SQL From A to Z from absolute scratch – Learn SQL with MySQL
SQL From A to Z from absolute scratch – Learn SQL with MySQL, available at $139.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 38 lectures, based on 25 reviews, and has 2005 subscribers.
You will learn about Dozens of targeted exercises with full explanations and solutions from beginner level right up to advanced. Every SQL statement you need is covered thoroughly Straight to the point, no time wasted Every module contains information and activities that are relevant to real-life jobs or the kind of tasks you may get on interview This course is ideal for individuals who are Become an SQL all-rounder who’s a valuable asset to any company that hires developers or database specialists. or SQL really is everywhere. When you log in to pretty much any web app, your data is retrieved from a database using SQL queries. We live in a big data society and SQL is powering it. This means there’s a huge demand for SQL developers and data scientists with SQL skills. or Oh, and when you have a huge demand for a specialist skill this means one thing – big salaries! or The latest research shows that the average salary for an SQL developer is more than $84,000 per year. Not bad, especially when you consider that in a recent analysis of 25k developer job listings, over 35% specifically request SQL skills. or In fact, SQL is now the second most popular programming language, second only to JavaScript. All in all, it’s pretty clear that now is definitely the right time to get your SQL game on! It is particularly useful for Become an SQL all-rounder who’s a valuable asset to any company that hires developers or database specialists. or SQL really is everywhere. When you log in to pretty much any web app, your data is retrieved from a database using SQL queries. We live in a big data society and SQL is powering it. This means there’s a huge demand for SQL developers and data scientists with SQL skills. or Oh, and when you have a huge demand for a specialist skill this means one thing – big salaries! or The latest research shows that the average salary for an SQL developer is more than $84,000 per year. Not bad, especially when you consider that in a recent analysis of 25k developer job listings, over 35% specifically request SQL skills. or In fact, SQL is now the second most popular programming language, second only to JavaScript. All in all, it’s pretty clear that now is definitely the right time to get your SQL game on!.
Enroll now: SQL From A to Z from absolute scratch – Learn SQL with MySQL
Title: SQL From A to Z from absolute scratch – Learn SQL with MySQL
Price: $139.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $139.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Dozens of targeted exercises with full explanations and solutions from beginner level right up to advanced.
- Every SQL statement you need is covered thoroughly
- Straight to the point, no time wasted
- Every module contains information and activities that are relevant to real-life jobs or the kind of tasks you may get on interview
Who Should Attend
- Become an SQL all-rounder who’s a valuable asset to any company that hires developers or database specialists.
- SQL really is everywhere. When you log in to pretty much any web app, your data is retrieved from a database using SQL queries. We live in a big data society and SQL is powering it. This means there’s a huge demand for SQL developers and data scientists with SQL skills.
- Oh, and when you have a huge demand for a specialist skill this means one thing – big salaries!
- The latest research shows that the average salary for an SQL developer is more than $84,000 per year. Not bad, especially when you consider that in a recent analysis of 25k developer job listings, over 35% specifically request SQL skills.
- In fact, SQL is now the second most popular programming language, second only to JavaScript. All in all, it’s pretty clear that now is definitely the right time to get your SQL game on!
Target Audiences
- Become an SQL all-rounder who’s a valuable asset to any company that hires developers or database specialists.
- SQL really is everywhere. When you log in to pretty much any web app, your data is retrieved from a database using SQL queries. We live in a big data society and SQL is powering it. This means there’s a huge demand for SQL developers and data scientists with SQL skills.
- Oh, and when you have a huge demand for a specialist skill this means one thing – big salaries!
- The latest research shows that the average salary for an SQL developer is more than $84,000 per year. Not bad, especially when you consider that in a recent analysis of 25k developer job listings, over 35% specifically request SQL skills.
- In fact, SQL is now the second most popular programming language, second only to JavaScript. All in all, it’s pretty clear that now is definitely the right time to get your SQL game on!
If you want to learn how to gain insights from data but are too intimidated by databases to know where to start, then this course is for you. This course is a gentle but comprehensive introduction to MySQL, one of the most highly in-demand skills in the business sector today.
Whether you work in sales or marketing, you run your own company, or you want to build your own apps, mastering MySQL is crucial to answering complex business problems and questions using insights from data. The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp introduces you to a solid foundation in databases in a way that’s both informative and engaging. Yes, that’s right, it’s possible to make an engaging course on databases.
Big databases are everywhere these days. Facebook, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb use SQL-driven databases – to name just a few.
So, to be a successful developer or data scientist you need to know SQL inside-out.
But – SQL can seem complicated. Especially if you’re a beginner or more familiar with other programming languages. Don’t worry – there’s some good news…
SQL isn’t complicated – or at least it doesn’t need to be, so long as you learn it the right way.
Problem is – too many other courses out there jump around, skipping important concepts or simply teaching things badly.
That’s why this course goes further than most. You’ll get in-depth knowledge and skills that are built-up sequentially to make sure you don’t have any gaps.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to SQL
Lecture 1: SQL Histroy
Lecture 2: Setting Up My SQL On MAC
Lecture 3: Setting Up My SQL On Windows
Lecture 4: This Course's Databases
Lecture 5: How this Course is Organized?
Chapter 2: SELECT Data From a Single Table
Lecture 1: Retrieve Data using Select Statement
Lecture 2: Closer look at Select Clause
Lecture 3: Closer look at Where Clause
Lecture 4: Logical Operators in SQL
Lecture 5: How to use IN Operator
Lecture 6: How to use the Between Operator
Lecture 7: Matches pattern using Like Operator
Lecture 8: How to use REGEXP Operator in SQL
Lecture 9: Is Null operator in SQL
Lecture 10: Order By Clause
Lecture 11: The Limit Clause
Chapter 3: SELECT Data From Many Tables
Lecture 1: Select Data from Multiple Tables
Lecture 2: Select Data from Multiple Databases
Lecture 3: Joining table with itself
Lecture 4: Joining table with many Tables
Lecture 5: Compound Join Conditions
Lecture 6: Implicit Join Syntax
Lecture 7: Why we use Outer Joins
Lecture 8: Outer Join Between Multiple Tables
Lecture 9: How to use Self Outer Joins
Lecture 10: The USING Clause
Lecture 11: Natural Joins
Lecture 12: Cross Joins
Lecture 13: Unions
Chapter 4: Data Manipulation in SQL
Lecture 1: Column Attributes
Lecture 2: Adding Rows to a table
Lecture 3: Adding Many Rows to a table
Lecture 4: Adding Hierarchical Rows
Lecture 5: Creating a Copy of a Table
Lecture 6: Updating a Single Row
Lecture 7: Updating Multiple Rows
Lecture 8: Using Subqueries in Updates
Lecture 9: Deleting Rows
Islam Abdou Elgaedy
Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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