Statistics For Data Science and Machine Learning with Python
Statistics For Data Science and Machine Learning with Python, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 74 lectures, based on 26 reviews, and has 2108 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn to use data exploratory analysis in data science. You will learn the most common data types such as continuous and categorical data. You will learn the central tendency measures and the dispersion measures in statistics. You will learn the concepts of population data vs sample data. You will learn what random sampling means and how it affects data analysis. You will learn about outliers and sampling errors and how they are related to data analysis. You will learn how to visualize data distribution using boxplots, violin plots, histograms, and density plots. You will learn how to visualize categorical data using bar plots and pie charts. You will learn how to calculate correlation and covariance between features in the dataset. You will learn how to visualize a correlation matrix using heat maps. You will learn the most common probability distributions such as normal distribution and binomial distribution. You will learn how to perform normality tests to check for deviation from normality. You will learn how to test skewed distributions in real-world data. You will learn how to standardize and normalize data to have the same scale. You will learn how to transform skewed data to be normally distributed using different transformation methods such as log, square root, and power transformation You will learn how to calculate confidence intervals for statistical estimates such as model accuracy. You will learn bootstrapping in statistics and how it is used in machine learning. You will learn how to evaluate machine learning models. You will practically understand the concepts of bias and variance in data modeling. You will understand what we mean by underfitting and overfitting in machine leaning and statistical modeling. You will learn the most common evaluation metrics for regression models in machine learning. You will learn the evaluation metrics for classification models. You will learn how to validate predictive machine learning such as regression and classification models. You will learn how to use different validation techniques for machine learning such as hold-out validation and cross-validation techniques. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for students who want to learn statistics from data science perspective. It is particularly useful for This course is for students who want to learn statistics from data science perspective.
Enroll now: Statistics For Data Science and Machine Learning with Python
Title: Statistics For Data Science and Machine Learning with Python
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 74
Number of Published Lectures: 74
Number of Curriculum Items: 74
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 74
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn to use data exploratory analysis in data science.
- You will learn the most common data types such as continuous and categorical data.
- You will learn the central tendency measures and the dispersion measures in statistics.
- You will learn the concepts of population data vs sample data.
- You will learn what random sampling means and how it affects data analysis.
- You will learn about outliers and sampling errors and how they are related to data analysis.
- You will learn how to visualize data distribution using boxplots, violin plots, histograms, and density plots.
- You will learn how to visualize categorical data using bar plots and pie charts.
- You will learn how to calculate correlation and covariance between features in the dataset.
- You will learn how to visualize a correlation matrix using heat maps.
- You will learn the most common probability distributions such as normal distribution and binomial distribution.
- You will learn how to perform normality tests to check for deviation from normality.
- You will learn how to test skewed distributions in real-world data.
- You will learn how to standardize and normalize data to have the same scale.
- You will learn how to transform skewed data to be normally distributed using different transformation methods such as log, square root, and power transformation
- You will learn how to calculate confidence intervals for statistical estimates such as model accuracy.
- You will learn bootstrapping in statistics and how it is used in machine learning.
- You will learn how to evaluate machine learning models.
- You will practically understand the concepts of bias and variance in data modeling.
- You will understand what we mean by underfitting and overfitting in machine leaning and statistical modeling.
- You will learn the most common evaluation metrics for regression models in machine learning.
- You will learn the evaluation metrics for classification models.
- You will learn how to validate predictive machine learning such as regression and classification models.
- You will learn how to use different validation techniques for machine learning such as hold-out validation and cross-validation techniques.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for students who want to learn statistics from data science perspective.
Target Audiences
- This course is for students who want to learn statistics from data science perspective.
This course is ideal for you if you want to gain knowledge in statistical methods required for Data Science and machine learning!
Learning Statistics is an essential part of becoming a professional data scientist. Most data science learners study python for data science and ignore or postpone studying statistics. One reason for that is the lack of resources and courses that teach statistics for data science and machine learning.
Statistics is a huge field of science, but the good news for data science learners is that not all statistics are required for data science and machine learning. However, this fact makes it more difficult for learners to study statistics because they are not sure where to start and what are the most relevant topics of statistics for data science.
This course comes to close this gap.
This course is designed for both beginners with no background in statistics for data science or for those looking to extend their knowledge in the field of statistics for data science.
I have organized this course to be used as a video library for you so that you can use it in the future as a reference. Every lecture in this comprehensive course covers a single topic.
In this comprehensive course, I will guide you to learn the most common and essential methods of statistics for data analysis and data modeling.
My course is equivalent to a college-level course in statistics for data science and machine learning that usually cost thousands of dollars. Here, I give you the opportunity to learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With 77 HD video lectures, many exercises, and two projects with solutions.
All materials presented in this course are provided in detailed downloadable notebooks for every lecture.
Most students focus on learning python codes for data science, however, this is not enough to be a proficient data scientist. You also need to understand the statistical foundation of python methods. Models and data analysis can be easily created in python, but to be able to choose the correct method or select the best model you need to understand the statistical methods that are used in these models. Here are a few of the topics that you will be learning in this comprehensive course:
· Data Types and Structures
· Exploratory Data Analysis
· Central Tendency Measures
· Dispersion Measures
· Visualizing Data Distributions
· Correlation, Scatterplots, and Heat Maps
· Data Distribution and Data Sampling
· Data Scaling and Transformation
· Data Scaling and Transformation
· Confidence Intervals
· Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning
· Model Validation Techniques in Machine Learning
Enroll in the course and gain the essential knowledge of statistical methods for data science today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Overview of Course Curriculum
Lecture 2: Installing Jupyter Notebook Environment
Lecture 3: How to Download Exercises & Course Notebooks
Chapter 2: Data Types and Structures
Lecture 1: Built-in Data Structures – Tuple and List
Lecture 2: Built-in Data Structures – Dictionary and Set
Lecture 3: Numpy Arrays
Lecture 4: Pandas Series and Dataframes
Lecture 5: Data Types (Numeric or Categorical)
Lecture 6: Exercise: Create Data Structures in Python
Chapter 3: Exploratory Data Analysis (1): Central Tendency Measures
Lecture 1: Mean (Average)
Lecture 2: Weighted Average
Lecture 3: Median
Lecture 4: Population vs. Sample
Lecture 5: Application in Data Science
Lecture 6: Exercise: Calculate Central Tendency Measures
Chapter 4: Exploratory Data Analysis (2): Variability Measures
Lecture 1: Range
Lecture 2: Variance and Standard Deviation
Lecture 3: Percentile & Quartile
Lecture 4: Outlier – part 1
Lecture 5: Outlier – part 2
Lecture 6: Sampling Error
Lecture 7: Application in Data Science
Lecture 8: Exercise: Calculate Variability Measures
Chapter 5: Visualizing Data Distributions
Lecture 1: Box Plot
Lecture 2: Violin Plot
Lecture 3: Histogram and Density Plot
Lecture 4: Bar Plot for Categorical Data
Lecture 5: Pie Chart for Categorical Data
Lecture 6: Application in Data Science
Lecture 7: Exercise: Exploring Data Distribution
Chapter 6: Correlation, Scatterplots, and Heat Maps
Lecture 1: Correlation and Covariance Coefficients
Lecture 2: Correlation Using Scatter plot
Lecture 3: Mapping with Scatter plots
Lecture 4: Heat Maps
Lecture 5: Application in Data Science
Lecture 6: Exercise: Create Mapped Scatterplots and Heat Maps
Chapter 7: Capstone Project for Exploratory Analysis
Lecture 1: Project Description
Lecture 2: Solution walk-through of The Project
Chapter 8: Data Distributions and Data Sampling
Lecture 1: Random Sampling and Bias
Lecture 2: Central Limit Theorem
Lecture 3: Normal distribution
Lecture 4: Normality Tests for Real-World Data
Lecture 5: Skewed Data: Real-life Distributions
Lecture 6: Probability: A Practical Introduction
Lecture 7: Common Probability Distributions
Lecture 8: Exercise: Normal Distribution and Skewness
Chapter 9: Data Scaling and Transformation
Lecture 1: Data Scaling: Standardization
Lecture 2: Data Scaling: Normalization
Lecture 3: Log and Square Root Transformations
Lecture 4: Power Transformation (PowerTransformer)
Lecture 5: Application in Data Science
Lecture 6: Exercise: Data Scaling and Transformation
Chapter 10: Confidence Intervals (CI)
Lecture 1: C.I for Continuous Data
Lecture 2: C.I for Classification Data
Lecture 3: Bootstrapping For Unknown Distributions
Lecture 4: Nonparametric Confidence Interval with Bootstrapping
Lecture 5: Exercise: Create Confidence Interval
Chapter 11: Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Bias vs. Variance
Lecture 2: Overfitting and Underfitting
Lecture 3: Information Criteria for Model Selection
Lecture 4: Evaluation Metrics for Regression Models
Lecture 5: Evaluation Metrics for Classification Models _Part One
Lecture 6: Evaluation Metrics for Classification Models – Part Two
Lecture 7: Application in Data Science
Lecture 8: Exercise: Evaluating Machine Learning Models
Chapter 12: Model Validation Techniques in Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Hold Out Validation – Train/Test Split
Lecture 2: K-Fold Cross-Validation
Lecture 3: Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV)
Lecture 4: Application in Data Science
Lecture 5: Exercise: Validation Techniques in Machine Learning
Chapter 13: Final project
Lecture 1: Project Description
Lecture 2: Walk-through Solution of the Project – Part One
Lecture 3: Walk-through Solution of the Project – Part Two
Lecture 4: Walk-through Solution of the Project – Part Three
Taher Assaf
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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