Starting with EOS Blockchain for Developers
Starting with EOS Blockchain for Developers, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 37 lectures, based on 51 reviews, and has 273 subscribers.
You will learn about Use the EOS blockchain to define accounts, wallets, and smart contracts! Understand how to use EOS technology in real world applications Work with EOS's new release for MainNet Easily develop advanced, multi-layered Smart Contracts that actually work! Understand the most important aspects of viable blockchain design Discover how cryptocurrencies utilize blockchain Learn how the Proof of Work & Proof of Stake algorithms compare to EOS's Delegated Proof of Stake protocol for securing the blockchain Implement EOS's robust SDK Familiarize with the EOS's CLI to efficiently reason about an EOS blockchain Understand the EOS blockchain by discovering the leading cryptocurrency design concepts used in today's most popular blockchain networks … and much, much more! This course is ideal for individuals who are This course was built for forward-looking developers who need to familiarize themselves with the advanced blockchain technology offered by EOS. or With a new, major upgrade rolling out, the material presented here is based on this new MainNet version code. or This course is designed for those developers who want to begin creating cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and distributed apps on the EOS blockchain platform and need a good springboard to start their descent into this deep and detailed set of technologies, theories, and implementations. or This course focuses on the outstanding components of EOS technologies and weaves them together to create a solid understanding of the system stack's component interactions and dependencies. or Of course, the info presented here is just as valuable for architects, testers, and product managers as they too should understand how the EOS blockchain platform is designed and used to create the next level of distributed applications on the blockchain. or This course IS NOT intended for non-technical students. The content presented is in the context of technical review and implementation. It is particularly useful for This course was built for forward-looking developers who need to familiarize themselves with the advanced blockchain technology offered by EOS. or With a new, major upgrade rolling out, the material presented here is based on this new MainNet version code. or This course is designed for those developers who want to begin creating cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and distributed apps on the EOS blockchain platform and need a good springboard to start their descent into this deep and detailed set of technologies, theories, and implementations. or This course focuses on the outstanding components of EOS technologies and weaves them together to create a solid understanding of the system stack's component interactions and dependencies. or Of course, the info presented here is just as valuable for architects, testers, and product managers as they too should understand how the EOS blockchain platform is designed and used to create the next level of distributed applications on the blockchain. or This course IS NOT intended for non-technical students. The content presented is in the context of technical review and implementation.
Enroll now: Starting with EOS Blockchain for Developers
Title: Starting with EOS Blockchain for Developers
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 37
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use the EOS blockchain to define accounts, wallets, and smart contracts!
- Understand how to use EOS technology in real world applications
- Work with EOS's new release for MainNet
- Easily develop advanced, multi-layered Smart Contracts that actually work!
- Understand the most important aspects of viable blockchain design
- Discover how cryptocurrencies utilize blockchain
- Learn how the Proof of Work & Proof of Stake algorithms compare to EOS's Delegated Proof of Stake protocol for securing the blockchain
- Implement EOS's robust SDK
- Familiarize with the EOS's CLI to efficiently reason about an EOS blockchain
- Understand the EOS blockchain by discovering the leading cryptocurrency design concepts used in today's most popular blockchain networks
- … and much, much more!
Who Should Attend
- This course was built for forward-looking developers who need to familiarize themselves with the advanced blockchain technology offered by EOS.
- With a new, major upgrade rolling out, the material presented here is based on this new MainNet version code.
- This course is designed for those developers who want to begin creating cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and distributed apps on the EOS blockchain platform and need a good springboard to start their descent into this deep and detailed set of technologies, theories, and implementations.
- This course focuses on the outstanding components of EOS technologies and weaves them together to create a solid understanding of the system stack's component interactions and dependencies.
- Of course, the info presented here is just as valuable for architects, testers, and product managers as they too should understand how the EOS blockchain platform is designed and used to create the next level of distributed applications on the blockchain.
- This course IS NOT intended for non-technical students. The content presented is in the context of technical review and implementation.
Target Audiences
- This course was built for forward-looking developers who need to familiarize themselves with the advanced blockchain technology offered by EOS.
- With a new, major upgrade rolling out, the material presented here is based on this new MainNet version code.
- This course is designed for those developers who want to begin creating cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and distributed apps on the EOS blockchain platform and need a good springboard to start their descent into this deep and detailed set of technologies, theories, and implementations.
- This course focuses on the outstanding components of EOS technologies and weaves them together to create a solid understanding of the system stack's component interactions and dependencies.
- Of course, the info presented here is just as valuable for architects, testers, and product managers as they too should understand how the EOS blockchain platform is designed and used to create the next level of distributed applications on the blockchain.
- This course IS NOT intended for non-technical students. The content presented is in the context of technical review and implementation.
Any IT professional or hobbyist anticipating a solid understanding of how cryptocurrency and smart contract technology works and desires an understanding of crypto’s use cases and potential (including blockchains and distributed applications) needs to go through this course to leverage cryptocurrency and smart contracts in new or existing development projects. Anyone desiring to learn how cryptocurrency solutions are designed, configured, and developed needs the knowldege and practice presented in this course. This not only includes web, mobile, and service application developers, but also architects, UI designers, testers, and administrators. This course provides a solid understanding of how crypto and blockchain technology works and a solid foundation for platform evaluation and learning lower level details.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to Starting with EOS
Lecture 1: Starting with EOS
Lecture 2: What we'll learn
Lecture 3: Why EOS?
Lecture 4: The State of the Blockchain
Lecture 5: EOS Design Requirements
Lecture 6: The Delegated Proof of Consensus Mechanism
Lecture 7: Blockchain Producers
Chapter 2: Blockchain Basics
Lecture 1: Blockchain Basics
Lecture 2: Blockchain Security
Lecture 3: Blockchain – When & Where?
Lecture 4: Cryptoeconomics
Lecture 5: Blockchain Structure
Lecture 6: Smart Contracts
Lecture 7: Blockchain File Distribution
Lecture 8: Proof of Work
Lecture 9: Proof of Stake
Lecture 10: Delegated Proof of Stake
Chapter 3: EOS Accounts & Actions
Lecture 1: Accounts & Actions
Lecture 2: Account Role-based Permissions
Lecture 3: Permission Levels & Mapping
Lecture 4: Delayed Actions & Account Recovery
Chapter 4: Parallel Processing in EOS
Lecture 1: Deterministic Parallel Execution of Apps
Lecture 2: Structure of EOS Blocks
Lecture 3: Read-Only Action Handlers & Atomic Transactions
Lecture 4: Best-Effort Scheduling
Lecture 5: Deferred Transactions & Context Free Actions
Chapter 5: EOS Token Model
Lecture 1: EOS Token Model
Lecture 2: Measures, Costs, & Workers
Lecture 3: EOS Blockchain Governance
Lecture 4: Scripting & VM's
Lecture 5: Inter-Blockchain Communications
Chapter 6: Preparing for EOS Development
Lecture 1: Setting Up a Dev Environment
Lecture 2: EOS Testnet & Toolset
Lecture 3: Accounts and Wallets
Lecture 4: A Gentle Introduction to Smart Contracts
Lecture 5: A Simple Smart Contract
Lecture 6: Wrap Up
Stone River eLearning
Over 1,000,000 Happy Students
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 19 votes
- 5 stars: 20 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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