Test Automation with Katalon Studio (Selenium WebDriver)
Test Automation with Katalon Studio (Selenium WebDriver), available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 118 lectures, 14 quizzes, based on 661 reviews, and has 3938 subscribers.
You will learn about Fair understanding to automate any web application using katalon GIT integration with Katalon Studio Detailed understanding of using Selenium Webdriver feature within Katalon Studio This course is ideal for individuals who are 1- Any professional who wants to try hands in Automation or 2- All manual tester and proactive manager who wants to see fast execution of task with each passing sprint It is particularly useful for 1- Any professional who wants to try hands in Automation or 2- All manual tester and proactive manager who wants to see fast execution of task with each passing sprint.
Enroll now: Test Automation with Katalon Studio (Selenium WebDriver)
Title: Test Automation with Katalon Studio (Selenium WebDriver)
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 118
Number of Quizzes: 14
Number of Published Lectures: 101
Number of Published Quizzes: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 133
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 115
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Fair understanding to automate any web application using katalon
- GIT integration with Katalon Studio
- Detailed understanding of using Selenium Webdriver feature within Katalon Studio
Who Should Attend
- 1- Any professional who wants to try hands in Automation
- 2- All manual tester and proactive manager who wants to see fast execution of task with each passing sprint
Target Audiences
- 1- Any professional who wants to try hands in Automation
- 2- All manual tester and proactive manager who wants to see fast execution of task with each passing sprint
Are you a QA/Manager and want to learn automation to automate your routine task? but due to limited knowledge of programming language and basics of HTML, CSS and javascript, you never caste your focus on automation to automate your monotonous tasks
Then here is the Good news for you!!!!! this course will teach you automation with Katalon Studio which is written on top of Selenium and Appium. In addition to this, Katalon Studio has been designed for pro automation engineer as well as for basic users like manual testers and proactive managers who don’t have ever written a single line of automation script. For ease of manual testers and beginners in Automation, Katalon Studio team has created Readable Keywords for almost all actions that any naive user can use with little effort. This tool has a feature to give a dose of Selenium Scripting gradually once the user gets comfortable with this tool.
For pro automation engineers this is Selenium with better features along with better action mapped keywords that can be used with java and groovy with great ease.
Katalon Studio has made it easy to use this tool by embedding Eclipse and all Selenium related Jar already downloaded with tool setup. So the user doesn’t need to download Selenium, TestNGjars or any other API jarseparately to work with Katalon Studio because everything comes as a single package and that can use right away.
Best Features of Katalon Studio
It uses Selenium at best capacity, So whatever you think can be done through Selenium, can be done with Katalon Studio as well.
Provides Reports for each of the suite execution with the feature of parallel execution in different browser
Every action can be tracked through logs
Provides an interface to integrate GIT, CI Tools and JIRA
The learning curve is really short, any user with prior knowledge of Selenium can start using it right away.
Katalon Studio seems to be an outstanding automation tool with the shortest learning curve for test Automation of web application.
So hope you will enjoy your learning on test automation with Katalon Studio and Selenium.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Katalon Studion Introduction and Syllabus
Lecture 1: Course Introduction and Syllabus
Lecture 2: Katalon Studio V5.7 : Cucumber BDD Support Added and on app activation
Lecture 3: Complete Project In Zip Form
Chapter 2: Katalon Studio Installation
Lecture 1: Katalon Studio Introduction
Lecture 2: Installation of Katalon Studio
Chapter 3: Test Object Handling | Finding Elements on Web Page
Lecture 1: What is Test Object
Lecture 2: CSS Selector
Lecture 3: Relative Xpath
Lecture 4: Spy Web Introduction
Lecture 5: Playing with Test Object
Chapter 4: Creating Script by all three ways in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Creating first test case using Record & Replay feature of Katalon Studio
Lecture 2: Creating first test case using Manual Mode
Chapter 5: Handling Browser
Lecture 1: Browser handling in Manual Mode
Lecture 2: Handling browser in script mode
Chapter 6: Handling Textfield
Lecture 1: Handling text field in script mode
Chapter 7: Handling Checkbox
Lecture 1: Handling checkbox in manual mode
Lecture 2: Handling checkbox in script mode
Chapter 8: Handling Radio button
Lecture 1: Handling radio button in script mode
Lecture 2: Handling radio button in Manual Mode
Chapter 9: Handling dropdown
Lecture 1: Handling dropdown in manual mode
Lecture 2: Handling dropdown in script mode
Chapter 10: Handling multiple windows
Lecture 1: Handling multiple windows using index in manual mode
Lecture 2: Handling multiple windows using index and title method in script mode
Chapter 11: Handling alerts in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Definition of alert, confirm and prompt box
Lecture 2: Handling alert, prompt and confirm box
Chapter 12: Handling iframe in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Handling iFrame using Switch To Frame
Lecture 2: Handling iframe without switching to iframe
Chapter 13: Variables in Katalon Studio and It's use with example
Lecture 1: Private, Public and Global Variable with Example
Chapter 14: Taking screenshot in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Taking screenshot when test case fails
Chapter 15: Keyboard Action in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Typing string in upper letters by pressing SHIFT Key and also performing CTRL+T
Lecture 2: Opening new Tab in Browser using key combination in Script Mode
Chapter 16: Mouse action in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Double Click and Focusing on Element
Lecture 2: Double Click and Focusing on Element In Script Mode
Lecture 3: Scroll to Element, Hover on Element and Focus Action with Example
Lecture 4: Drag And Drop Action in Katalon Studio
Chapter 17: Custom Keywords in Katalon Studio(Writing utility methods in Katalon)
Lecture 1: Introduction of Custom Keywords
Lecture 2: Creating first Custom Keyword (Open and Maximize Browser Window)
Chapter 18: Database testing using custom keyword in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Establishing database connection and executing first query
Lecture 2: Table Creation using Custom Keyword in Katalon Studio
Lecture 3: Insert data in table
Lecture 4: Deleting row from table and dropping table from database
Lecture 5: Executing custom keywords in Script Mode
Chapter 19: JavaScript Executor custom keyword in Katalon(Selenium implementation)
Lecture 1: JavaScript Executor Custom Keyword
Chapter 20: Test Suite in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Create first test suite and re-run failed test cases.
Lecture 2: Parallel browser execution of test suites in Katalon Studio
Chapter 21: Reports in Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: What is Test Execution Report
Lecture 2: Reports In Katalon Studio With Practical Example
Lecture 3: Exporting Test Execution Report
Chapter 22: Katalon Analytics
Lecture 1: What is Katalon Analytics
Lecture 2: Setting up Katalon Analytics in Katalon Studio
Lecture 3: Uploading Reports to Katalon Analytics Automatically
Chapter 23: Importing Project In Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Importing project in Katalon Studio
Chapter 24: Test Listeners (Test Hooks) – Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: What is Test Listeners(Test Hooks)
Lecture 2: Creating Test Listeners in Katalon Studio – BeforeTestCase and AfterTestCase
Lecture 3: BeforeTestSuite And AfterTestSuite Annotation with Example
Lecture 4: Facts to Remember(Important)
Chapter 25: GIT Integration In Katalon Studio
Lecture 1: Creating One Remote Repository for Katalon Project
Lecture 2: Enabling GIT in Katalon Studio
Lecture 3: Converting existing Katalon Project in to GIT Repository
Lecture 4: Pushing your Code to GIT Using Katalon
Chapter 26: What is Web Service and Its Type
Lecture 1: What is Web Service, Its Example and Type of Web Services?
Lecture 2: What is REST API | 4 Principles | Benefit of Using Rest API
Lecture 3: What is REST API (Left Out)
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 19 votes
- 3 stars: 83 votes
- 4 stars: 277 votes
- 5 stars: 273 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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