spring’s popularity with companies is it’s IoC engine?
A typical company will deploy their Spring Framework application in at least 3 different environments. Having a development, test, and production environment is common.
The problem developers face is each environment is different.
Different server names.
Different databases.
Different user accounts.
Different passwords.
In this course you will learn how to use Spring’s IoC container to deploy your application in many different environments. Through Inversion of Control, your Spring application can wire itself for the needs of each environment.
You’ll start the course learning advanced configuration options of the Spring Framework.
Next, the course takes a DevOps approach. You’ll see how to deploy Spring Framework applications in different environments.
In development, it’s common to use a H2 in memory database. Of course, this database is only temporary. Not something you’d want to use for your production deployment.
Do you want to see how to flip a switch and use MySQL? Flip another switch and your app can be using a RDS database managed Amazon. You can do this with no code changes.
The course also looks as best practices used in enterprise software development.
Using a continuous integration server is a best practice. Jenkins is the most popular CI server. You will learn how to install Jenkins on a Linux server. A server you provisioned in the AWS cloud.
Once you have Jenkins running on your AWS server a best practice is to setup Jenkins on a friendly URL.
Jenkins is a Java application running on port 8080. You don’t want to be typing some IP colon 8080 into your browser to reach Jenkins.
Want to know how you can use Apache and Route 53 to reach your Jenkins server your own URL? To a domain you own?
Docker is an exciting technology. You will see how to leverage Docker to host your own Artifactory Maven repository. We’ll use Artifactory to manage build artifacts produced by Jenkins.
Just for fun, we will also use Docker to setup a MySQL database server. We’ll do this by provisioning a Linux server on AWS, installing Docker on it, and then deploy MySQL in a Docker container.
We’ll also provision an application server we can use to run our Spring Boot application. You will pull the Spring Boot jar right from Artifactory and tell it to connect to database server.
Amazon AWS also has managed MySQL databases. This is their RDS service. You will see how to provision your own RDS database. We’ll then reconfigure our Spring Boot application to connect to the RDS database.
There is a lot of fun and challenging content in this course. You will learn:
How to manage Spring properties.
Why you want to encrypt sensitive properties, such as passwords.
How Spring Profiles are used.
Using YAML to configure Spring.
To provision servers on Amazon AWS.
Logging into your servers via SSH.
How to use the yum package manager to install software on Linux.
How to configure your own Linux service.
How DNS works, and how to use Route 53 to setup your own host names.
How to use webhooks in GitHub to trigger your builds immediately.
Why you don’t want to use root accounts for your application.
Configure Jenkins to perform a Maven build.
Use Jenkins to deploy build artifacts to Artifactory.
This is a very hands on course.
To get the most out of this course, you will need an account on AWS. You should be able to use the AWS free tier to complete the course assignments.
To get the most out of this course, you will need a domain name. You will need to have control of the domain. Without this, you will not be able to configure subdomains in Route 53.
The course does leverage AWS for their cloud services. The skills you learn on the AWS platform will transfer to most corporate environments. AWS is used to mimic the typical company.
There is a lot of exciting content in this course!
DevOps is not an easy area. Many different technologies are involved.
In this course, you will see how easy it is to manage Spring Framework applications in complex corporate environments.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Instructor Introduction
Lecture 3: Checking out from GitHub
Lecture 4: Getting Help with Spring
Lecture 5: Is your IDE Free Like A Puppy?
Lecture 6: Free 120 Day IntelliJ Trial!
Lecture 7: Project Overview
Lecture 8: Course Requirements
Chapter 2: Externalizing Properties
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Using Property Source
Lecture 3: Spring Environment Properties
Lecture 4: Using Multiple Properties Files
Lecture 5: Spring Boot Application Properties
Lecture 6: Property Hierarchy
Chapter 3: Using Spring Profiles
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Using Spring Profiles
Lecture 3: Setting the Active Profile for Testing
Lecture 4: Setting the Active Profile at Runtime
Lecture 5: Spring Boot Profile Properties
Lecture 6: Spring Boot Profile Properties Code Assignment
Lecture 7: Spring Boot Profile Properties Code Assignment Review
Lecture 8: Spring Boot Profiles with YAML
Lecture 9: Spring Profiles Conclusion
Chapter 4: Using a MySQL Datasource
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: MySQL Maven Dependencies
Lecture 3: MySQL Configuration
Lecture 4: MySQL Data Source Configuration
Lecture 5: Update to Bootstrap Loader
Lecture 6: MySQL Service Account
Lecture 7: Encrypting Properties
Lecture 8: MySQL Code Assignment
Lecture 9: MySQL Code Assignmnet Review
Chapter 5: Continuous Integration
Lecture 1: Section Overview
Lecture 2: Introduction to AWS
Lecture 3: Which Linux Distribution?
Lecture 4: Provisioning a Server on AWS
Lecture 5: Installing Jenkins
Lecture 6: How DNS Works
Lecture 7: Using Route 53
Lecture 8: Setting up Apache with Jenkins
Lecture 9: Why not Map Jenkins to Port 80?
Lecture 10: Creating SSH Keys
Lecture 11: Forking GitHub Projects
Lecture 12: Configuring GitHub with SSH Keys
Lecture 13: Installing Git on Jenkins Server
Lecture 14: Configuring Jenkins Credentials
Lecture 15: Configuring Maven on Jenkins
Lecture 16: Configuring Jenkins Maven Build
Lecture 17: Triggering a Jenkins Build
Lecture 18: GitHub WebHooks
Lecture 19: Conclusion
Chapter 6: Setting up Artifactory
Lecture 1: Introduction to Artifactory
Lecture 2: Assignment: Create Artifactory Server
Lecture 3: What is Docker?
Lecture 4: Docker Editions
Lecture 5: Installing Docker
Lecture 6: Running Artifactory Image
Lecture 7: Assignment – Configure Virutal Host for Artifiactory
Lecture 8: Assignment Review
Lecture 9: Resolving Artifacts through Artifactory
Lecture 10: Deploying to Artifactory
Lecture 11: Configuring Jenkins
Lecture 12: Conclusion
Chapter 7: Virtualized Cloud Deployment
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Assignment – Provision Database Server
Lecture 3: Configuring the Production Data Source
Lecture 4: Production Data Source Security
Lecture 5: Assignment – Provision Application Server
Lecture 6: installing Java
Lecture 7: Installing Spring Boot Application
Lecture 8: Running a Spring Boot Applicaiton
Lecture 9: Assignment Encypt DB Password
Lecture 10: Deploying Spring Boot as a Linux Service
Lecture 11: Conclusion
Chapter 8: Amazon RDS
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Provision MySQL RDS Database on AWS
Lecture 3: Create RDS Profile for Spring Boot
Lecture 4: Assignment Deploy Spring Boot Application using RDS Database
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Chapter 9: Appendix A – Using GitHub
Lecture 1: GitHub Basics
Lecture 2: GitHub Workflow
Chapter 10: Bonus
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture: Course Bonuses!
John Thompson • 500,000+ Enrollments Worldwide
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Spring Ahead Code Academy
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 22 votes
- 3 stars: 107 votes
- 4 stars: 295 votes
- 5 stars: 435 votes
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