SQL From Scratch Using Oracle SQL Developer and TOAD
SQL From Scratch Using Oracle SQL Developer and TOAD, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 124 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 469 reviews, and has 14940 subscribers.
You will learn about Choose the right logical operators for your queries Choose the right logical SET operators for your queries Write SQL Queries to extract data Write SQL Queries to modify data Write SQL Queries to delete data Write SQL Queries to create tables Write SQL Queries to extract data from multiple tables Write Advanced SQL Queries using analytic functions Write SQL Queries to generate reports This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn SQL or Anyone who is interested in databases or This course is meant for those not familiar with SQL syntax or Beginner DBA It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn SQL or Anyone who is interested in databases or This course is meant for those not familiar with SQL syntax or Beginner DBA.
Enroll now: SQL From Scratch Using Oracle SQL Developer and TOAD
Title: SQL From Scratch Using Oracle SQL Developer and TOAD
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 124
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 111
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 125
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 112
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Choose the right logical operators for your queries
- Choose the right logical SET operators for your queries
- Write SQL Queries to extract data
- Write SQL Queries to modify data
- Write SQL Queries to delete data
- Write SQL Queries to create tables
- Write SQL Queries to extract data from multiple tables
- Write Advanced SQL Queries using analytic functions
- Write SQL Queries to generate reports
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn SQL
- Anyone who is interested in databases
- This course is meant for those not familiar with SQL syntax
- Beginner DBA
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn SQL
- Anyone who is interested in databases
- This course is meant for those not familiar with SQL syntax
- Beginner DBA
Learning SQL is a very useful skill to have as every business and organisation is so dependent on data. There are not enough skilled SQL professionals hence the demand and pay rate for SQL professionals is quite high.
SQL stands for structured query language. It is an international standard language
used to query and manipulate databases. There are different types of database
vendors like Oracle, Microsoft ,MySQL and so on . They all support SQL and
performs certain operations in the same way. Keywords like CREATE,SELECT,UPDATE,
DELETE,WHERE and FROM are used the same way with various database vendors.
This course will teach you the skills you need to get your foot in the door
as an SQL professional. With the skills you learn on this course you can work
confidently as a data analyst or even progress to be a database administrator.
This course will take from scratch to more advanced SQL using TOAD and SQL Developer TOOL
Some of what you will learn on this course includes:
- Database concepts
- SQL SUB Languages -DDL and DML
- Aggregate Functions
- Logical Operators
- SET Operators
- Table Joins
- Analytic Functions
- Single Row Functions
- Creating Tables
- Creating Views
- Creating Sequences
- Creating Indexes
- Using Aliases
- Using Sub Queries
- NULL Values
- Restricting and Limiting Data
By the end of this course you will confidently be able to write SQL queries
to create,read,update and delete data which are the key functions that are performed
on a database.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Setting up Tools and Database
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is SQL ?
Lecture 3: Professional Tools
Lecture 4: Download and install Oracle Database
Lecture 5: Unlock Sample Database Schema and Objects
Lecture 6: Download and Install TOAD
Lecture 7: Connect TOAD to Oracle database
Lecture 8: Exploring TOAD
Lecture 9: Download and install Oracle SQL Developer
Lecture 10: Connect SQL Developer to Oracle database
Chapter 2: Oracle 18c Setup
Lecture 1: Oracle 18c Installation
Lecture 2: SQLplus
Lecture 3: Unlock Schema for Oracle 18c
Lecture 4: Install Oracle Developer
Lecture 5: Connect to Oracle with SQL Developer
Chapter 3: Database Concepts and Terminlogy
Lecture 1: Database Concepts
Lecture 2: Database Views and Dual Tables
Lecture 3: Using Describe
Lecture 4: Using Synonyms
Lecture 5: Creating and using Indexes
Lecture 6: What is an ERD
Lecture 7: Generating ERD with TOAD
Lecture 8: Generating ERD with SQL Developer
Chapter 4: What Are SQL SUB Languages
Lecture 1: Introduction to SQL Sub-languages
Lecture 2: Data Definition Language :DDL CREATE
Lecture 3: Data Definition Language :DDL CREATE Continued
Lecture 4: Data Definition Language :DDL DROP,TRUNCATE and ALTER
Lecture 5: Data Manipulation Language: DML SELECT
Lecture 6: Data Manipulation Language: DML INSERT
Lecture 7: Data Manipulation Language: DML UPDATE and DELETE
Chapter 5: Single Row Functions
Lecture 1: What are Single Row Functions
Lecture 2: Character Functions
Lecture 3: Conversions Functions
Lecture 4: Date Functions
Lecture 5: Numeric Functions
Chapter 6: Manipulating Data using SQL
Lecture 1: Data Types and Constraints
Lecture 2: NULL Values
Lecture 3: What are Sequences
Lecture 4: How to create Sequences
Lecture 5: How to use Sequences
Lecture 6: Using Aliases
Lecture 7: Restricting and Sorting Data
Lecture 8: Using Sub -Queries
Lecture 9: Removing Duplicate records
Lecture 10: Using SQL FROM Clause
Lecture 11: Using SQL WHERE Clause
Lecture 12: Using SQL ORDER BY Clause
Lecture 13: Using SQL GROUP BY & HAVING Clause
Lecture 14: SQL LIKE Operator
Chapter 7: Joining Database Tables using SQL
Lecture 1: Why the need to join tables
Lecture 2: Table Join Keywords
Lecture 3: Equi Join
Lecture 4: Non Equi Join
Lecture 5: Cartesian Join
Lecture 6: Outer Join
Lecture 7: Self Join
Lecture 8: Natural Joins
Chapter 8: Using Aggregate Functions
Lecture 1: What are Aggregate Functions
Lecture 2: AVG () Aggregate Functions
Lecture 3: COUNT () Aggregate Function
Lecture 4: MAX () Aggregate Function
Lecture 5: MIN () Aggregate Function
Chapter 9: Viewing Data Using SET Operators
Lecture 1: What are SET Operators
Lecture 2: Union All SET Operator
Lecture 3: INTERSECT SET Operator
Lecture 4: MINUS SET Operator
Lecture 5: SET Operators Summary
Chapter 10: Advanced ORACLE SQL: Analytic Functions and Rolling Back Data
Lecture 1: What are Analytic Functions
Lecture 2: How to write Analytic Functions
Lecture 3: The PARTITION BY Clause
Lecture 4: ORDER BY Clause
Lecture 5: Windowing Clause
Lecture 6: Row number Functions
Lecture 7: Rank Function
Lecture 8: Dense Rank Function
Lecture 9: Lag Function
Lecture 10: ListAgg Function
Lecture 11: Lead Function
Lecture 12: First and Last Functions
Lecture 13: What is a Flashback Query
Lecture 14: Undo Parameters
Lecture 15: Session level flashback
Lecture 16: Rolling Back Data
Lecture 17: Rolling Back Data Continued
Lecture 18: Session Flashback
Chapter 11: Logical Operators
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: ANY Operator
Lecture 3: ALL Operator
Lecture 4: SQL IN Operator
247 Learning
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 11 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 62 votes
- 4 stars: 184 votes
- 5 stars: 202 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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