TestOps – Continuous Testing in DevOps with Jenkins, Python
TestOps – Continuous Testing in DevOps with Jenkins, Python, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 73 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 20 reviews, and has 479 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the principles of Continuous Testing and TestOps, including its significance in agile and DevOps Integrate testing activities into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline Utilize testing tools and frameworks suitable for continuous testing In-depth knowledge about Automated Testing in a Agile and DevOps team Detailed usage of tools and techniques – like Python, Pytest, Jenkins, Git, GitHub This course is ideal for individuals who are Testers who want to enhance their skills in continuous testing and understand how to integrate testing activities within the CI/CD pipeline or Automation engineers seeking to optimize their test automation strategies or Developers who want to learn how to collaborate with testers and integrate testing into their continuous integration workflow. or DevOps practitioners interested in expanding their knowledge of continuous testing as an integral part of the DevOps culture or Agile team members, including Scrum Masters and Product Owners, who want to understand how continuous testing contributes to agile software development or Project managers who aim to optimize testing processes and improve the overall software quality through continuous testing practices. or IT managers and leaders responsible for implementing continuous testing strategies within their organizations. or Anyone who wants to learn about continuous testing, its benefits, and how it fits into the broader context of continuous integration and continuous delivery It is particularly useful for Testers who want to enhance their skills in continuous testing and understand how to integrate testing activities within the CI/CD pipeline or Automation engineers seeking to optimize their test automation strategies or Developers who want to learn how to collaborate with testers and integrate testing into their continuous integration workflow. or DevOps practitioners interested in expanding their knowledge of continuous testing as an integral part of the DevOps culture or Agile team members, including Scrum Masters and Product Owners, who want to understand how continuous testing contributes to agile software development or Project managers who aim to optimize testing processes and improve the overall software quality through continuous testing practices. or IT managers and leaders responsible for implementing continuous testing strategies within their organizations. or Anyone who wants to learn about continuous testing, its benefits, and how it fits into the broader context of continuous integration and continuous delivery.
Enroll now: TestOps – Continuous Testing in DevOps with Jenkins, Python
Title: TestOps – Continuous Testing in DevOps with Jenkins, Python
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 73
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 73
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 79
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 79
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the principles of Continuous Testing and TestOps, including its significance in agile and DevOps
- Integrate testing activities into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline
- Utilize testing tools and frameworks suitable for continuous testing
- In-depth knowledge about Automated Testing in a Agile and DevOps team
- Detailed usage of tools and techniques – like Python, Pytest, Jenkins, Git, GitHub
Who Should Attend
- Testers who want to enhance their skills in continuous testing and understand how to integrate testing activities within the CI/CD pipeline
- Automation engineers seeking to optimize their test automation strategies
- Developers who want to learn how to collaborate with testers and integrate testing into their continuous integration workflow.
- DevOps practitioners interested in expanding their knowledge of continuous testing as an integral part of the DevOps culture
- Agile team members, including Scrum Masters and Product Owners, who want to understand how continuous testing contributes to agile software development
- Project managers who aim to optimize testing processes and improve the overall software quality through continuous testing practices.
- IT managers and leaders responsible for implementing continuous testing strategies within their organizations.
- Anyone who wants to learn about continuous testing, its benefits, and how it fits into the broader context of continuous integration and continuous delivery
Target Audiences
- Testers who want to enhance their skills in continuous testing and understand how to integrate testing activities within the CI/CD pipeline
- Automation engineers seeking to optimize their test automation strategies
- Developers who want to learn how to collaborate with testers and integrate testing into their continuous integration workflow.
- DevOps practitioners interested in expanding their knowledge of continuous testing as an integral part of the DevOps culture
- Agile team members, including Scrum Masters and Product Owners, who want to understand how continuous testing contributes to agile software development
- Project managers who aim to optimize testing processes and improve the overall software quality through continuous testing practices.
- IT managers and leaders responsible for implementing continuous testing strategies within their organizations.
- Anyone who wants to learn about continuous testing, its benefits, and how it fits into the broader context of continuous integration and continuous delivery
Continuous Testing with Jenkins, Python Pytest, and Git is a comprehensive course designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge to implement continuous testing practices in their software development projects. In today’s fast-paced software industry, the demand for rapid and reliable software delivery is at an all-time high. Continuous testing is a critical component of the DevOpsculture, ensuring that code changes are continuously validated and integrated into the development CI/CD pipeline.
The course then delves into the core tools that form the backbone of continuous testing: Python Pytest for Test Automation, Git GitHub for Code Repository and Jenkins as CI/CD Server.
Python Pytest, a popular testing framework, will be explored in-depth. Participants will discover how to write and execute test cases using Pytest, leverage fixtures, and generate informative test reports. The course covers best practices for organizing test suites and handling test data effectively.
The integration of Git, a version control system, into the continuous testing process will also be demonstrated. Learners will learn how to manage test scripts and test data in Git repositories, enabling versioning and collaboration among team members.
Jenkins is a powerful and widely used automation server that enables seamless integration of testing into the CI/CD pipeline. Learners will learn how to set up Jenkins and configure it to execute automated tests on each code commit, ensuring continuous feedback and early detection of defects.
Practical hands-on exercises and real-world projects will allow participants to apply their knowledge and skills in real-life scenarios. They will build a continuous testing pipeline from scratch, integrating Jenkins, Python Pytest, and Git effectively.
By the end of the course, participants will be adept at setting up a robust and automated continuous testing framework, capable of detecting and addressing defects early in the development process. They will be equipped with the expertise to contribute to the success of agile and DevOps-driven software development projects.
Continuous Testing with Jenkins, Python Pytest, and Git is an essential course for software testers, developers, QA engineers, and DevOps practitioners seeking to elevate the quality of their software releases, accelerate development cycles, and stay ahead in the dynamic world of modern software development.
This course is carefully designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to take your test automation expertise to the next level.
Sign up now and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!
Thank You!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: DevOps pipeline
Lecture 3: TestOps – Continuous Testing
Lecture 4: Tools, technologies
Lecture 5: Test Automation, Types of Tests
Lecture 6: Jenkins for Continuous Testing
Chapter 2: Test Automation Framework
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: Why Python
Lecture 3: About Pytest and Why Pytest
Lecture 4: About Pycharm: Install/Configuration
Lecture 5: Create Automation Project
Lecture 6: Install Python packages
Lecture 7: First Test & Pytest Rules
Lecture 8: API Server For Testing
Lecture 9: Config Files and confiparser(1/2)
Lecture 10: Config Files and confiparser(2/2)
Lecture 11: Run/Execute Tests
Lecture 12: Write Utils
Lecture 13: Write API Tests(1/2)
Lecture 14: Write API Tests(2/2)
Chapter 3: Jenkins on windows
Lecture 1: Jenkins Intro
Lecture 2: Jenkins Installation(Win)
Lecture 3: Jenkins Basics – console walkthru(1/3)
Lecture 4: Jenkins Basics – console walkthru(2/3)
Lecture 5: Jenkins Basics – console walkthru(3/3)
Lecture 6: Jenkins Basics – Job types
Lecture 7: Freestyle Job Jenkins(Windows)
Lecture 8: Jenkins Basics – plugins(1/2)
Lecture 9: Jenkins Basics – plugins(2/2)
Lecture 10: Jenkins Basics – Job triggers
Lecture 11: Jenkins Basics – Job trigger example
Lecture 12: Jenkins Basics – Execute concurrent & Build Executors
Lecture 13: Execute Test in Development Env(1/2)
Lecture 14: Execute Test in Development Env(2/2)
Chapter 4: Git GitHub/Bitbucket Basics
Lecture 1: Git Basics
Lecture 2: Github Desktop
Lecture 3: Push code to GitHub
Lecture 4: Notes On Repo
Lecture 5: Jenkins With GitHub
Chapter 5: Jenkins on Linux
Lecture 1: Jenkins Installation Linux(1/2)
Lecture 2: Jenkins Installation Linux(2/2)
Lecture 3: Freestyle Job Jenkins(Linux)(1/2)
Lecture 4: Freestyle Job Jenkins(Linux)(2/2)
Lecture 5: Pyenv & Venv
Lecture 6: Install Pyenv(1/2)
Lecture 7: Install Pyenv(2/2)
Lecture 8: Freestyle APITests Job(1/4)
Lecture 9: Freestyle APITests Job(2/4)
Lecture 10: Freestyle APITests Job(3/4)
Lecture 11: Freestyle APITests Job(4/4)
Lecture 12: Jenkins Credentials Intro
Lecture 13: Jenkins-GitHub Integration
Chapter 6: Jenkins – Pipelines
Lecture 1: Jenkins Pipeline Intro
Lecture 2: Jenkins Pipeline Job(1/2)
Lecture 3: Jenkins Pipeline Job(2/2)
Lecture 4: Jenkins Declarative Pipelines
Lecture 5: Pipeline APITests Job(1/3)
Lecture 6: Pipeline APITests Job(2/3)
Lecture 7: Pipeline APITests Job(3/3)
Chapter 7: CI/CD & Continous Testing
Lecture 1: What is CI/CD
Lecture 2: What is Continous Testing
Lecture 3: Pipeline as code Intro
Lecture 4: Pipeline as code(1/2)
Lecture 5: Pipeline as code(2/2)
Chapter 8: Continous Testing/Continous Monitoring
Lecture 1: Section Intro
Lecture 2: Pipeline Job Chaining
Lecture 3: Freestyle Job chaining
Lecture 4: Job chaining- Build After
Lecture 5: Continuous Monitoring
Lecture 6: Test result analysis and visualization
Lecture 7: Test Reporting
Chapter 9: Bonus Section – Thanks
Lecture 1: Linux Installation on VirtualBox
Lecture 2: Thanks
Kumar S
SDET, Lead Architect
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 14 votes
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