Teradata Fundamentals – Comprehensive SQL course on Teradata
Teradata Fundamentals – Comprehensive SQL course on Teradata, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 79 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 816 reviews, and has 3490 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn Teradata Architecture and it's components Learn the concepts of Primary,Secondary and No Primary Index in Teradata Create a Database,User and Profile in Teardata Learn Basic SQL fundamentals Learn SQL concepts like Aggregate Functions,Joins,Subquery See the difference between Rank,Dense_Rank and Row number See the difference between Cumulative Sum,Moving Average and Moving Count See the difference b/w Views and Macros in Teradata Case Statement,Coalesce Function and Partitioning in Teradata Learn the Teradata famous utilities: FASTLOAD,MULTILOAD,BTEQ and FASTEXPORT This course is ideal for individuals who are Students/Professionals curious about learning Teradata SQL or Professionals who wants to learn Teradata SQL for further enhancement of their knowledge and skill sets. or University Students/Fresh Graduates looking for a career in the field of Database,DWH,BI or Data Science It is particularly useful for Students/Professionals curious about learning Teradata SQL or Professionals who wants to learn Teradata SQL for further enhancement of their knowledge and skill sets. or University Students/Fresh Graduates looking for a career in the field of Database,DWH,BI or Data Science.
Enroll now: Teradata Fundamentals – Comprehensive SQL course on Teradata
Title: Teradata Fundamentals – Comprehensive SQL course on Teradata
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 79
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 70
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 75
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn Teradata Architecture and it's components
- Learn the concepts of Primary,Secondary and No Primary Index in Teradata
- Create a Database,User and Profile in Teardata
- Learn Basic SQL fundamentals
- Learn SQL concepts like Aggregate Functions,Joins,Subquery
- See the difference between Rank,Dense_Rank and Row number
- See the difference between Cumulative Sum,Moving Average and Moving Count
- See the difference b/w Views and Macros in Teradata
- Case Statement,Coalesce Function and Partitioning in Teradata
- Learn the Teradata famous utilities: FASTLOAD,MULTILOAD,BTEQ and FASTEXPORT
Who Should Attend
- Students/Professionals curious about learning Teradata SQL
- Professionals who wants to learn Teradata SQL for further enhancement of their knowledge and skill sets.
- University Students/Fresh Graduates looking for a career in the field of Database,DWH,BI or Data Science
Target Audiences
- Students/Professionals curious about learning Teradata SQL
- Professionals who wants to learn Teradata SQL for further enhancement of their knowledge and skill sets.
- University Students/Fresh Graduates looking for a career in the field of Database,DWH,BI or Data Science
Why Teradata Database:
Teradata is considered to be one of the most popular database management system,famous for large data warehousing applications .Also, It is capable of handling large volumes of data and is highly scalable.
Why to Learn SQL:
SQL aka Structured Query Language is the most popular database language so it’s use is everywhere whether we talk about Database,Data warehousing,Data Science or BI.Many big companies like Deloitte,Amazon,Netflix etc using this language to retrieve data from database.Important thing needs to understand that,the basic syntax of SQL for all databases is the same, so, if you have mastered SQL on Teradata, the use of SQL on other databases would not be a problem for you.
Career Perspective:
If you want to pursue a career in one of the above fields this course is right for you.In this course, we will make your foundation by starting from very basic and then later in the course,we’ll cover some advance topics , so, in-case you are very new or have no knowledge of SQL,by the end this course,you will attain maximum knowledge of SQL.
Another aspect of this course is that not only I am going through all the concepts but also give the practical demonstration by writing SQL queries in Teradata SQL assistant tool.
The pace of this course is very slow,means,I will emphasize ample time on the subject and will try to cover everything that I can.
After this Course:
Once your are done with the course,you will have maximum knowledge of SQL and can apply these concepts in different fields as mentioned above.
Have a Great Learning..!!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Teradata Getting Started
Lecture 1: Database Overview
Lecture 2: Teradata Installation and Teradata Studio(NEW VERSION)
Lecture 3: Create Database and Table in Teradata Studio
Lecture 4: Installation and Configuration Teradata Tools(OLD Version)
Lecture 5: Teradata Architecture
Lecture 6: Primary Index in Teradata
Lecture 7: Secondary Index in Teradata
Lecture 8: Multiset and Set Tables
Lecture 9: NOPI in Teradata
Lecture 10: Types of Spaces in Teradata
Lecture 11: Teradata SQL:Union and Union All
Lecture 12: Primary Index and Primary Key Difference
Lecture 13: Important Message..!!
Lecture 14: RAID Technology
Chapter 2: Loading Data into Teradata Vantage from Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
Lecture 1: Loading data into Vantage from Azure Blob Storage
Chapter 3: Brief Overview Teradata Administrator
Lecture 1: Create Database in Teradata Administrator
Lecture 2: Create a User in Teradata
Lecture 3: Create Profile for Users
Chapter 4: Teradata SQL Startup Lectures
Lecture 2: ALTER and UPDATE Command
Lecture 3: Select Statement and Where clause
Lecture 4: Order by Clause
Lecture 5: EXTRACT Command
Chapter 5: String Manipulation in Teradata
Lecture 1: Concatenate Function
Lecture 2: Substring Function
Lecture 3: Index Function
Lecture 4: Trim Function
Lecture 5: Upper and Lower Function
Chapter 6: Basic Operators in Teradata SQL
Lecture 1: Arithmetic Operators
Lecture 2: AND Operator
Lecture 3: OR Operator
Lecture 4: Between Operator
Lecture 5: IN Operator
Lecture 6: Like Operator
Lecture 7: IS NULL Operator
Lecture 8: Practice Questions
Chapter 7: Aggregate Functions
Lecture 1: Overview of Aggregate Functions
Lecture 2: Having and Where Clause
Lecture 3: Aggregate Functions Practice
Chapter 8: Subqueries
Lecture 1: Subquery with SELECT statement
Lecture 2: Subquery with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
Lecture 3: Correlated Subquery
Lecture 4: Correlated Subquery and Non Correlated Subquery
Chapter 9: Teradata SQL: Joins
Lecture 1: Inner Join,Outer Join and Cartesian Product Overview
Lecture 2: Self Join
Lecture 3: Join Practice Questions
Chapter 10: Analytical Functions
Lecture 1: Row Number
Lecture 2: Rank and Dense Rank Part 1
Lecture 3: Rank and Dense Rank Part 2
Lecture 4: Where,Having and Qualify Explanation and Difference
Lecture 5: Cummulative Sum,Moving Average and Moving Count Examples
Chapter 11: Teradata Advanced SQL Concepts
Lecture 1: Case Statement in SQL
Lecture 2: Coalesce Function
Lecture 3: Partitioning in Teradata
Lecture 4: Views in Teradata SQL
Lecture 5: Macros in Teradata SQL
Chapter 12: Teradata Standlone Utilities and Teradata Parallel Transporter(TPT)
Lecture 1: FastLoad Utility in Teradata
Lecture 2: MultiLoad Utility in Teradata
Lecture 3: BTEQ Utility in Teradata
Lecture 4: FASTEXPORT Utility in Teradata
Lecture 5: Teradata Parallel Transporter(TPT)
Lecture 6: Teradata Parallel Transporter(TPT) – TPTEXPORT
Chapter 13: SQL Exam
Chapter 14: Overview of Datawarehousing
Lecture 1: Overview of OLTP
Lecture 2: DataWarehousing Concepts
Lecture 3: Benefits and Limitation of Data Warehouse
Lecture 4: ETL in Data Warehousing
Lecture 5: ETL Vs ELT
Lecture 6: Dimensional Modeling Design Steps
Lecture 7: Star Schema,Snowflake Schema and Galaxy Schema
Lecture 8: Slowly Changing Dimension
Saad Qureshi
Computer Scientist || Freelancer || Programmer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 21 votes
- 2 stars: 28 votes
- 3 stars: 116 votes
- 4 stars: 306 votes
- 5 stars: 345 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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