SQL – A 3-step Process to Master MySQL With Examples
SQL – A 3-step Process to Master MySQL With Examples, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 43 lectures, based on 90 reviews, and has 5035 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to use MySQL – the #1 Database Management System professionally! Apply for SQL jobs as an SQL Developer, Business Analyst and Database administrator. Create your own SQL databases and interact with existing databases. Use SQL queries to retrieve structured information from databases. Adopt professionally the best SQL practices. Learn how to answer specific business questions by using SQL’s aggregate functions Be comfortable putting SQL and MySQL on your resume boosting your career. Study relational database management theory that you will need in your workplace every day. Handle complex SQL joins with ease to solve complex analytical problems! This course is ideal for individuals who are People interested to boost their career mastering SQL. or Beginners to programming and databases. or Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice. or Anyone interested in learning more about SQL, MySQL , or basic data analysis! It is particularly useful for People interested to boost their career mastering SQL. or Beginners to programming and databases. or Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice. or Anyone interested in learning more about SQL, MySQL , or basic data analysis!.
Enroll now: SQL – A 3-step Process to Master MySQL With Examples
Title: SQL – A 3-step Process to Master MySQL With Examples
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Original Price: €129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to use MySQL – the #1 Database Management System professionally!
- Apply for SQL jobs as an SQL Developer, Business Analyst and Database administrator.
- Create your own SQL databases and interact with existing databases.
- Use SQL queries to retrieve structured information from databases.
- Adopt professionally the best SQL practices.
- Learn how to answer specific business questions by using SQL’s aggregate functions
- Be comfortable putting SQL and MySQL on your resume boosting your career.
- Study relational database management theory that you will need in your workplace every day.
- Handle complex SQL joins with ease to solve complex analytical problems!
Who Should Attend
- People interested to boost their career mastering SQL.
- Beginners to programming and databases.
- Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice.
- Anyone interested in learning more about SQL, MySQL , or basic data analysis!
Target Audiences
- People interested to boost their career mastering SQL.
- Beginners to programming and databases.
- Everyone who wants to learn how to code and apply their skills in practice.
- Anyone interested in learning more about SQL, MySQL , or basic data analysis!
**** This course contains pretty much everything you need to master SQL. ****
The majority of people that consider SQL as a qualification do so for career and personal development reasons.
Mastering SQL is considered to be the No1 qualification that will boost your career.
You’ll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database using one of the most in demand skills – PostgreSQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and much more.
When you can work with SQL, it means you don’t have to rely on others sending you data and executing queries for you. You can do that on your own. This allows you to be independent and dig deeper into the data to obtain the answers to questions that might improve the way your company does its business. For instance, Database management is the foundation for data analysis and intelligent decision making.
Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! In this course you’ll learn quickly and receive challenges and tests along the way to improve your understanding!
I am excited to start this SQL journey together!
Get ready to acquire some seriously marketable programming skills! You can’t consider yourself a complete end to end developer until you can code in SQL. Today, data has become the hottest topic in technology and a company’s biggest asset is their data. All databases require the language SQL to store and retrieve data. Salaries for junior level SQL Developers are upwards of $70,000 – $90,000 dollars a year!
Worried that you have no previous experience?
Not an issue. We will start from the very basics and gradually teach you everything you need to know. Step by step. With no steps skipped.
What about certificates? Do you provide a certificate?
Upon completion of the course, you will be able to download a certificate of completion with your name on it. Then, you can upload this certificate on LinkedIn and show potential employers this is a skill you possess.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to SQL
Lecture 1: Introduction to SQL
Lecture 2: 3 Tips to Get More Value Out of this Course
Lecture 3: Why SQL is so important?
Chapter 2: Setting up the Database, the Application Servers and Starting the DB Services
Lecture 1: Setting up XAMPP, Apache, MySQL Database Server and SQLYOG as a Database Client
Lecture 2: Starting Database Services
Chapter 3: Creating our 1st Database
Lecture 1: Creating our 1st Database
Lecture 2: Dropping your 1st Database and Recreating it
Chapter 4: Creating & Dropping Tables in our Database
Lecture 1: Creating out First Tables in our Database
Lecture 2: Dropping Tables in a Database
Chapter 5: Inserting Data with Insert Statement and Cloning Tables
Lecture 1: Insert Statements
Lecture 2: Create Table based on Another Table
Chapter 6: Select Statements and Where Clause in SQL
Lecture 1: Select Statement
Lecture 2: Where Clause
Lecture 3: Operators in SQL Statements
Chapter 7: Update and Delete Data in SQL
Lecture 1: Update Data using Update Queries
Lecture 2: Delete Data with Delete Statements
Chapter 8: Like Operators, Limiting Results and Ordering Datasets in SQL
Lecture 1: Like Operators in Where Clause
Lecture 2: Limit Data using LIMIT/ TOP/ ROWNUM in MYSQL/ MSSQL/ Oracle Databases
Lecture 3: Using Order-By Clause to Order Data
Chapter 9: Group Dataset based on a Condition in SQL and use Distinct to Extract the Unique
Lecture 1: Using Group-By Clause to Group Data Based on Columns
Lecture 2: Using Distinct Clause To Return only Unique Values
Chapter 10: TRUNCATE TABLE Command to Delete the Data Inside a Table and Conclusions
Lecture 1: TRUNCATE TABLE Command to Delete the Data Inside a Table and Conclusions
Chapter 11: From SQL to Programming – Learning the Programming Logic
Lecture 1: Variables
Lecture 2: Data Types
Lecture 3: Variable Operators
Lecture 4: If-Statements and Conditional Logic
Lecture 5: Loops and Iteration
Lecture 6: Arrays
Lecture 7: Introductions to 2-Dimensional Arrays
Lecture 8: Multidimensional Arrays & Examples
Lecture 9: Functions
Lecture 10: File Input/Output
Chapter 12: Advanced Programming Concepts
Lecture 1: Introduction to Object-oriented Programming
Lecture 2: Objects and Classes
Lecture 3: Methods
Lecture 4: Encapsulation and Data Hiding
Lecture 5: Message Passing
Lecture 6: Inheritance
Lecture 7: Polymorphism
Lecture 8: Generalization and Specification
Lecture 9: Links and Associations
Chapter 13: Become an SQL Pro with Practical Examples
Lecture 1: Become an SQL Pro with Practical Examples
Chapter 14: Bonus Section
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Dr. Chris Mall • 35,000+ Students Worldwide
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 24 votes
- 4 stars: 28 votes
- 5 stars: 32 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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