TensorFlow and the Google Cloud ML Engine for Deep Learning
TensorFlow and the Google Cloud ML Engine for Deep Learning, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 132 lectures, 14 quizzes, based on 306 reviews, and has 4167 subscribers.
You will learn about Build and execute machine learning models on TensorFlow Implement Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks Understand and implement unsupervised learning models such as Clustering and Autoencoders This course is ideal for individuals who are Developers who want to understand and build ML and deep learning models in TensorFlow or Data scientists who want to learn cutting edge TensorFlow technology It is particularly useful for Developers who want to understand and build ML and deep learning models in TensorFlow or Data scientists who want to learn cutting edge TensorFlow technology.
Enroll now: TensorFlow and the Google Cloud ML Engine for Deep Learning
Title: TensorFlow and the Google Cloud ML Engine for Deep Learning
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 132
Number of Quizzes: 14
Number of Published Lectures: 132
Number of Published Quizzes: 14
Number of Curriculum Items: 146
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 146
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build and execute machine learning models on TensorFlow
- Implement Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks
- Understand and implement unsupervised learning models such as Clustering and Autoencoders
Who Should Attend
- Developers who want to understand and build ML and deep learning models in TensorFlow
- Data scientists who want to learn cutting edge TensorFlow technology
Target Audiences
- Developers who want to understand and build ML and deep learning models in TensorFlow
- Data scientists who want to learn cutting edge TensorFlow technology
TensorFlow is quickly becoming the technology of choice for deep learning, because of how easy TF makes it to build powerful and sophisticated neural networks. The Google Cloud Platform is a great place to run TF models at scale, and perform distributed training and prediction.
This is a comprehensive, from-the-basics course on TensorFlow and building neural networks. It assumes no prior knowledge of Tensorflow, all you need to know is basic Python programming.
What’s covered:
- Deep learning basics: What a neuron is; how neural networks connect neurons to ‘learn’ complex functions; how TF makes it easy to build neural network models
- Using Deep Learning for the famous ML problems: regression, classification, clustering and autoencoding
- CNNs – Convolutional Neural Networks: Kernel functions, feature maps, CNNs v DNNs
- RNNs – Recurrent Neural Networks: LSTMs, Back-propagation through time and dealing with vanishing/exploding gradients
- Unsupervised learning techniques – Autoencoding, K-means clustering, PCA as autoencoding
- Working with images
- Working with documents and word embeddings
- Google Cloud ML Engine: Distributed training and prediction of TF models on the cloud
- Working with TensorFlow estimators
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: You, This Course and Us
Lecture 2: Source Code and PDFs
Lecture 3: Datasets for all Labs
Chapter 2: Installation
Lecture 1: Install TensorFlow
Lecture 2: Install Jupyter Notebook
Lecture 3: Running on the GCP vs. Running on your local machine
Lecture 4: Lab: Setting Up A GCP Account
Lecture 5: Lab: Using The Cloud Shell
Lecture 6: Datalab ~ Jupyter
Lecture 7: Lab: Creating And Working On A Datalab Instance
Chapter 3: TensorFlow and Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Introducing Machine Learning
Lecture 2: Representation Learning
Lecture 3: Neural Networks Introduced
Lecture 4: Introducing TensorFlow
Lecture 5: Running on the GCP vs. Running on your local machine
Lecture 6: Lab: Simple Math Operations
Lecture 7: Computation Graph
Lecture 8: Tensors
Lecture 9: Lab: Tensors
Lecture 10: Linear Regression Intro
Lecture 11: Placeholders and Variables
Lecture 12: Lab: Placeholders
Lecture 13: Lab: Variables
Lecture 14: Lab: Linear Regression with Made-up Data
Chapter 4: Working with Images
Lecture 1: Image Processing
Lecture 2: Images As Tensors
Lecture 3: Lab: Reading and Working with Images
Lecture 4: Lab: Image Transformations
Chapter 5: K-Nearest-Neighbors with TensorFlow
Lecture 1: Introducing MNIST
Lecture 2: K-Nearest Neigbors
Lecture 3: One-hot Notation and L1 Distance
Lecture 4: Steps in the K-Nearest-Neighbors Implementation
Lecture 5: Lab: K-Nearest-Neighbors
Chapter 6: Linear Regression with a Single Neuron
Lecture 1: Learning Algorithm
Lecture 2: Individual Neuron
Lecture 3: Learning Regression
Lecture 4: Learning XOR
Lecture 5: XOR Trained
Chapter 7: Linear Regression in TensorFlow
Lecture 1: Lab: Access Data from Yahoo Finance
Lecture 2: Non TensorFlow Regression
Lecture 3: Lab: Linear Regression – Setting Up a Baseline
Lecture 4: Gradient Descent
Lecture 5: Lab: Linear Regression
Lecture 6: Lab: Multiple Regression in TensorFlow
Chapter 8: Logistic Regression in TensorFlow
Lecture 1: Logistic Regression Introduced
Lecture 2: Linear Classification
Lecture 3: Lab: Logistic Regression – Setting Up a Baseline
Lecture 4: Logit
Lecture 5: Softmax
Lecture 6: Argmax
Lecture 7: Lab: Logistic Regression
Chapter 9: The Estimator API
Lecture 1: Estimators
Lecture 2: Lab: Linear Regression using Estimators
Lecture 3: Lab: Logistic Regression using Estimators
Chapter 10: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Lecture 1: Traditional Machine Learning
Lecture 2: Deep Learning
Lecture 3: Operation of a Single Neuron
Lecture 4: The Activation Function
Lecture 5: Training a Neural Network: Back Propagation
Lecture 6: Lab: Automobile Price Prediction – Exploring the Dataset
Lecture 7: Lab: Automobile Price Prediction – Using TensorFlow for Prediction
Lecture 8: Hyperparameters
Lecture 9: Vanishing and Exploding Gradients
Lecture 10: The Bias-Variance Trade-off
Lecture 11: Preventing Overfitting
Lecture 12: Lab: Iris Flower Classification
Chapter 11: Classifiers and Classification
Lecture 1: Classification as an ML Problem
Lecture 2: Confusion Matrix: Accuracy, Precision and Recall
Lecture 3: Decision Thresholds and The Precision-Recall Trade-off
Lecture 4: F1 Scores and The ROC Curve
Chapter 12: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Lecture 1: Mimicking the Visual Cortex
Lecture 2: Convolution
Lecture 3: Choice of Kernel Functions
Lecture 4: Zero Padding and Stride Size
Lecture 5: CNNs vs DNNs
Lecture 6: Feature Maps
Lecture 7: Pooling
Lecture 8: Lab: Classification of Street View House Numbers – Exploring the Dataset
Lecture 9: Basic Architecture of a CNN
Lecture 10: Lab: Classification of Street View House Numbers – Building the Model
Loony Corn
An ex-Google, Stanford and Flipkart team
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 11 votes
- 3 stars: 41 votes
- 4 stars: 111 votes
- 5 stars: 134 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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