Start Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Metaverse Business
Start Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Metaverse Business, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 65 lectures, based on 269 reviews, and has 5624 subscribers.
You will learn about Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR) Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR) Business ideas for apps in AR Correct developer outsourcing to create AR apps How to sell freelancing services in AR and VR This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring online entrepreneurs or Engineers without much entrepreneurship experience It is particularly useful for Aspiring online entrepreneurs or Engineers without much entrepreneurship experience.
Enroll now: Start Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Metaverse Business
Title: Start Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Metaverse Business
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 65
Number of Published Lectures: 54
Number of Curriculum Items: 65
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR)
- Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR)
- Business ideas for apps in AR
- Correct developer outsourcing to create AR apps
- How to sell freelancing services in AR and VR
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring online entrepreneurs
- Engineers without much entrepreneurship experience
Target Audiences
- Aspiring online entrepreneurs
- Engineers without much entrepreneurship experience
This is a 2-part course. The first part is for beginners in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to get a good grasp for what these spaces represent and where they are heading as a business. If you are new to Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, you must learn about them because very soon they will be everywhere. Culturally and financially you can’t afford to become left behind.
The second part of the course focuses on different business ideas possible to get into in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
For possible business ideas, you will learn about creating Augmented Reality mobile apps for different industries and how to effectively outsource the development of such apps.
You will also learn the differences in business ideas and potential markets for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
These are exciting new fields which represent a lot of business opportunity because they are still new and there is not a lot of competition. There will be 5-10 years of rapid growth in this industry and that is why it is great to get in on the ground floor in this industry and grow with it.
Alex Genadinik is a successful online entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience and a veteran instructor with 7 years of experience teaching online. Alex specializes in forward-looking online businesses, marketing, and explaining complex concepts in easy-to-understand manner.
Invest in your future. Enroll today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course welcome and instructor introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality course
Lecture 2: What is Virtual Reality (VR)
Lecture 3: What is Augmented Reality (AR)
Lecture 4: For a business – what is better? AR or VR?
Lecture 5: Definitions of Extended Reality (XR) and Mixed Reality (MR)
Lecture 6: Immersive VR and text-based networked VR (also known as "Cyberspace")
Chapter 2: Vendors, tools, and software
Lecture 1: Virtual reality head-mounted displays (HMD)
Lecture 2: 3D character & setting creation with Blender & selling it as a freelancer
Lecture 3: Game engines – Unreal and Unity
Chapter 3: Applications of Virtual Reality
Lecture 1: VR Training in physical environments to sell to companies & military – no coding
Lecture 2: Virtual meetings and presentations
Lecture 3: Remote working
Chapter 4: Business ideas with VR that involve metaverses, education, and meeting
Lecture 1: Section introduction – business ideas and business applications of Engage VR
Lecture 2: Business ideas oriented around better meetings
Lecture 3: Social media and sales related business ideas with Engage VR
Lecture 4: Business ideas that have to do with improving education through virtual reality
Lecture 5: Setting up Metaverses for big brands and Fortune500 companies
Chapter 5: App business ideas in AR/VR
Lecture 1: Augmented reality app ideas
Lecture 2: Next challenge: Planning the app
Chapter 6: Creating your own apps as a business idea
Lecture 1: Outsourcing section introduction
Lecture 2: Outsourcing cost math
Lecture 3: Cheaper app launch and continuous development and improvement
Lecture 4: Which steps to outsource?
Lecture 5: Hiring freelance developers through recommendations, Fiverr and UpWork
Lecture 6: App templates to make freelance app development cheaper
Lecture 7: Interview questions and methods for hiring freelance developers
Lecture 8: Hybrid approach of learning with outsourcing – what I do
Lecture 9: App outsourcing budget
Chapter 7: Providing freelancing services for the VR industry
Lecture 1: Fiverr section introduction
Lecture 2: How many gigs to create and how leveling up works on Fiverr
Lecture 3: How to apply to become a seller on Fiverr
Lecture 4: The goal for how your Fiverr freelancing profile should appear
Chapter 8: Fiverr SEO – How to make your gigs rank on Fiverr
Lecture 1: Introduction to Fiverr SEO
Lecture 2: How to quickly get a gig to rank well in Fiverr
Lecture 3: Copywriting for title which can help you make your Fiverr gigs more attractive
Lecture 4: Copywriting for your Fiverr freelancing gig description
Lecture 5: Example of writing a gig description
Lecture 6: What to do on Fiverr on day 1 as a new freelancer
Lecture 7: Making people buy your gig-extras
Lecture 8: Consumables, next-gig up-sell strategy or gig-carousel
Lecture 9: Fiverr vs. UpWork (why I prefer freelancing on Fiverr)
Chapter 9: Starting a VR or AR design or development agency
Lecture 1: Introduction to starting an agency
Lecture 2: Overview of marketing strategies so you can fit each into your marketing
Lecture 3: How to choose a domain name
Lecture 4: Agency website conversion checklist
Lecture 5: CHECKLIST to build credibility and branding outside of your website
Lecture 6: Basic agency keywords
Chapter 10: Finding leads
Lecture 1: D7LeadFinder lead generation tool introduction
Lecture 2: D7LeadFinder results
Lecture 3: Using FindThatLead browser extension for LinkedIn using Chrome to get emails
Chapter 11: LinkedIn messaging to sell to leads
Lecture 1: LinkedIn connection message template to immediately compel and interest people
Lecture 2: LinkedIn welcome message template
Chapter 12: Conclusion – thank you for being an amazing student
Lecture 1: How to get the certificate for this Augmented & Virtual Reality business course
Lecture 2: Thank you for being an amazing student in this Augmented Reality business course
Alex Genadinik
Business, Entrepreneurship, SEO, Marketing, Amazon, YouTube
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 16 votes
- 3 stars: 30 votes
- 4 stars: 81 votes
- 5 stars: 140 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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