SQL Bootcamp 2024: Master SQL & PostgreSQL – Hands-On Course
SQL Bootcamp 2024: Master SQL & PostgreSQL – Hands-On Course, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 98 lectures, based on 144 reviews, and has 26362 subscribers.
You will learn about Using Real World PostgreSQL Database Airlines Database. Use Python Pandas to Analyze and visualize Postgres Data Output. SQL Test Your Self, SQL Challenges, SQL Final Exam and more Use Python to visualize Postgres Data Output and get your Conclusion about Data. Use SQL to create databases. Use SQL to insert data into a table. Use SQL to Query & retrieve data from databases. Use SQL to Sort records after retrieving from databases. Use SQL to Group data by specific conditions. Use SQL to Filter data by using where clause. How & when to use Joins types in SQL. How to create and deal with Sub-queries in SQL. How to create and deal with common table expression in SQL. Use SQL to perform data analysis of real world databases Use SQL to perform advanced techniques to retrieve data from databases. This course is ideal for individuals who are Are you want to learn more about SQL & PostgreSQL ? or Are you ready for upcoming SQL interview questions? or Are you want to use SQL in Data Analysis, Apps Development or Web Development? It is particularly useful for Are you want to learn more about SQL & PostgreSQL ? or Are you ready for upcoming SQL interview questions? or Are you want to use SQL in Data Analysis, Apps Development or Web Development?.
Enroll now: SQL Bootcamp 2024: Master SQL & PostgreSQL – Hands-On Course
Title: SQL Bootcamp 2024: Master SQL & PostgreSQL – Hands-On Course
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 98
Number of Published Lectures: 98
Number of Curriculum Items: 98
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 98
Original Price: $59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Using Real World PostgreSQL Database Airlines Database.
- Use Python Pandas to Analyze and visualize Postgres Data Output.
- SQL Test Your Self, SQL Challenges, SQL Final Exam and more
- Use Python to visualize Postgres Data Output and get your Conclusion about Data.
- Use SQL to create databases.
- Use SQL to insert data into a table.
- Use SQL to Query & retrieve data from databases.
- Use SQL to Sort records after retrieving from databases.
- Use SQL to Group data by specific conditions.
- Use SQL to Filter data by using where clause.
- How & when to use Joins types in SQL.
- How to create and deal with Sub-queries in SQL.
- How to create and deal with common table expression in SQL.
- Use SQL to perform data analysis of real world databases
- Use SQL to perform advanced techniques to retrieve data from databases.
Who Should Attend
- Are you want to learn more about SQL & PostgreSQL ?
- Are you ready for upcoming SQL interview questions?
- Are you want to use SQL in Data Analysis, Apps Development or Web Development?
Target Audiences
- Are you want to learn more about SQL & PostgreSQL ?
- Are you ready for upcoming SQL interview questions?
- Are you want to use SQL in Data Analysis, Apps Development or Web Development?
Ready to take your data querying skills to the next level? Look no further than this comprehensive PostgreSQL course!
Using real-world examples from the Airlines Database, this course covers everything you need to know about PostgreSQL, including:
– Installing and creating tables in PostgreSQL
– Understanding SELECT statements, WHERE clauses, and operators
– Advanced techniques like GROUP BY, HAVING, and Aggregation Queries
– Handling time and date data in SQL
– Table joins, sub-queries, and window functions for analytics
– SQL challenges and a final exam for extra practice
But why learn SQL in the first place? SQL was originally created to enable non-IT professionals to query data from datasets without needing to ask a programmer for help. By learning SQL, you’ll develop new mental models for thinking about data, which is a powerful skill in today’s data-driven world.
Plus, PostgreSQL is free, open, and unlimited, making it the perfect tool to learn about relational databases. Its advanced implementation of SQL is very close to the SQL standard, making your knowledge transferable to other SQL databases.
And perhaps the most compelling reason to learn SQL? It can do wonders for your career. Having PostgreSQL knowledge on your resume and online profile can make you a highly attractive candidate to recruiters, opening up new career opportunities and possibilities for advancement.
This course is taught by a top-rated instructor with years of real-world experience using PostgreSQL for data analysis. The lectures are clear, concise, and filled with practical examples to solidify your learning.
By the end of this course, you’ll have job-ready skills in:
– Installing and configuring PostgreSQL
– Designing and normalizing database schemas
– Querying data with complex SELECT statements
– Using aggregate functions for analysis
– Joining multiple tables together
– Tuning queries for optimal performance
So what are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and become a PostgreSQL querying expert! Your journey to becoming a data analysis pro starts now.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Intro
Chapter 2: Beginner: PostgreSQL Downloading & Installing + Preparing Airlines Database
Lecture 1: SQL PostgreSQL Down and install
Lecture 2: PostgreSQL Database creation
Lecture 3: SQL Restore
Chapter 3: Beginner: Database Airlines Overview
Lecture 1: SQL Database Overview Part 1
Lecture 2: SQL Database Overview Part 2
Lecture 3: SQL Data Types
Chapter 4: Beginner: SQL Basics Part 1
Lecture 1: Select Statement
Lecture 2: Select Challenge Solution
Lecture 3: Select Statement For all Airlines Database Tables
Lecture 4: Distinct
Chapter 5: Beginner: SQL Basics Part 2
Lecture 1: Where Clause
Lecture 2: Operators used with Where Clause
Lecture 3: Where Clause + AND & Where Clause + OR
Lecture 4: Where Clause + LIKE
Lecture 5: (Where Clause + BETWEEN & IN) & AS
Chapter 6: Beginner: SQL Basics Part 3
Lecture 1: LIMIT & ORDER BY
Lecture 2: FETCH vs LIMIT
Lecture 3: NOT IN
Lecture 5: CAST
Chapter 7: Intermediate: SQL Aggregations
Lecture 2: SUM( ) Function
Lecture 3: MIN( ) , MAX( ) & AVG( ) Functions
Lecture 4: GROUP BY & HAVING
Chapter 8: Intermediate: SQL Conditional
Lecture 1: CASE Clause in SQL
Lecture 2: NULLIF() Function in SQL
Lecture 3: COALESCE() Function in SQL
Chapter 9: Intermediate: SQL Time Data management
Lecture 1: Overview of Time Functions in PostgreSQL
Lecture 3: DATE_TRUNC() & DATE_PART()
Lecture 4: Double Column + DATE IN PostgreSQL & CURRENT_DATE & now( )
Chapter 10: Intermediate: SQL Joins
Lecture 1: INNER JOIN
Lecture 2: Joins Types Overview
Lecture 4: Deep understanding of LEFT JOIN
Lecture 7: CROSS JOIN
Lecture 9: SELF JOIN
Lecture 10: USING
Lecture 11: NATURAL JOIN
Chapter 11: Intermediate: Sub-queries & Common Table Expression in SQL
Lecture 1: Sub-queries
Lecture 2: SQL Sub-query + EXISTS, ANY OR ALL
Lecture 3: Common Table Expression
Chapter 12: Advanced: PostgreSQL Math & Window functions.
Lecture 1: Math Functions
Lecture 2: Window Functions OVER()
Lecture 3: Window Functions RANK() + OVER() & NTILE() + OVER()
Lecture 4: Window Functions OVER() + LEAD()
Lecture 5: Window Functions OVER() + LAG()
Chapter 13: Advanced: PostgreSQL String Functions.
Lecture 1: PostgreSQL POSITION Function
Lecture 2: STRPOS() & REPLACE() in PostgreSQL
Lecture 3: PostgreSQL LEFT(), RIGHT(), BTRIM() & SPLIT_PART() Functions
Lecture 4: PostgreSQL CONCAT Function
Lecture 5: PostgreSQL LOWER(), UPPER() & INITCAP() Functions
Chapter 14: Advanced: Other SQL Functions
Lecture 2: SELECT Statement + INTO & SELECT Statement + INTO + IN
Lecture 3: VIEW()
Chapter 15: Lots of SQL Challenges
Lecture 1: Challenge(1)
Lecture 2: Solution
Lecture 3: Challenge(2)
Lecture 4: Solution
Lecture 5: Challenge(3)
Lecture 6: Solution
Lecture 7: Challenge(4)
Lecture 8: Solution
Lecture 9: Challenge(5)
Lecture 10: Solution
Lecture 11: Challenge(6)
Lecture 12: Solution
Lecture 13: Challenge(7)
Lecture 14: Solution
Lecture 15: Challenge(8)
Lecture 16: Solution
Lecture 17: Challenge(9)
Lecture 18: Solution
Lecture 19: Challenge(10)
Lecture 20: Solution
Lecture 21: Challenge(11)
Lecture 22: Solution
Lecture 23: Challenge(12)
Lecture 24: Solution
Lecture 25: Challenge(13)
Lecture 26: Solution
Temotec Learning Academy
Professional Developer & Programmer love teaching.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 24 votes
- 4 stars: 44 votes
- 5 stars: 57 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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