Swift for Beginners – Create your first iOS App with Swift
Swift for Beginners – Create your first iOS App with Swift, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.75, with 32 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 33 reviews, and has 416 subscribers.
You will learn about At the end of this course you are going to be able to create your own iOS Apps using Swift You will also understand and be able to apply the basic concepts of programming This course is ideal for individuals who are People with no programming experience who want to start developing iOS Apps or People coming from other languages who want to learn the basics of the Swift and iOS development It is particularly useful for People with no programming experience who want to start developing iOS Apps or People coming from other languages who want to learn the basics of the Swift and iOS development.
Enroll now: Swift for Beginners – Create your first iOS App with Swift
Title: Swift for Beginners – Create your first iOS App with Swift
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.75
Number of Lectures: 32
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 32
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- At the end of this course you are going to be able to create your own iOS Apps using Swift
- You will also understand and be able to apply the basic concepts of programming
Who Should Attend
- People with no programming experience who want to start developing iOS Apps
- People coming from other languages who want to learn the basics of the Swift and iOS development
Target Audiences
- People with no programming experience who want to start developing iOS Apps
- People coming from other languages who want to learn the basics of the Swift and iOS development
75 Billion Apps were already sold in the iOS App Store. If you ever wanted a chance to participate in this success, here is your chance.
Course abstract
In this course you are going to learn all the basics you need to know to create your own simple iOS applications using the new Swift programming language. After learning all about the basics of programming (variables, constants, if-statements, loops …), you are going to become familiar with object oriented programming (OOP). These are the fundamentals to be able to grasp the awesome UIKit Framework which you are going to use to create awesome Apps. After getting in touch with many iOS User Interface components we are going to start using more advanced user interaction techniques like recognizing gestures on the iPhone screen. The conclusion of this course is a real-life example that will help you connect all the dots and pieces of your newly acquired knowledge.
Section 1: Welcome
You will start off creating a nice App that allows you to manipulate images, using image filters. Although this is an advanced topic, this example will show you the possibilities of the iOS SDK and the workflow within Xcode. This project is supposed to replace the standard „Hello World“ example.
Section 2: Xcode – Your favourite environment
You have to know the tools you are using. So, this section is all about Xcode itself.
Section 3: Swift Basics
Since you don’t need any programming experience to start developing iOS Apps, here are all the programming basics that you are going to need to be become a successful iOS App developer. We are covering topics like variables and constants, datatypes, collection types (Arrays and Dictionaries), control flow using if statements, loops …
Section 4: Swift beyond the Basics
Since object oriented programming is the fundamental paradigm, on which Swift and the iOS SDK are based, you are going to learn all the basics you need to know in order to successfully use the classes provided by Apple.
Section 5: Your daily bread – User-Interface Components
In this section we are going to cover UI components like textfields, buttons, labels and you are are also going to learn the basics about Storyboards, ViewControllers and Delegates.
Section 6: Let’s get dangerous
In this section you are going to learn how to use gesture recognizers for responding to touch events on the iPhone screen. You will also learn the basics of animating objects, as well as the usage of the UIAlertController class to display messages to your users.
Section 7: Welcome to the real world
In this final section we are going to put all the dots and pieces together and create a great calculator App from scratch. We are going to design the User Interface, write all the necessary Swift code and finally you are going to learn how to add a great Icon to your App.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: What you are going to learn
Lecture 2: Your first real App Part 1
Lecture 3: Your first real App Part 2
Chapter 2: Xcode: Your favourite environment
Lecture 1: How to install Xcode
Lecture 2: The Xcode User Interface
Lecture 3: Hello World!
Chapter 3: Swift Basics
Lecture 1: A new language is born: Our new Playground
Lecture 2: 2x = 4: Variables and Constants
Lecture 3: More then just x: Different Datatypes
Lecture 4: A little math: Addition, Subtraction, etc.
Lecture 5: Collection Types: Arrays and Dictionaries
Lecture 6: What if? Learning about Program flow
Lecture 7: while- and for-Loops
Lecture 8: The Scope of Variables and Constants
Chapter 4: Swift beyond the Basics
Lecture 1: What is Object Oriented Programming?
Lecture 2: Your first Class
Lecture 3: Using Functions
Lecture 4: Let's get on the Road: Complete your first Class
Lecture 5: To be or not to be? – Working with Optionals
Chapter 5: Your daily bread: Basic User-Interface Components
Lecture 1: UITextField and UIViewController
Lecture 2: IBOutlets and IBActions
Lecture 3: UITextFieldDelegate
Lecture 4: UITextView for multiline text
Lecture 5: The Storyboard: Working with multiple ViewControllers
Chapter 6: Let's get dangerous: Getting in touch with advanced UI Components
Lecture 1: UIImageView: Working with Images
Lecture 2: Red Alert: UIAlertController and UIActionSheet
Lecture 3: The power of Multitouch: UIGestureRecognizer
Lecture 4: There is something moving: Getting started with Animations
Chapter 7: Welcome to the real world: SwiftCalc – Developing an iOS Calculator
Lecture 1: Setting up the User Interface
Lecture 2: Preparations for making Calculations
Lecture 3: Finishing Touches
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Your new skills and where to go from here
Brian Advent
Software developer, educator and mathematician
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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