SQL Course For Beginners: Learn SQL Using MySQL Database
SQL Course For Beginners: Learn SQL Using MySQL Database, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 78 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 1850 reviews, and has 10362 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand what are database and why they are used. How to write SQL queries to insert, update and delete data into database. How to write SQL queries to manipulate data. How to write complex SQL queries to obtain useful information from the database. Learn how to create database tables using SQL commands. Learn SQL operators to write complex SQL queries. Learn how to perform different types of join operations. Learn about different SQL functions and constrains. This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who want to learn SQL. or Database developers and database administrators. or Mobile application developers. or Web developers. or Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career. It is particularly useful for Beginners who want to learn SQL. or Database developers and database administrators. or Mobile application developers. or Web developers. or Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career.
Enroll now: SQL Course For Beginners: Learn SQL Using MySQL Database
Title: SQL Course For Beginners: Learn SQL Using MySQL Database
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 78
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 76
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 82
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand what are database and why they are used.
- How to write SQL queries to insert, update and delete data into database.
- How to write SQL queries to manipulate data.
- How to write complex SQL queries to obtain useful information from the database.
- Learn how to create database tables using SQL commands.
- Learn SQL operators to write complex SQL queries.
- Learn how to perform different types of join operations.
- Learn about different SQL functions and constrains.
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who want to learn SQL.
- Database developers and database administrators.
- Mobile application developers.
- Web developers.
- Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career.
Target Audiences
- Beginners who want to learn SQL.
- Database developers and database administrators.
- Mobile application developers.
- Web developers.
- Students who wish to learn a new skill to develop their career.
SQL Course For Beginners: Learn SQL Using MySQL Database
Here Is What You Get By Enrolling In This Course:
Word-By-Word Explanation: In the entire course, I explain each line of code, without skipping a single line of code.
Practice Examples: Special set of practice examples included at the end of each section.
Awesome Quality Content: Over 5+ hours of HD(1080p) Videos.
Well Structured & Easy To Learn:Course has been specially designed to make it easy for the students to learn SQL.
24 X 7 Support: I
will always be there to guide you in your journey to become SQL expert.
Note: Student queries and problems will be answered immediately.
Here Is Everything You Will Learn In This Complete Course:
What are databases and why databases are used.
What is SQL and how it can be used to manipulate data into database.
What are the different types of data definition queries used to create tables.
What are the different types of data manipulation queries which can be used to manipulate data.
We first begin the course with the basic introduction about databases and understand what exactly are databases and why they are used. We then learn how to install the required tools which will allow us to create our own databases and add data into it.
Moving along, we learn some SQL operators, and we also learn how these operators can be used in SQL queries which allows us to form more complex queries.
Moving along we learn how SQL statements can be used to insert, update and delete data into the database. Once it is done, we move forward to learn about joins and learn what are different types of joins.
Once we complete each and every concept in SQL, we finally have a set of practice examples, which will allow you to practice SQL queries on your own.
So let’s begin the journey of becoming an expert in SQL.
In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee,you
have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this
course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message me
directly and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as
Make sure to enrol in the course before the price changes.
Take yourself one step closer towards becoming a professional SQL developer by clicking the “take this course button” now!
Join the journey.
Ashutosh Pawar
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
Chapter 2: Introduction to SQL and Databases
Lecture 1: What are databases and why do we need them
Lecture 2: Introduction To SQL
Chapter 3: Installing required softwares to get us started
Lecture 1: Installation steps for Windows users
Lecture 2: Installation steps for Mac users
Lecture 3: Installation steps for MAC
Lecture 4: Installation steps for Linux
Chapter 4: Database Creation & The Select Statement.
Lecture 1: Creating a new database
Lecture 2: Creating a table in database
Lecture 3: Inserting Data Into Table
Lecture 4: Using the SELECT clause
Lecture 5: Using the SELECT DISTINCT clause
Lecture 6: Using the WHERE clause
Lecture 7: True condition
Lecture 8: False condition
Lecture 9: Coding Challenge Part -1
Lecture 10: Coding Challenge Part-1 Solution
Lecture 11: Summary & Notes For Section 3
Chapter 5: SQL Operators
Lecture 1: SQL AND Operator
Lecture 2: SQL OR Operator
Lecture 3: SQL LIKE Operator
Lecture 4: SQL Between Operator
Lecture 5: SQL CONCAT Operator
Lecture 6: SQL Numeric Operator
Lecture 7: SQL Comparision Operator
Lecture 8: Coding Challenge Part-3
Lecture 9: Coding Challenge Part-3 Solution
Lecture 10: Summary & Notes For Section 4
Chapter 6: Insert, Update And Delete
Lecture 1: Inserting data using the Insert
Lecture 2: Insert into select statement
Lecture 3: Updating data using Update
Lecture 4: Deleting data using delete
Lecture 5: Coding Challenge Part-4
Lecture 6: Coding Challenge Part-4 Solution
Lecture 7: Summary & Notes For Section 5
Chapter 7: SQL Joins
Lecture 1: Introduction to Joins
Lecture 2: Inner Join
Lecture 3: Left Outer Join
Lecture 4: Right Outer Join
Lecture 5: Full Outer Join
Lecture 6: Cross Join
Lecture 7: Coding Challenge Part-5
Lecture 8: Coding Challenge Part-5 Solution
Lecture 9: Summary & Notes For Section 6
Chapter 8: Built In SQL Functions
Lecture 1: SQL AVG() Function
Lecture 2: SQL Count() Function
Lecture 3: SQL Min() Function
Lecture 4: SQL Max() Function
Lecture 5: SQL Sum() Function
Lecture 6: SQL Ucase() Function
Lecture 7: SQL Lcase() Function
Lecture 8: SQL Mid() Function
Lecture 9: SQL LEN() Function
Lecture 10: Coding Challenge Part-6
Lecture 11: Coding Challenge Part-6 Solution
Lecture 12: Summary & Notes For Section 7
Chapter 9: Constrains In SQL
Lecture 1: Constrains In SQL
Lecture 2: Not Null Constrain In SQL
Lecture 3: Unique Constrain In SQL
Lecture 4: Primary Key Constrain In SQL
Lecture 5: Foreign Key Constrain In SQL
Lecture 6: Foreign Key Example
Lecture 7: Default Constrain In SQL
Lecture 8: Auto Increment Constrain In SQL
Lecture 9: Summary & Notes For Section 8
Chapter 10: Practice Examples
Lecture 1: Practice Example Part 1
Lecture 2: Practice Example Part 1 Solution
Lecture 3: Practice Example Part 2
Lecture 4: Practice Example Part 2 Solution
Lecture 5: Practice Example Part 3
Lecture 6: Practice Example Part 3 Solution
Lecture 7: Practice Example Part 4
Lecture 8: Practice Example Part 4 Solution
Lecture 9: Practice Example Part 5
Lecture 10: Practice Example Part 5 Solution
Chapter 11: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion Lecture
Ashutosh Pawar
Python & Django Geek, Software Engineer, Entrepreneur.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 23 votes
- 2 stars: 35 votes
- 3 stars: 204 votes
- 4 stars: 719 votes
- 5 stars: 869 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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