SQL and Database for Analysts – Increase your team value
SQL and Database for Analysts – Increase your team value, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 58 lectures, 13 quizzes, based on 108 reviews, and has 1602 subscribers.
You will learn about By the end of the course you will have created databases, containing several tables and associated objects. You will have added, updated and deleted data in those tables. You will have created report queries which retrieve and manipulate that data. You will have changed what a user is allowed to see and do in a database. This course is ideal for individuals who are Business Analysts or Technical Analysts or IT Specialists It is particularly useful for Business Analysts or Technical Analysts or IT Specialists.
Enroll now: SQL and Database for Analysts – Increase your team value
Title: SQL and Database for Analysts – Increase your team value
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Quizzes: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Published Quizzes: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- By the end of the course you will have created databases, containing several tables and associated objects.
- You will have added, updated and deleted data in those tables.
- You will have created report queries which retrieve and manipulate that data.
- You will have changed what a user is allowed to see and do in a database.
Who Should Attend
- Business Analysts
- Technical Analysts
- IT Specialists
Target Audiences
- Business Analysts
- Technical Analysts
- IT Specialists
This course teaches the principles of Relational Databases and the SQL language. It is intended for "Analysts". Knowledge of Relational Databases and SQL is one of the most valued technical skills an analyst can have. It will make you a more valued member of any team.
This course is suitable for a novice. I start by explaining how Relational Databases relate to your experience in the everyday world. When you have completed the course and exercises you will have created a database containing several related tables, updated the data they contain and written many queries which extract and summarise that data.
I teach using a mixture of lectures, demonstrations and exercises. You will learn by seeing, hearing and doing. With each step you build your knowledge using what you have learned already. An on-line course sets you free to work at your own pace and to review and revisit earlier material, even after you have completed the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introductions: The course, databases and the tools
Lecture 1: Introduction to the lecturer and the course
Lecture 2: Introduction to Relational Databases
Lecture 3: Downloading and installing MS SQL Server
Lecture 4: SQL 2017: Checking your installation and Setup files
Lecture 5: Exercise: Experiment with the spreadsheet
Lecture 6: Meet The Geek – How to contact me
Chapter 2: Structured Query Language (SQL), DML and SELECT
Lecture 1: Overview of SQL
Lecture 2: Reading from a table using SELECT
Lecture 3: Some Hints
Lecture 4: Exercise: Choose the information YOU want
Lecture 5: Exercise: What else might you want to know?
Chapter 3: Introducing Derived Columns and Functions
Lecture 1: The database doesn't have to contain everything!
Lecture 2: Derived columns
Lecture 3: Functions (COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM)
Lecture 4: Exercise: Derived Columns and Functions
Chapter 4: Changing data in a table
Lecture 1: DML: Data-changing statements
Lecture 2: Adding new data: the INSERT statement
Lecture 3: Removing data: the DELETE statement
Lecture 4: Changing existing data: the UPDATE statement
Lecture 5: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE using Management Studio
Lecture 6: Summary: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
Lecture 7: Exercise: Experiment with changing data
Chapter 5: More with SELECT
Lecture 1: The ORDER BY clause
Lecture 2: Working with text: the LIKE comparison
Lecture 3: Functions and GROUP BY
Lecture 4: Exercise: LIKE, ORDER BY and GROUP BY
Chapter 6: The Database Manager and the Database Administrator
Lecture 1: The Database Manager and the Database Administrator
Lecture 2: Exercise: Exploring Instance and Database settings
Chapter 7: Defining the database: Data Definition Language (DDL)
Lecture 1: Introducing DDL
Lecture 2: Creating and changing a table
Lecture 3: Creating and changing a database
Lecture 4: Exercise: Creating and changing the PhoneBook
Lecture 5: Exercise: Do you always have a value?
Chapter 8: NULL: a load of fuss over nothing!
Lecture 1: What does NULL really mean?
Lecture 2: What does NULL mean in practice?
Lecture 3: Exercise: NULL
Lecture 4: Exercise: Who is that? Which one is that? (identity)
Chapter 9: A question of identity?
Lecture 1: What's the problem? Double trouble!
Lecture 2: The solution: "Identifiers" or "Keys"
Lecture 3: Exercise: Identity and keys
Lecture 4: Exercise: Using a real phone book
Chapter 10: Indexes
Lecture 1: What is an index and what does it do?
Lecture 2: Creating and using indexes
Lecture 3: Exercise: Creating and Dropping INDEXes for yourself
Lecture 4: Exercise: More (and more) information
Chapter 11: Normalization, Data Modelling and JOIN
Lecture 1: What's the problem with PhoneBook?
Lecture 2: How do we "Normalize" PhoneBook?
Lecture 3: Exercise: Examine the normalized database
Lecture 4: The SELECT statement with JOIN
Lecture 5: Exercise: Normalization, Data Modeling and JOIN
Chapter 12: Temporary tables and VIEWs
Lecture 1: Temporary tables: SELECT INTO
Lecture 2: Introducing VIEWs
Lecture 3: Exercise: Temporary tables and VIEWs
Chapter 13: Securing the database: Data Control Language (DCL)
Lecture 1: Introducing DCL
Lecture 2: Making security more convenient with Roles
Lecture 3: Exercise: DCL and User privileges
Chapter 14: Course review
Lecture 1: What we've covered together
Lecture 2: Next steps: Where do you go from here?
Tom Gillies
Business Analyst and Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 18 votes
- 4 stars: 36 votes
- 5 stars: 50 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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