The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced
The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced, available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.59, with 585 lectures, 197 quizzes, based on 4399 reviews, and has 30046 subscribers.
You will learn about C++ 20 Ranges Concepts Modules Coroutines C++ 17 C++ 14 C++ 11 C++98 Operator Overlading classes variables and data types Inheritance Polymorphism Const correctness static variables Class Templates Exceptions Move semantics Stl containers, iterators and algorithms Function like entities and callbacks Lambda expressions Character manipulation and strings Return value optimization And much more! This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring developers or Students and researchers or Existing C++ developers willing to spice up on C++ 20 It is particularly useful for Aspiring developers or Students and researchers or Existing C++ developers willing to spice up on C++ 20.
Enroll now: The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced
Title: The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.59
Number of Lectures: 585
Number of Quizzes: 197
Number of Published Lectures: 585
Number of Published Quizzes: 192
Number of Curriculum Items: 805
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 800
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- C++ 20
- Ranges
- Concepts
- Modules
- Coroutines
- C++ 17
- C++ 14
- C++ 11
- C++98
- Operator Overlading
- classes
- variables and data types
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Const correctness
- static variables
- Class Templates
- Exceptions
- Move semantics
- Stl containers, iterators and algorithms
- Function like entities and callbacks
- Lambda expressions
- Character manipulation and strings
- Return value optimization
- And much more!
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring developers
- Students and researchers
- Existing C++ developers willing to spice up on C++ 20
Target Audiences
- Aspiring developers
- Students and researchers
- Existing C++ developers willing to spice up on C++ 20
Welcome to the C++ 20 Masterclass! A course designed to teach you cutting edge modern C++ from the absolute beginning all the way to very advanced topics, the topics you need in areas where C++ is used massively in modern times. Want to be a confident game developer? High performance applications in the financial sector, how about powerful software modules on top of which server systems, network infrastructure, database systems, even operating systems themselves run on top of? Well C++ is the dominant language used in these areas and many more! C++ is the programming language even other programming languages and technologies like NodeJS, PHP, Java, JavaScript and many more are written in.
By learning modern C++, you will be setting yourself up for success in writing software that runs devices ranging from bare metal embedded devices, to mainstream electronic tech products like fridges, toasters, to networking infrastructure like routers and switches, all the way to power plants, manufacturing facilities and medical equipment. C++ is simply everywhere!
This course was carefully designed in a way that it will make you ready to take on technologies and industries where C++ is widely used, by teaching you Modern C++ the way it is used in industry, and you will learn and master how to use shiny new features from the latest C++ standard (C++20) like ranges, modules coroutines, concepts, the three way comparison infrastructure and many more features spread out through out chapters and lectures in the course.
This course will teach you modern C++ from the absolute beginning all the way to a point where you can use advanced features like function templates, class templates, polymorphism, move semantics, functors , callbacks, STL container, iterators and algorithms, I will even show you how to build iterators for your own collection types, giving you the tools to plug into the infrastructure provided by the C++ standard library to tune it to your own needs. Here are some of the things you’ll get to master through this course :
Variables and data types
Const correctness
Static variables
Storage duration
One Definition rule
Operator Overloading
Three way comparison infrastructure
Function like entities
Move semantics
STL containers, iterators and algorithms
And much more!
By the time you’re done with the course, you will be ready to use modern C++ with standards C++ 11,C++14, C++17 and C++ 20, but you will also have the tools necessary to read, understand and work with older C++ code bases with C++98 and below out there, making your C++ skills valuable across a wide range of areas regardless of the C++ standard in use.
The course was designed with complete beginners in mind. So if you have never programmed a computer before, don’t worry, I will be with you every step of the way, showing you around, teaching you the tools, constructs and mechanisms necessary to build real C++ projects.
Existing C++ developers or experienced developers from other programming languages will also get a lot of value from the course as we cover advanced topics not covered in other online courses and books as far as I can tell. These include things like building your own iterators, callback functions and many more.
Now C++ is a very powerful language used by big companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google, NASA, and many more across a wide range of products and I can talk about it all day. I am privileged to have been using it in my daily work for the last decade and I am excited to share my accumulated knowledge with you in this course.
If you are serious about learning and mastering cutting edge modern C++, then this course is designed with the skill, the patience and the depth needed to get there as efficiently as possible. Please check some of the preview lectures, and lets get you started with modern C++ development, using C++ 20 as our base standard.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Getting the most out of the course
Lecture 3: Source code, Slides and Questions [IMPORTANT]
Chapter 2: Environment Setup – [Windows – Linux – Mac]
Lecture 1: The Tools
Chapter 3: Environment setup – Windows
Lecture 1: Windows setup introduction
Lecture 2: Install and setup VS Code on Windows
Lecture 3: Microsoft Visual Studio Install – Windows
Lecture 4: VS Code setup with MSVC
Lecture 5: Install GCC & Clang – Windows
Lecture 6: Configure VS Code for GCC – Windows
Lecture 7: Configure VS Code for Clang – Windows
Lecture 8: Windows template project – All compilers
Lecture 9: Windows Development Environment setup – Summary
Chapter 4: Environment setup – Linux
Lecture 1: Linux environment setup – Introduction
Lecture 2: Install & setup VS Code on Linux
Lecture 3: Install GCC on Linux
Lecture 4: Configure VS Code for GCC – Linux
Lecture 5: Install Clang on Linux
Lecture 6: Configure VS Code for Clang – Linux
Lecture 7: Template Project – All compilers – Linux
Chapter 5: Environment setup – Mac
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Install and Setup Visual Studio Code
Lecture 3: Install GCC and Clang
Lecture 4: Configure VS Code for gcc
Lecture 5: Configure VS Code for Clang
Lecture 6: Template Project – All compilers
Chapter 6: Environmet setup – Other options
Lecture 1: Online Compilers
Lecture 2: About other IDEs
Chapter 7: Diving In
Lecture 1: Project Template
Lecture 2: Your First C++ Program
Lecture 3: Comments
Lecture 4: Errors
Lecture 5: Statements and Functions
Lecture 6: Data input and output
Lecture 7: C++ Program Execution Model
Lecture 8: C++ core language Vs Standard library Vs STL
Lecture 9: Summary
Chapter 8: Variables and Data Types
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Number Systems
Lecture 3: Decimals and Integers
Lecture 4: Integer Modifiers
Lecture 5: Fractional Numbers
Lecture 6: Booleans
Lecture 7: Characters And Text
Lecture 8: Auto
Lecture 9: Assignments
Lecture 10: Summary
Chapter 9: Operations on Data
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Basic Operations
Lecture 3: Precedence and Associativity
Lecture 4: Prefix/Postfix Increment & Decrement
Lecture 5: Compound Assignment Operators
Lecture 6: RelationalOperators
Lecture 7: Logical Operators
Lecture 8: Output formatting
Lecture 9: Numeric Limits
Lecture 10: Math Functions
Lecture 11: Weird Integral Types
Lecture 12: Summary
Chapter 10: Literals and Constants
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Literals
Lecture 3: Constants
Lecture 4: Constant Expressions
Lecture 5: constinit
Lecture 6: Summary
Chapter 11: Data Conversions : Overflow & Underflow
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Implicit Data Conversions
Lecture 3: Explicit Data Conversions
Lecture 4: Overflow and Underflow
Lecture 5: Summary
Chapter 12: Bitwise Operators
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Printing Integers in Binary
Lecture 3: Shift Operators
Daniel Gakwaya
Software Engineer at Blikoon Technologies
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 37 votes
- 2 stars: 47 votes
- 3 stars: 292 votes
- 4 stars: 1362 votes
- 5 stars: 2666 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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